Prove to me that black people aren't specifically targeted by police because of their ethnicity
Black People
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If niggers werent responsible for the majority of crime then they wouldnt be targeted. Grow the fuck up.
probably they are, and probably they are because they deserve it
stereotypes exist for a reason
Prove to me that they don’t commit more crime
sagey sage sage
Also anyone who doesn’t sage is a massive faggot.
Prove to me that “black people” as you call them, are black or people.
>prove to me
sounds like a waste of time desu. you don't have eyes to see and ears to hear, since you are ignorant of the glaringly obvious statistics as well as the evidence of everyday life.
Because it's illegal you dumb motherfucker.
I can't, because the police and courts work entirely on identity.
Come home black man
I am a white teen with a tight little pussy and I love being stretched out by black nigga dick. I milk the cum outta nigga dick every day and send videos of it to my white boy orbiters to let them know they're inferior.
>I will shift the burden of proof onto you without first proving my own argument that black people are targeted by police because they are black
they're fucking retards m8
Okay, let’s look at the only crime stat that can’t be biased. Killings. They make up 13% but commit 51%.
Why aren’t you niggers saging? It’s four letters. Sage.
Violent crime attracts more police than nonviolent crime, because of the much larger human cost associated with violent crime.
Whites commit nonviolent crime, blacks commit violent crime. Police go where the violent crime is.
If a white guy steals your credit card and racks up $1000 at walmart with it, you feel badly but very likely will get your cash back after filling out some forms and telling your bank.
If a black guy shoots your brother in the head, you are affected for life by such a brutal and tragic incident.
Blacks want to claim that nonviolent crime should be targeted as harshly as violent crime, as if there is any equivalence at all there.
post benis
blacks reap what they sow
It's not because of their skin
It's because of the other people with their skin colour
Cops don't target east asians because other east asian people also don't commit (overt) crimes in high number
Sorry this thread is shit and needs to be renamed to NIGGERS
>proving a negative
High Rates of Black Crime is Not Unique to the United States
Africans are 1.4% of the population
Africans were 6% of persons committed to prison & places of detention 2001-2006.
The United Kingdom
More black people jailed in England and Wales proportionally than in US. New study finds seven times more black people per population are in prison – in the US number is just four times as many
Twelve per cent of London’s men are black. But 54 per cent of the street crimes committed by men in London, along with 46 per cent of the knife crimes and more than half of the gun crimes, are thought by the Metropolitan Police to have been committed by black men.
Blacks make up nearly one in 10 of the 15,000 inmates in Canada’s federal prisons, where they have a second-class status, according to a report from Howard Sapers, ombudsman for federal inmates.
Blacks are just 2% of the general Canadian population
In 2010 for the first time was a statistic published which listed delinquency by nationality (based on 2009 data). To avoid distortions due to demographic structure, only the male population aged between 18 and 34 was considered for each group. From this study it became clear that crime rate is highly correlated on the country of origin of the various migrant groups. Thus, immigrants from Germany, France and Austria had a significantly lower crime rate than Swiss citizens (60% to 80%), while immigrants from Angola, Nigeria and Algeria had a crime rate of above 600% of that of Swiss population. In between these extremes were immigrants from Former Yugoslavia, with crime rates of between 210% and 300% of the Swiss value.[9]
SUDANESE and Somali-born Victorians are about five times more likely to commit crimes than the wider community, a trend that must be addressed to prevent Cronulla-style social unrest, police warn.
>Oh no not this thread again.jpg
Its a bot you retards
Meanwhile in another part of the world.
this is LITERALLY the original thread used in the slide thread warning picture lmfao
It's because of slavery and Jim Crow!
No, it's true. They are targeted by ethnicity because their ethnicity is responsible for
Not sure you can comprehend so I will pass.
I love big black dicks in my tight little pussy. Black guys are just way cooler than stupid white boys. White boys just play video games and jack off to porn all day. Black guys actually socialize and have big sexy muscles. I suck the cum out of sexy black guys only. No white penis.
> Prove to me that black people aren't specifically targeted by police because of their ethnicity.
There is no need to prove anything. It is true. Negroes are specifically targeted and THAT'S. A. GOOD. THING.
Looks british to me.
Where there is smoke there is fire. Just as firemen go to the smoke to put out the fire, policemen go to blacks to put out the crime.
>not redpilled
sage sage
Prove to me that blacks don't commit more crimes and repeat offences.
But before that, prove to me that blacks don't resist police officers.
>blacks are more likely to commit crimes than a white person
no shit they are targeted by the police. Most officers have experience and know that its most likely that they will commit a crime vs a white, hence they pay more attention to them. That isnt racism. Thats being smart