>National conversation on Trump being a “racist” >Pelosi getting by unscathed >AOC immediately portrayed as the victim to distract from getting owned by that immigrations officer who exposed the shitty logic of liberals face to face
This is fucking bad bros. I don’t care what any of you said. He fed into the hands of the demorats again. Now it’ll be 10x more dangerous to support Trump publicly. Admit it, he fucked up horribly. It’s over.
>caring what a bunch of bots spouting the same hashtags think.
John Anderson
Oh noes Trump's going to lose some leftist votes.
Justin Parker
Anyone who buys these narratives were never going to be anything more than they are. That's fine.
Juan Nelson
In the twitter world its a high crime to be racist, in the real world it's a beautiful gift to be racist.
Bentley Reyes
This is legit no different than the usual. They’ve always called him racist.
Gabriel Peterson
They are the ones who keep mentioning skin colors, while Trump voicing disagreements with 4 people is supposedly racist because they happen to be "colored".
Wyatt Russell
>everything he tweets becomes front page news Of course it’s fucking relevant. twitter literally gave him the presidency, but it’ll also be what costs him.
Brody Watson
When have leftards NOT called Trump racist, you stupid fuck? The whole point of the Tweets was to make it appear that Pelosi and Trump are on the same side, which will exacerbate the divisions within the Democratic party, leading to more chaos and infighting on the road to 2020. He deliberately did this to accelerate the DNC’s decline and it’s working.
Pol completlely missing the point as usual. OP is right. All anyone was talking about was how AOC and Pelosi were going at each other and the Dems were in disaray. Now with one idiotic tweet storm he's instantly united them and everyone hates him again.
Nathaniel Murphy
>this is bad bros Try again next time kike. Into the gas chamber with you.
Jaxson Gutierrez
How did you think this would end, dumbass mutt?
This ends with the decentralization of the US
Balkanization and the ethnic cleansing of whites in California, Texas and Florida by La Raza / Apache terrorists
Trump has had his redpill moment and he now sees that these people plan to start an Intifada against Zionists. He (and Pelosi and Schumer) are in panic mode now!
Aiden Wright
Nicholas Martinez
Get fucked faggot. They tore down the US Flag in front of a Government building in Colarado yesterday, defaced it and then hung it upside down whilst at the same time tearing down the ICE flag and replacing it with a Mexican one, it’s time to stand up to these people.
Carson Cruz
Dunno about you but normies are getting legit tired of the R word bros
Easton Fisher
David Carter
You blithering idiot, only the fringe minority are even talking about Pelosi. I GUARANTEE YOU people on the streets won’t be mentioning her whatsoever, they’ll be talking about how “Trump wants black and brown congresswomen to go back to their home country.” Face it, he fucked up.
Logan Sullivan
Link? I didn’t see this.
Landon Hernandez
Taqiya much, you lying pig?
Kayden Gray
Dude, the fringe left is the Democratic base. That’s how far left they are. Harris shot up in the polls for calling Biden a rayciss on national TV. The inmates have taken over the asylum.
Charles Walker
absolutely kill yourself you faggot leftist.
Nicholas Hall
Reminder that Democrats only need 11 states to win. Get fucked drumpfkins.
The majority of Americans hate Omar and AoC. Omar has a 9% approval rating nationwide. AoC's is like 20%.
Trump beautifully played the "centrist" Dems and forced them to side with people who openly hate America and white people. Media is also back to blatant bias in their support. Wonderfully played by Trump. Only good thing he's done all year.
Nolan Mitchell
>calling him a name they've always been calling him is totally gonna stop him now This is just pathetic
Joshua White
They've been calling him racist forever, nothing has changed
Christian Thomas
This whole thing is going to backfire. The left is going to have the most bitching hangover in a few days. This is the moment when they all openly admit it really is just about race... for *them*.
How is recognizing that most brown countries are poor and corrupt, and that people immigrate from those shitholes and then proceed to push for socialism and the same policies in the US that made those countries shitholes, racism?
Dylan Howard
>"national conversation" literally monologues from dual citizen crooks that sponge off of US tax dollars from crooked traitor politicos