Why has only the UK banned energy drinks for children?
I dont understand why other countries allow their children to drink that literal poison. These drinks are loaded with the most disgusting chemicals, massive amounts of sugar and the sugarfree ones are even worse and eat into your bones.
People don't realise a can of monster is more dangerous to a kid than a can of beer in terms of how many cans it would take to kill them. There have already been cases of children dying from heart attacks after drinking energy drinks. Not to mention all the side-effects like hyper-activity and reduction in concentration at school.
Please no meme responses like "oi m8 ave u got a loisence for dat redbull" etc as it's not funny anymore and this is a serious political thread.
It's because the NHS has to pay for these fat fucks to have operations (fucking gastric bypass at < 16 yrs sometimes). If we had a Japan healthcare model (healthcare isn't free, but government covers like 50-70% of the costs) then maybe people would have a financial deterrent to prevent gulping down this caffeine poison.
Jacob Brooks
I dunno. It does often taste better than it looks.
Oliver Mitchell
how different is it from a cup of coffee with 2 sugarcubes?
caffeine content is the same, sugar content probably too, only taurine is present in energy drinks but that is a pretty harmless amino acid so why should it be ok for a 10 year old kid to drink coffee (or coca cola for that matter) but not energy drinks?
just the typical Brit wanting to ban everything and the kitchen sink based on pure hysteria
Juan Williams
Muslims fear the Boomer.
Nathan White
Energy drinks are shit and only retards drink them.
Gabriel Jones
>banning pornography >banning sugary drinks and stimulants >Is the UK based now?
Because its retarded and their parents will get it for them. As someone who downed 48 cans in 2 days that was not enough. (sadly)
Landon Garcia
>how different is it from a cup of coffee with 2 sugarcubes? Because a can of monster contains 14 sugarcubes. This is not good for your children. That said, I'm against these kinds of bans, should be the parents responsibility.
Julian King
>ban caffeine >still allow kids to drink sugar and fruit juice >wonder why obesity rates keep increasing
Noah James
Nice sources, boomer. This shit is just overpriced soda.
Why not just drink the sugar free ones? I haven't had a low or zero carb energy drink in about a decade.
Julian Gomez
>Greek >Job
Jason Baker
>more than 150mg per litre >per litre Jesus fuck who the fuck even drinks that much of an energy drink or coke? The sugar will do WAY more damage than anything else in those cans.
It's just plain ignorance and looking for a scapegoat to say energy drinks are bad. an 8oz red bull has about as much caffeine as 8oz of coffee, and doesn't taste like ass or stain your teeth or stink up the place. You can get sugarfree versions that taste good, most people add a shitton of sugar and cream to coffee just to make it not taste like ass.
What else is in redbull or monster? >niacin, incredibly important nutrient added to most bread since 100 years ago >b vitamins, good for energy and nearly impossible to overdose, and b12 super important especially for people who don't eat enough meat >taurine, super important nutrient that is actually used to treat diabetics because it *improves* insulin sensitivity
OP is a faggot as always. >kids have a heart attack and die kids aren't supposed to have caffeine anyway >it eats into your bones lmao what? drink some milk you nigger, and no it doesn't >side effects like hyperactivity kids shouldn't have caffeine, and school creates hyperactivity because it takes active young kids and makes them sit still for 8 hours straight, fucking unnatural as hell >muh "chemicals" turning the frogs gay huh
Liam Cox
>American confused that someone would drink a litre of soft drink
Coming from the country of big gulps.
Jacob Wilson
But if they ban lucozade for kids what are you going to give your kids when they’re ill?
Camden Parker
Irn Bru
Ian Rogers
Monster zero ultra has ZERO sugar. Drink one and you have more success, that‘s what I did
Jaxon Collins
>There have already been cases of children dying from heart attacks after drinking energy drinks.
good. cleans up the gene pool
Connor Reyes
Because our politicians don't want our kids to have the energy to outrun rapists and knife carriers.
Xavier Perez
>Irn Bru I guess it’s orange enough. The best lucozade used to be the one that came in the glass bottle wrapped in cellophane that you bought at the chemist’s. That’s a lost cultural icon that’s not nearly mourned enough.
aside from the fact that banning stuff never works, why would you ban energy drinks before you ban tobacco? it's astonishing to me that peddling something that is almost, if not more, addictive than heroin isn't considered utterly morally bankrupt
Carter Cruz
Based Russiabros protecting children from degeneracy
Charles Morgan
>banning stuff never works Tell Sweden that, their zero tolerance to drugs and strict alcohol laws are a model for Europe to follow
Austin Young
Tobacco is already massively taxed and for over 18s only.
Even Finland had it at 15yo and under couldn't drink it.
Weird huh?
Ayden Torres
cool shirt stupid bracelet
Jordan Walker
getting anything you want is just as easy in norway and sweden it's just more expensive
Jayden Moore
I'm pretty sure it's the same in the UK. After a few years of this treason mays government talked about making it law but i don't think it went anywhere.
Personally the future generations can go fuck itself and poison it's dum liberal bodies to fuck. Hopefully global warming drowns as many as possible, the others knifed to death because of lack of land and lawlessness after a massive nuclear holocaust. Red bull and monster is the least of the shits worries
They are also banned in Hungary (to sell for a child).
Carson Flores
oi m8 ave u got a loisence for dat redbull
Robert Torres
Its literally old as shit now he's trying to get it to catch on I think. I've seen a few mutts jump on the bandwagon but no one really acknowledges it now
Lincoln Hill
>Thinking this is real
You're retarded
Brody Bennett
Thats like 1,50 reichmarks, so pretty much the Same as here
Isaiah Russell
Ahhr Roight, Oi'd smash all their boxes into their socks with moi cock. Oi've creme bruleed moi under gamints just looking at dem slaaaags!
Christian Parker
Every drink other than water should unironically be banned.
>I dont understand why other countries allow their children to drink that literal poison
Ban coke and other "pops" and we'll talk
Luke Torres
>can of beer in terms of how many cans it would take to kill them Wow the energy drink epidemic is really killing so many people. kys stupid fag, everything you say is disturbingly retarded. Go outside and get lung cancer from second hand smoke.
Those r filled with aspartame and other bad chemical sweeteners and they fuck up ur gut.
Jonathan Turner
Fruit juices are awful. At least sodas have no pretention of being healthy, you know it's a sugary jew that you shouldn't really drink and everyone accepts it. Fruit juice is marketed specifically to parents to make them believe it's healthy and they should give him to their children, and that's fucking disgusting.
Fruit juice has exactly the same amount of sugar as soda, it doesn't matter if it's "100% fruit". The sugar content is always around 100-120g/l, just like soda. I used to drink around a liter of juice a day from 10 to around 15, before I realized what was in it. I'm lucky I didn't catch the beetus.
Ryder Stewart
whose kid drinks liters of fruit juice daily
Eli Russell
I agree with you its packed with sugar and processed sugar is garbage. Giving your kid a little glass of juice aint that bad. Here 250ml is around 20grams which is not great but not terrible.
Anthony Ramirez
Holy shit...the parents dont know their kids are fucking junkies? Missing spoons is a dead giveaway. If I worked at Tesco I would have put the two together, and refused the sale too
Julian Myers
>There have already been cases of children dying from heart attacks after drinking energy drinks. Kek. > this is a serious political thread Whatever.
Jason Stewart
Fuck it, time to go back to plying kids with Espresso.