Why do SJW brown girls like BWC so much Jow Forums? Have you ever seen something similar irl?
Brown SJW gets herself bleached. Seething when finding out he was a Trump supporter
Fucking lel bitch
That should be on r/thathappened
Because women don't care about good or evil, they only care about strong and weak. Women in all american colleges are being taught that the white man rules over oppressed people of the world with an iron fist. Nothing gets women wetter than that.
>That entire post and the way it's written
fake & gay
>we fucked
how ladylike
Fake as fuck. I've seen women completely change their entire views of the world for the fucking cock especially a "ldr" type of situation where 95% of the relationship is head cannon bullshit. They will literally turn into racists fuckheads over the cock. Women are extremely weak minded, if you don't believe me, actually try this, win over (ie, get her to say she loves you) a hardcore antifa socialist psychopath and then start dropping redpills. Eventually she'll be believing that shit.
This is 100% a LARP.
could've at least picked a state with some white people in it
I thought they knew all white men are Trump voters
Yeah, this is a straight up leftist kink romance story, her kink being conservative, normal white guys.
guy shouldn't have blocked her
black women will do anything for white dick, even vote Trump
>i'm a brown girl with transgender parents
>throws away her virginity on the first date
>actively undermines foreign political process
>unironic socialist
>get told off
I dunno what she was expecting.
>virginity a fake concept
the absolute state of roastie delusion kek.
this can't be fuckin real lol
This. Mississippi user here. The blackest state in America is the worst state in America? Color me shocked.
b8 post
Do we have an OP on there at the moment?
>flies to Australia for pussy
White men win.
That's totally not some divorced baldie living in a flyover.
I don't believe that happened exactly the way she described.
KEK, asian men cucked
>Flies to the opposite side of the planet to get colored pussy
Checks out
Well he is from Mississippi
I flew to Scotland. But that was only 90 minutes.
I just failed my nofap. Shit was hot.
Guessing there was a Patreon or GoFuckMe link for her in the replies.
We conquered the planet for it, it’s in his DNA.
Should have shouted "Heil Hitler Heil Victory" just as he creampied her.
Is this a poo or abbo?
You made this exact same thread a few hours ago. Fuck off faggot.
Where do you find such pics?
Jow Forums lmao
HAHAh, funny stuff.
Obviously a fake post
if it's fake they really nailed the annoying tumblerina style
>Some slut makes a post about wanting white cock
>Some moron on /pol presumes it's representative of the majority view or has any kind of statistical significance.
Chapo trap house is full of trolls I can't believe poltards fell for it.
>virginity is a fake concept
This is why the Left always loses. Objective physical reality cannot be denied when one must operate within it's laws.
Fake and gay
I wouldn't be surprised if one of the retards here wrote that shit for the rustlin'.
He wanted pussy, he got pussy. If they were best friends this wouldnt have put a wedge in it. He needed a reason to cut her out now that he got what he wanted.
Of course she feels unclean. She was used, and she let him use her. Have sympathy for her. But she has to move forward.
Now, about this brown girl with transgender parents, and being a teen -- how old was she, how old was he, and what does brown mean in Australian?
The girl in the OP is not black.
>I dunno what she was expecting.
I'm going to hazard a guess at "gibs"
Reform your caste system, you'll reform MS.
Because the uterus craves males with gainful employment and a sense of personal accountability who understand how to stay out of jail.
People fly to Thailand, Vietnam, Japan and China for Pussy. People move to the Phillippines to swim in LBFM pussy.
What's different about a trip to Australia?
coast area?