They directly and systematically murdered millions of Slavs, Jews, and Gypsies through gassing, shootings, and slave labor. MILLIONS. Millions outside of combat. Millions of civilians murdered at mass death camps. These are absolute facts. FACTS. No matter how much you edgy little kids want to deny it, no matter how much you want to LARP as a Nazi, no matter how much made up evidence, statistics, and terrible arguments you push by the likes of holocaust deniers like David Irving, IT IS STILL AND WILL ALWAYS REMAIN A FACT.
The Nazi's were pure evil
True, but the jews inherited that evil because they genocide inocent palestinians nowadays
fun fact: who gives a shit
Irving literally takes what he finds in the archives and diaries of the actual people whose lives made the history and then transfers it into books. What he has presented is what he found. It's real history. Continue believing your baloney
Disingenuous piece of shit, comparing war casualties with the systematic and direct slaughter of civilians. Where are the death camps were Jews are killing millions of Palestinians systematically?
Irving got his ass handed to him in court TWICE for making things up.
prove it then.
Moshe, afraid all of that free money you holoHOAX junkies have been extorting from the world, based on LIES, will run out and you'll have to find work?
>The Nazi's were pure evil
neutral evil.
Read a book, you retarded redneck trash.
National socialist part. They were socialist liberals. They were closer to today's democrats. You dont want to be called liberal Democrats, do you?
You are one of the stupidest people I've ever seen on this website.
nice story, shlomo
Uh la la the share blues dropped their pic markings and are engage in their own hate threats. This is new. And they act out like vile beasts, what a surprise. Hope its worth the pay check, all the red pills will soon start working on you grasshopper. ^^
when mercel die do u have chance build new right wing govermnent?(which fucked up niggers)
>socialist liberals
If you knew what either of these words meant u wouldnt use them together in a sentence lawl
Fact ? Nope. Sage. Fucking kike, you make that thread every day, but i willtell you this:
I used to wish it was fake. Now i wish germans finished the job.
Books were written by people, who've proven time and again that they constantly lie and embellish and frankly forget experiences. How is that in any way reliable?
Hey idiot you know there were tons of different types of concentration camps right with different demographics in them?
Ones with POWs, Spaniards, Italians, and Portuguese are going to be different from ones with Slavs and Jews
>People starving to death through bombed supply lines is murder
>Muh Juden, remember the six million
The holocaust didn't happen, but it should have. And it should happen again. Over and over. Until the hooknose tribe is purged from the world
Nice digits user