>new conservative movement


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There's not one side on America that doesn't want to replace white people (and that's a good thing)

>1 post by this id
Yep. This one's going in my slide nigger compilation

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What's the point of conserving a society full of negroes and mulattos? At that point you might as well go full hedonist cause the future does not matter.

The entire end goal of conservatism is the exact same as liberalism. The only difference is that the changes take more time to implement.

Fucking based

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She’s at least 70% white so she’s okay with me

Chill out. Black conservatives are perfectly fine with whites.

she doesn't look 70% white

yeah, because conservative whites are weak cucks

Her children with me would be white (passing)

diversity and mass immigration is not a bi partisan issue, its a feature of capitalism. trump is pro mass immigration, our conservatives are pro mass immigration

there is literally no winning for the white man in a civic nationalist economic system

Reminder to completely signout of all aspects of modern life except the steadfast concerted effort to be come rich by all means necessary and available. Then stockpile manufacturing capacity and join the elite, convert to judaism and subvert from within in elite hideaways. GL and remember god will not frown on you taking the life of a child nolesting evil bastard on your way out

what really bothers me about this is that right wing white men are not only accepting this, they actively participate in it

Is anyone besides boomers and reddit falling for this horse shit?

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Come home white man. Based trad thicc negresses will replace the leftist white women

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This. Amerifats never had a choice of which policies are implemented, just the speed of implementation.

black women are politically far more in line with white men then your regular wh*te liberal woman

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Hmm, some alternative to mainstream right wing politics, or alt-right, if you will

Not wrong. Conservatives have conserved nothing. It is an inherently defensive strategy that's bound to slowly fail.

>retweeted by trump
so turns out that the presidency is just another business venture for trump?

>giving a fuck about women's opinions

Great butte, she just needs to straighten her hair

everything about this contradicts itself.

This. They are more trad then white women and are the best choice of marriage for white men.

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she looks like a nigger tranny
probably is too

>cuckservatives double down on cuckism for good goy points
Is anybody surprised?

Quite, conservatism is losing slowly as compared to losing quickly.
Being a traditionalist or a reactionary is the way forward.

Socialism is also an open boarders system nowadays.

She stole this from Milo word for word.

Milo said this.

I filter out right wing activists who cannot come up with their own ideas and thoughts but steal the ideas and thoughts of others, as they are pretty much useless.

Not a tranny, just a whore.

idk if she is. she has the mark of a cock sucker (the tongue ring) i would let her suck all the cum off my cock.


You feel this way because you're poor and stupid. If you were on the aristocratic side you'd understand we're just bringing back slavery.

This is the same chick who alleges based Corey touched her inappropriately. Womp womp

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just another BASED magapede
the alt-lite behaved the same way - i think this is a consequence of coming into contact with the slime in chief DJT

You stupid fuck. Go alienate yourself somewhere else.

I think shes hot. Don’t like the Scientology tho


perhaps... they should have... made the negroes and mulattos... maybe... not be absolute idiots? It only takes a generation or two of selective breeding

Isn’t she a Scientologist

A black woman will suck and fuck your cock dry. White roasties only suck your wallet dry.

"Black conservatives" lol. So that's like 7% of blacks in the US? BASED


oy vey

>le 56% face meme proving itself and mutts are proud of it

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>This is what the new conservative movement looks like
>It's less conservative
>Also less conservative
>And to top it off less conservative!!!

Nooooo! Don't tell me the Hodge Twins also transited!!!

>1 post by this id
>post was up for 1 minute
go play in traffic cocksucker

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There are as many conservative black people as white. They don't just vote republican. Be thankful without them the democrats would go full socialism

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The results are in.... Still just one post!


Seething roastie

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this country is finished
start going innawoods and just let it burn
accept that it's over
time to move on

>70 Minutes proved user was a faggot for his criticism

>she's soooo super kewl you guys
No. Screw you guys, I'm goin home

>and slapped her again

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Look at this strong black male with his girl

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It’s not it will be reborn even stronger from white sperm and black womb

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What a slut

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No shit, everyone posting under this flag around here is colored.

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we love our based niggers, don't we folks?


and the best thing is: americans didn't even use their gun rights to defend their country.
Cucks, all of them.

Yeah kinda like how Germany let themselves get cucked by the Jews

It's all the same.

they didn't even use their 1st ammendment rights lol

what a bunch of limpwristed faggots


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didn't germans kill like half the jewish population in the entire world?


still got cucked by them in the end

>boomer retards will defend this

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for 60 years, which is a drop in the bucket of human history

>two (((supporters)))

Based black people are good shit.

Im 70% and she isn't it. She's between 40-60% white.

What type of black women have you met?

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I see a sad, naive girl who doesn't know her own value and wants to be let in to play where she isn't wanted. She flaunts her most valuable tools in front of cameras, while playing the dummy. The whole Lewandowski charade was exactly just that.

Can we please stop conflating with word with right-wing? Conservatism is a tactic, not an ideology or left-right thing. It's also a FAILED tactic. Conservatives are the reason the right wing has been steadily losing ground since the French revolution. How many of us on the right are really all that conservative any more? Only the old cucks in power and their dying boomer base. The new face of the right wing is RADICAL, not conservative. We're not here to slow down bad things, we are here to unroot and destroy bad things, and to rebuild society in our image. The mainstream left is the most conservative political alignment right now.

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She’s a based queen that loves white pp

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Is Barack really trying to play the whole
>sure, she's mine, and she can kiss you in the cheek, but she's going home with me
All the while Michelle is really a tranny?

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This bitch has already been exposed as controlled opposition

I just want to add that conservatism, as literal definition and as it is currently used today by right wingers in America, is weak men who think that the French Revolution went too far. They agree with it entirely, but they wished the 18 century left gave more of a fuck about their feelings.


what is this tattooed nigger thot "conserving" exactly?

>Quite, conservatism is losing slowly as compared to losing quickly.
This guy gets it.

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This. She works for the church of Scientology.

I'd gladly put my dick in every one of her holes, but I'll never accept a nigger or a woman as political leadership.

you aren't going to have your white ethnostate so you may as well take the enlightened shitskins and hope that the dumbocraps don't take the presidency

I hate America, you destroy and pussify every ideology you get your hands on

She's kinda cute.
But that hair. Why? Why?

>"It's really cool!"

It's loud and proud. Can't you handle it, white boy?

>That ugly and slanty-faced brown slag.

>We need to acknowledge black people in the republican party
>Acknowledging white people is racist though

Conservatives exist to help erase white people.

whites have a paternalistic attitude towards blacks even if they don't want to admit it, this is why they're obsessed with programs to care for them or get all sentimental when they manage to behave themselves

Not at all. Black conservatives first and foremost are after the advancement of other black people. The only difference between them and democrat blacks is that they're smart enough to realize that conservative policies are better for their goals than welfare and gibs.

All conservative black women end up marrying white men.

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No, being a Revolutionary National Socialist is the way forward. It is the only way forward because “traditionalism” and “reaction” are merely attempts to return to an old, flawed order.

>new conservatism
>looks exactly like last decade’s liberalism
doin me a bigg thincc

Disgusting. “Conservative” white men are as much traitors as the urbanite soi-men.