What do Norwegianons think of Oslo? I am a burgermutt visiting right now and honestly I'm disturbed by how much of a shithole it is. >Literally hear more English than Norwegian >roughly 5% of the people are blonde >American 'food' chains everywhere >Even in the 'nicest' part of town, the seaside harbor area, literally just a string of international mediocre food chains including fucking TGI Fridays >migrants everywhere >hijabs everywhere >beggars everywhere >street performers and knickknack sellers all over the main boulevard, like a ripoff of NYC >walk downtown only 10 minutes from the tourist area and everything looks run down as fuck, and completely desolate >half the white people look like tired hipsters, the other half are tourists
Seriously, it's fucking unsettling. This is the 7th European country I've been to and this city is easily the most Americanized, touristy, fake plastic shithole I've been to on this continent. What do Norwegianons think of this city? Is the whole country this bad? I'm genuinely a little depressed, and glad I am visiting other countries on my trip. Is there a different area I can visit on a day trip by train to get this bad taste out of my mouth and see the real Norway, if it exists?
Southern Scandinavia has the most shitskins. But they're almost everywhere so it won't matter where you go nowadays. Jews have won. Soon we're all slaves to the sharia goatfuckers.
I hate that all my friends moved there, I can't stand spending more than a day there. It's not a Norwegian city anymore, it's a pathetic attempt at being a globalist city, even the New shitty architecture reflects this.
Levi Hill
Its usually the cheapest places to fly in. For example; it's $340 to fly to Paris roundtrip from where I live and $2942 to fly to Brittany, which has like 0 migrants.
Jonathan Smith
rural russia perhaps, forget scandinavia, we're all blackened now
Thomas Clark
Ok, fly there and gtfo asap. The ghouls are out there
David Clark
It's called GLOBALISM. it doesn't matter if you go to Oslo, Berlin, Prague, Paris. It looks everywhere the same. And the people who are responsible for that call it diversity lol
This is nothing like Paris, Dublin, Milan, Rome, Zurich, Athens, Marseille, Monte-Carlo. Yes, I have dealt with the migrants, beggers, and street sellers before, but what is most disturbing me is the Americanization. It's like I'm in a Disney-sponsored borough of New York City. Absolutely nothing feels authentic.
The women look nothing like that. Total blackpill. It's honestly nothing even close. Like I said, blondes are a tiny minority, although certainly more common then in America. However, women have refrigerator, unfeminine body lines, masculine jaws, and eyes that are weirdly close together. They all also follow the Kardashian looking face makeup and hair which is fucking disgusting.
My country is even worse, no doubt. But I had hopes for Norway. I thought you guys were doing ok? Outside the EU? One of the richest countries in Europe? What the fuck is wrong with Oslo?
The architecture is indeed disgusting. Like I said, I feel like I am in a fake, plastic city.
Seriously Norway flags, where can I go on a daytrip to get away from this? I would love to visit another place 1-2 hours away to witness something actually Norwegian and not waste this part of my trip.
Cooper Foster
go to lemongrass for dinner and go to the munch museum!
Owen Gray
yo burger go to Budapest you will have a great time Orban really kept his country safe
Jackson Bailey
>The ghouls are out there In Brittany?
Once they start building McMansions you'll know they are truly Americanized. Are other Scandi capitals similar to Oslo?
Not if you stay in the central city and touristy areas e.g. Castle district, party districts definitely not as gypd out as say Rome
Ian Stewart
What did you think of Dublin? How long were you here?
Landon Wright
Oslo is the worst city lmao
Juan Fisher
Yeah but the capital should represent the nations people too
Bentley Wright
tromso is comfy
Jacob Stewart
Everybody is on fucking vacation, you dolt. Of course it’s desolate.
Elijah Richardson
Literally nobody but people from Oslo like Oslo. Its the worst place in the country. It is also our containment zone for non-european immigrants, with over half of them being there iirc.
If you wanna visit Norway, try the west coast. It has the people and terrain you want. Other good areas are trondelag or the north. But avoid Oslo like the plague.
Logan Hernandez
No in the capital (or otherwise big) cities. Land there and then go somewhere nice
>should Yea I agree, unfortunately that isn't the case anymore
All the Scandinavians i've ever met have a really smug smirk on their face. It's either they're depressive assholes with an agenda of trying to one-up you or they are fake-nice assholes with an agenda of trying to get everyone to suck as much brown dick as possible while keeping their own hands clean.
meant over half our non-european immigrants in the country stay in the oslo area, not that it had reached London levels of immigration.
Elijah Gutierrez
What the fuck are you even doing in the Oslo area? Should’ve gone to the mountains or fjords like every other sensible tourist.
Justin Green
What did you expect in a capital city of a western country - it's the epitome of cultural marxism.
Aaron Wright
>Going to Norway on vacation >Staying in Oslo What the fuck did you expect? Almost every capital city in Europe is pozzed beyond belief. >Is there a different area I can visit on a day trip by train to get this bad taste out of my mouth and see the real Norway, if it exists? Just travel 1 hour in any direction by train, and you'll see "the real Norway".
Ethan King
I did not come to Norway to eat Caribbean food! Is nothing Norwegian here?
Thanks Hungarianon. Budapest is already part of my 2020 tour. Please stay based and redpilled in the meantime.
I was in Dublin for 1 week a few years ago, for work. Thus I unfortunately spent most of my time in an office rather than exploring the country like I am doing now in other countries. I did at least feel like I was in a foreign country, which I cannot say for Oslo. I could eat at Irish restaurants and visit Irish pubs and see Irish dancing - in Ireland. Touristy? Americanized? Migrants? Yes, yes, yes, but nothing like Oslo.
>If you wanna visit Norway, try the west coast. >What the fuck are you even doing in the Oslo area? Should’ve gone to the mountains or fjords >Staying in Oslo My goal when I travel Europe now is to see how people live and try to understand the problems with America better. I came to Oslo because when I first visit countries, I like to witness their capital or biggest city. I understand the city will likely not represent the country as a whole, but it does convey valuable information when you only have a few days and cannot take a deeper, broader dive into the country. For example, Tokyo will leave a very different impression from Zurich, and each will give some information that will let you compare Japan and Switzerland. I know the fjords are beautiful but they will tell me very little about Norway and the Norwegian people. I can visit those and stay in American hotel chains and eat hotel food and swim with tourists when I am older. Oslo is definitely NOT the answer to my questions. Anyway, too late now, I only have a couple days here and the west coast is far. I have to consider Oslo my base. In order not to consider this leg of my trip a lost cause, do you have specific recommendations of somewhere 1-2 hours away by train I can spend the day at and not kill myself?
Brandon Smith
Take a flight and come to Transylvania, you burger. Here you can find Europe's last untamed wilderness, medieval cities and young girls that have no clue what is a feminist. But for fucks sake, rent a car and get out of big cities. You won't see anything interesting anywhere if you only stick to big cities. Rent a car and explore the countryside. In all countries, the large cities are globalist molded and pretty much the same. Plus, the entire world is getting Americanized, or better said, kiked, as kikes are the architects of modern American culture.
Blake Davis
Well, you could go south to Tonsberg by train. Or perhaps north to Lillehammer?
Lucas Brown
Only nice metropolis in the north is Copenhagen and Helsinki, rest is unfortunately shit.
Asher Ross
visitnorway.com Estimate the travel times with Google maps Enjoy your stay, nigger
Jonathan Young
>Outside the EU In name only. We're in the EEA which means that we have to follow all EU bullshit but don't even get representation.
Justin Lewis
the cafe christiania is good
Nicholas Hill
Romania will have to come another day, my friend
I will explore these options, thanks Nordbros
Yes, I understand the EU has wrapped its tentacles around both you and Switzerland regardless of membership
>French-influenced Norwegian cuisine & British afternoon tea Well, one out of three ain't bad. Thanks for the suggestions, fellow burgerclap
Time for bed, and hope for a brighter day
Matthew Hill
>Only nice metropolis in the north is Copenhagen and Helsinki, rest is unfortunately shit. What are the Danes and the Autists doing right that you and your neighbor are not?
I'd go as far to say that Norwegians themselves are heavily Americanized. Granted all my experiences were with wondercucks who are probably skewed towards the whole globohomo worldview but many of them will go out of their way to inform you how they hate their Norwegian name and prefer to be called Kyle, Tommy, etc.
Aiden Long
Honestly I'm not a fan of Oslo either. Karl Johan is pretty cool except the gypsies and the bad street performers. The architecture is also an inconsistent mishmash of classic and """modern""" architecture.
t. non Norwegian
Charles Hughes
This. Norwegian celebrating 4 july for some reason
Thank you kind leaf. These are places where I grew up, but never seen them in footage so old. It's a gem, I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, we don't have that many Saxons left. Most left to Germany for better money during and after the fall of communism. Fortunately, we're still mostly white, with the exception of some Gypos, but they're still pretty tame compared to other shitskins.
Kayden Gomez
>go to norway >visits a fucking city Amerimuttism at its finest.
Aaron Morales
>tfw America is ruined >tfw Europe is ruined
Hudson Murphy
Over the course of the last two years or so, I’ve grown very fond of Norway - from its landscape to its culture to its history - and have been studying the language for the past 6 months.
My question to the Norwegians here is: aside from the strange accent/dialect, is Bergen as bad as Oslo? Or should I just stick to the rural areas when visiting?
William Taylor
only retards go to oslo. you retard. fuck that shithole, fuck their people and fuck their dialect
bergen is based, worst part about it is the ching chongs coming en masse from cruise ships
Easton Gutierrez
>goes to Europe >chooses to go to a capital city You brought this disappointment on yourself, avoid cities, especially the capitals.
Camden Collins
FREE ANDERS BREIVIK YOU NORDKEKS! You still have semi-auto rifles, cache them, form militias and take back Norway.
John Moore
I'd come check that out desu. As long as I could fire some guns. Preferably something domestic I can't get here.
Jordan Moore
it shouldn't have to be this way
Bentley Reyes
It's one of the richest and most expensive cities in the world but it's full of potholes, and when it rains, the sidewalks turn into rivers. Also full of people from shithole countries and hipsters.
Jacob Long
No but it is and it should be obvious in the absolute clown world of a timeline we're in.
Cooper Clark
I visited Berlin, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels and Cologne during last 10 months. I can imagine Oslo. It's an another Western European megapolis with full of foreign dark faces, soulless modern buildings, beggars, kebab shops, roasties and soiboys etc.
Try Eastern Europe (but not Prague because it's full of Western tourists)
Personally I'd go to Poland, rural Czechia or Transylvania.
Jeremiah Scott
Buy a plane ticket to Tromso. A little less than 2 hours away.
Robert Wilson
Back in the day large cities and capital cities used to represent the most vibrant and richest parts of a given country's culture. Now its all just Americanized Globalist bullshit, with few exceptions.
Sebastian Martinez
I remember visiting Seoul in South Korea and thinking the same thing. Plastic office buildings, giant shopping malls and cheaply made condo complexes. Globalism is fucking cancer.
>2012+7 You're a fucking retard for going to a (((city))) and not expecting this.
Joseph Smith
I went to Europe 3years ago. The big cities are liberal shitholes. You need to go to small towns to experience European culture.
Jacob Evans
Look at DC
Ryder Parker
I was in Madrid last summer and was pleasantly surprised for a large capitol city. Besides a few blacks peddling shit on rugs nothing was too egregious. Lisbon on the other hand, has tons of Brazilians and colonial Africans, and is strangely popular for French coalburners.
Julian Reed
DC is a bad example, but around 15-20 years ago, NYC used to be fucking awesome, then somewhere along the line Manhattan turned into a giant, sterile, boring shopping mall. This happened pretty much in every American city that had its own culture or vibe. Theyre all the same now. I imagine Western European cities are not much different.
Wyatt Reed
Shut the fuck up bitch and go back!
Blake Bell
he's just visiting, you fucking nigger
Jackson Baker
Oslo is horrible, was there in May. GTFO user, the western part of Norway is comfy.
Zachary Diaz
I would expect this kind of surrender from a Frenchmen, Swedes the new French.
Liam Butler
Blonde people are incredibly common among whites in North Dakota and Minnesota where Norwegian and Swedish diaspora is the core population. I never see white people with hair darker than medium brown.
As a Norwegian living in Oslo, I appreciate the unhinged honesty in this thread.
Preach it, brothers. You are echoing my own thoughts.
Carson White
We’re all going to have to move back there user eventually.
Jeremiah Wright
You live in America’s only European city. Signs everywhere, ugly ass architecture, box homes, mutts everywhere.
Daniel Jones
It is getting less common. I’m in Idaho but I grew up in Texas. The Texas German and Blonde Anglo genes are dying out. Up here in Idaho you see it more.
Josiah Morgan
the US does not have an ugly architecture in general. brazil does. badly. but not the US
Aiden Torres
That’s sad. Norwegians have the best names on the planet.
David Edwards
You have got to be kidding right? We stopped building with stone 100 years ago. All of our houses are made out of popsicle sticks. Everything is cheap and fast.
Luis Cook
I was talking aesthetically. not sure about the cardboard thing
Jose Campbell
Oslo still sounds like an improvement over Melbourne.
Gavin Rivera
I guess they’re more aesthetically pleasing than chicken coops and tin shacks you guys have there
Oliver Bell
OP, how long are you there? Go see the stave churches. Do you have money to rent a car? You can take E16 on a loop to Bergen and see some beautiful country.
Carson Nelson
That’s what breeding with beaners will do. Almost 100% of the white children I see are bleach blonde so there’s still some hope here.
Juan Gray
>However, women have refrigerator, unfeminine body lines, masculine jaws, and eyes that are weirdly close together.
It’s going to take at least 250 years of collapse, conflict, prosperity, breeding, conflict, and conquest to fix the North American continent. Don’t copy us Europe!
Nathan Green
Try visiting stavanger. I liked it when I was there about a decade ago. Please tell me it hasn't gotten pozzed since then
Isaiah Rodriguez
Oslo is an absolute shithole. Lesbian chief of police. Homo-parades. Niggers as far as the eye can see. Knife violence. Heroin central. Zombie-citizens.