>Bond. J'aquisha Bond.
>Hen' on ice. Don't be stirrin' that shit, nigguh.
Bond. J'aquisha Bond
Other urls found in this thread:
Fook ya cunt i'mma da real bond
>The Spy Who Dindu Nuffin
>Dat nigga wit da gold 'gat
>she boon
>The spy who my baby daddy is.
Dr nog
yeah its either gonna be Hen or a 40oz of olde english.
Or that liqqa in da purple bag
The next Bond is going to be a hermaphrodite?
colt 45 wif a stra
Do people still go to Bond movies?
I dont think they do.
So now they are going to try to appeal to everyone.
Also, I have been playing battlefield 5 recently. Hearing women screaming in agony as they die, over and over is pretty disturbing.
Bros. Why do I have the urge to fuck her?
You are attracted to manish looking women. There are plenty of attractive black women. This is not one of them.
>Shaken, not twerked
James Bond is a real fictional character with a real fictional background. Why dont they just make a new character and story line?
Oh yeah kikes virture signaling for shekels...
That's nice
Let.me try
>Hearing women screaming in agony as they die, over and over is pretty sexy.
Bail bond
>from Compton with love
>You only nig twice
Checked and kek’d
>Straight Outta Compton With Child Support
So wait
Did I miss something
Is bond really a "woman"nigger now?
top lel
B'd and rp'd
You posted this word for word in the other Bond thread, you massive faggot shill
Yea idk either
Every movie will be remade with "female" nigger leads from now on.
This isn't the type of thing that upsets me. I just won't watch it. Hell, I watch very few movies anyway. I will say I was surprised how much better I thought the Craig movies were than previous Bond movies. But I can't imagine any studio thinking it will be as successful. My guess is this will be an example of get woke, go broke. And of course, they will just blame the racist, sexist structure for their failure. It's all so tiresome.
It’s not disturbing, it’s just really fucking annoying. The pilots and tank drivers are only female, so whenever one explodes you not only see their bodies ragdoll in a goofy fashion but you also hear their stupid yodeling scream.
A running joke in the Bond series is how quickly 00 agents other than James die. Her death will bring him out of retirement. She WILL NOT be the main character,
Also the only person to resist Bonds advances should be money penny
>Dr. Aw Hell No
What in the fuck.
>Let's see fellow likes.
>We've managed to run several massive movie franchises into the ground lately.
>we can't possibly continue like this
>how should we.plan our next.move
>"Hold my menorah and watch this"
I don't even know why I bothered looking it up. Oh well. Another 6(00)million down the drain again. I wish these fucking bastards would actually go broke. Sad that the entire plan is backed by literal banks
I finally put my finger on it: this image is a promo for the live action Zoidberg movie.
Loving this angry greek
Do other minorities enjoy having niggers shoved down their throat all the time? Any non-white anons care to chime in? I’ve noticed that “diversity” in movies is just about having niggers in it. Why not have like an Indian or Latina James Bond?
KIKES you fucking phone
The word is kikes
I'm going to untrain the fuck out of your smartkeyboard garbage you kike fucking piece of shit
>At my niggas secret crackhouse
But if they went and made a new character, they wouldn't be able to destroy an existing one that millions of men enjoyed.
I like how the article keeps suggesting how beautiful she is. By any metric she is ugly as fuck, but I guess having shit skin automatically qualifies her as drop dead gorgeous.
>Nig and then die
She's ugly even for a boomqueesha
It wasn't enough for them, they had to get the most buck dyke congo bitch possible lmao
I don't know why they keep doing this and expecting a different outcome.
Normal people will just stop watching movies. Pozzed people and 56% will keep watching that shit and the divide will continue to grow even further.
This is the 2nd time tonight I've seen this accusation. Either post a fucking source or fuck off and die from SUPER AIDS.
>never say nigger again
at least its a black guy and not a woman right Jow Forums
wot ye say bout muh queen yer cunt
God i hope so. Niggers can't afford movies and even when they shell out for it in a group of 30 one of them starts a huge fight and they all end up arrested anyway
>License to Nig
when will they make a movie with black transgender Hitler?
>Scratch Lottery Royal
>Solace of Wealthfare
>Chimpout Royale
Bond then proceeds to drink most of her drink before attempting to return it to the bartender, complaining it didn't taste right and insisting on a refund or a new drink. After being refused, she walks away without tipping.
>On her majesty's secret period
movie for cucks and goylem
if you watch it, deep down you'll always know that you're nothing more than a cheap whore
>tha worldstar is not enough
>Tamara never dies
>niggers I let live niggers I let die
Lashana Lynch will play 007 in new James Bond movie: report
Kek'd and based
>the spy who stole my bike
Couldn't they at least found a decent looking female groid and not one that has butch looks?
Almost ugly, in fact.
The living color broa yu dum bitch did ya even charg ma sell fone itta be da one i be recorden dez nuts daylight on an sum sheeit.
oh mah godd check these doubles
pour summadat fotay out for 006 muh nigguh,
Lol why are you posting these daily
>Licence to welfare
Based. RIP trayvonalyn
Don't we have some pics of a black guy and a white guy getting skinned by some mexican cartel that we can put side by side?
>Never say nigger again
I don't know what created you but you're an absolute madlad, keep up the redpills
Reparations are not enough
They just spent the last bunch of films establishing that James Bond was from some Scottish aristocrat family and now they're gonna say that Shaniqua is a Scottish aristocrat eh.
Damn, for a dude that has a country with virtually zero black people in it you sure do understand their stereotypes pretty well.
underrated comment
>yfw shitposts on a viennese boat repair forum about a multimillion dollar movie are more entertaining than the multimillion dollar movie
Why thank you "feminist writer". You truly are a treasure to the entertainment world.
Ayo hol up
>From Latisha with weave