Why is circumcision still legal?

why is circumcision still legal?

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Because it makes boys not think with their dicks

trauma based mind control
circumfetishist doctors
jews (ADL & AIPAIC) and muzzies

religion circumvents law.

Why are you so obsessed with other men's dicks? You just can't help yourself.

We gave women the right to vote.

you should be allowed to mutilated your own dick but to choose for someone else, especially when it's a baby, should be banned


>why do you care about kids who are being mutilated
Why don't (you).

Kike scum

Because of the collagen in foreskins

Heeheehee how funny is it that a 5 year old boy ran away and hid to protect himself from his parents , who want to take him to a doctor to sexually torture and disfigure him for cosmetic reasons

Heehee how funny! Like a cat not wanting to go to the vet! Heehee!

1. doctors make money doing the surgery
2. circumcision became popular in the US in the first place because of retarded puritans like John Kellogg (and also kikes). special interests make sure it stays popular

Because men are treated like crap by society.

Not true in the least. The only guy I ever met that consistently ruined his life with bad relationships was also circumcised

It never was here in the first place.

stfu goy
pay your taxes pump out mutilated slaves and then die from heroin you fucking white piece of shit

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Boys in society are treated worse than animals, in some states you can't de claw a cat. Animals have protections . Boys have none

da kykes!

So did the rest of the world, circumcision only exists in yours and other Semitic shitholes

John Kellogg was a kike sympathizer and shabbos goy who literally wrote about how much he admires Jews.

insane zionist protestants have a long history in the US

Rare tubesnake American here. I don't like shitties but even I feel bad for that kid.

There are so many circumfetishist doctors, one recently did an ama on reddit

They're open and brazen about their sexual sadism , what a fucking clown world

God, do I hate everything about this picture: the journowhore who thinks it's funny, the boy's mom traumatizing her child, the boy's cuck dad allowing this, the doctors lying about how this is good, the kikes controlled media promoting it and the cosmetic industry buying the foreskins from the doctors. I thought honking is the solution, but can't laugh anymore.

your tribes last stop.

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This happened in Malaysia or Indonesia. The UK reporting seemed quasi anti circ. But US reporting is either non existent or full of laughing emojis

He's probably an Arab or Jew who hates the religion, there's ZERO reason to do this shit anymore, it's sick.

Even worse is why a WOMAN is able to force a male child to dress like a girl and chop his dick off. This child should have protestors ringing his house and protecting him. He clearly does not want his dick chopped and I hope he hates his mother for the rest of her fucking life...and he will probably kill her as soon as he's old enough.

Talk about MY BODY MY CHOICE? Where is his?

>shlop shlop shlop

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Boys literally don't have rights. That's not hyperbole. No one treats boys as if they are human beings with body autonomy. Boys are tied down and mutilated , and no one sees anything wrong with this

Insectoids mutilate their kids too? Why?

shush goy, it's their religious practice.

>one recently did an ama on reddit
Where? This could turn into something big

Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country. So is Malaysia.

shrek is our savior our master

SO why not meme the female "my body my rights" back at them only for boys. Holy shit I cannot even believe this. Ya'll need to join an intactivist group, cut or not a child has rights not to be mutilated against his will. If FGM is bad...why is circumcision good?

>They actual find this funny

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I recently found out I'm going to be an uncle to a nephew. My family is of Jewish descent. I'll probably talk to my big bro and redpill him on circumcision.

It's not legal.

You have the right to your own body. Cutting off a healthy part of your body and mutilating it is a blatant violation of the human rights agreements.

It will never be legal.

god i hate my parents, but it is a giant redpill. if you ever think this society is not evil filth, just look down at the scar on your mutilated dick. a grown adult, able to act as a "doctor" took a knife when you were just born, and cut off the most sensitive nerves on your penis before you actually had any memories.

your first "memory" or memento on this earth is the scar on your dick.

no other animals, no other humans on this earth go out of their way to damage their offspring's reproductive organs. nothing else tries to damage their son's ability to reproduce.

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Women have the right to their own body by law, so why not men? Are we not equal under law?

Circumcision is good because it's a multi billion dollar organ harvesting industry and doctors are sociopaths chasing dollar signs

Did they snip him?

Literally so some 40 year old harpie can rub it on her face to try and retain hole value.

On the circumfetishist subreddit

Doctors push it because they get Paid to

america the land of celibate men by choice


it makes it easier to rape because the glans gets less sensitive and there is no foreskin that could rip.

Well, yeah.


give a link or thread title, faggot

My first memory is riding my bike on my third birthday nigger.
I didn't know my dick was cut and other guys weren't till I was like 13.
Also I thought this was a Christian board

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Of course he was . Pro cut retards are the borg. You will be assimilated.

The doctor told reporters that he "magically" decided to climb down and position himself for the procedure, after his teacher, an adult he trusted, came to talk to him

>another christfedora thread talking about baby dicks on Jow Forums in current year

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Amputee in denial.

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>Young child goes to life-threatening extremes in a desperate bid to avoid having his genitals mutilated
>Media: pic related

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Can't find it right now

Someone linked to it somewhere recently in the comments section on either the circumcision grief subreddit, the intactivist one, or the foreskin restoration one

I'm on holiday , would be easier if I had a computer

Christians don't mutilate their sons. It's a purely Muslim and Jewish tradition

that kid will remember this shit for the rest of his life

Child foreskins are used for a ton of medical and cosmetic purposes.

Guess which country is the importer of the most organs and human tissue, despite its relatively small poplation?

I'd expect this sort of post from a fellow leaf, but come on man, as a burger you should know better than that.

Circumcision is the topic where you can expect a good portion of US posters to go full retard on

The mental trauma is too much to process so many men resort to shouting down people critical of baby dick cutting

That kid has probably phimosis. You don't circumcise kids that age out of religious practice or aesthetics or whatever. It's something that's done at birth.

sounds like you were kiked by your parents

How much money is the forskin business?

Catholics love circumcision.
Actually, these threads are always done by under-30s who fail to realize that if you were born before the early 1980s, you were almost certain to have been cut. Your lack of understanding of how things were fuels a lot of retarded threads that could be prevented if you considered that until the past few decades, being uncut in the USA was abnormal.

I hope he a avoided being mutilated.

Why do they give healthy males in USA mutilated 3rd world genitalia? It's incredibly brutal that this is so widespread in the USA. Majority of the world do not carry out this cruel and unnecessary procedure on their children. Europe, Japan, India, China, South America, New Zealand, i.e. the western world, doesn't mutilate children. Africa and the Middle East does. But why USA?

>all pornstarts are cut kikes
poland can't into brain

Your girl can’t staple your foreskin together when you’re going out with the boys.

Instead she has to just trust you and this builds a relationship



jews learned their lessons in germany, when the time comes, the goyim will not be able to distinguish between a cutdick amerimutt and a jew.

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>But why USA?

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One baby foreskin can be stretched to grow almost $100,000 worth of fibroblasts.

5 year olds can't have phimosis you retard

This happened in Indonesia where they circumcise boys at age 5-9. It's how Muslims do it. The foreskin isn't meant to be retracted until well afternoon puberty. You can't fucking diagnose a 5 year old with this

Sorry to say but if you had your dick sliced up at age 5 due to "phimosis", you were lied to and lost your dick skin needlessly

because america thats why and where all idiots over here


oh man I remember when a burger I barely know randomly asked me if I'm circumcised, and I wasn't.
He went full hysterical, ranting and how could you!
to add to it he was an atheist and a malicious cunt.
circumsicion to them is like aids to fags, they feel the need to spread it.

did that kid make it?

The mom pry did it for instagram followers or Facebook likes

And then everyone stood up and clapped.

There is nothing in the Christian doctrine that instructs Christians to mutilate their sons genitals. American Christians uniquely decide to slice up baby dicks because of our AAP and big pharma who make sure doctors are financially rewarded for slicing up baby dicks. As well as they finance all medical tests which never show a man with an intact penis nor are physicians in American taught how he foreskin actually functions

Kek and they *silently praised*

It's not called national socialist for nothing.

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Kid had his dick sliced up

tragic, he'll never be able to forgive the cunt

The mom ended up keeping it and hanging it on their fridge to show off to her friends

and atheist who was pro circumcision?
Sounds like bullshit.
Why the fuck would an atheist indulge in some jewish ritual?

>The foreskin isn't meant to be retracted until well afternoon puberty. You can't fucking diagnose a 5 year old with this
>citation needed

>you were lied to and lost your dick skin needlessly
pediatrician told me "you either do uncovering exercises, or you get the tip off". Boy, did I exercise. And I won.

They have to morals and can be paid by shills

"Health" reasons

I honestly believe circumcision causes some kind of severe brain damage that makes you more susceptible to various kinds of jew propaganda.

Circumcision decreases penile sensitivity

Circumcision associated with sexual difficulties

Circumcision linked to alexithymia

The exaggeration of the benefits of circumcision in regards to HIV/AIDS transmission

Circumcision/HIV claims are based on insufficient evidence

There is no case for the widespread implementation of circumcision as a preventative measure to stop transmission of AIDS/HIV

Circumcision decreases sexual pleasure

Circumcision decreases efficiency of nerve response in the glans of the penis

Circumcision policy is influenced by psychosocial factors rather than alleged health benefits

Circumcision linked to pain, trauma, and psychosexual sequelae

Circumcision results in significant loss of erogenous tissue

Circumcision has negligible benefit

Neonatal circumcision linked to pain and trauma

Circumcision may lead to need for increased care and medical attention in the first 3 years of life

Circumcision linked to psychological trauma

Circumcision may lead to abnormal brain development and subsequent deviations in behavior

Wanna buy some?

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Found it it was deleted but here is an archive


Who cares. Girls say it looks better