>you have to go back
Literally /our/ guy
If you dont support him you’re a kike faggot
>you have to go back
Literally /our/ guy
If you dont support him you’re a kike faggot
Other urls found in this thread:
Blatant racism aside, how about the absurdity of getting mad about elected representatives “telling us how the government should be run”? Isn’t that literally what the American people elected them to do?
literally dreamers still here.
Agreed. His tweets today have UPSET the left to the 3rd degree. Expect some sort of kikery this week.
False flag incoming.
>see Democrats starting to fight amongst themselves
>say massively inflammatory thing to realign them and remind them of their common enemy
he is fucking retarded
>if you don't support kike controlled opposition you're a kike!
If Hillary won she would have given Dreamers amnesty!
Still waiting on them there ice raids
So basically no one that immigrates here? Sorry kike but there is no alternative to Trump.
he did a good jog of saving them from themselves. MAGApedos will defend as usual.
Shhh, you’re making too much sense. They don’t like that.
>Falling for the "People who are coming here are loyal skilled labor" meme
how does someone make it to 2019 and actually believe this shit
He honestly should have just taken a side and said something complimentary about either Pelosi or AOC to continue driving that wedge. For all of the 4d chess memes he actually has no idea how to use his position to fuck with people in a way that benefits him.
Donald Drumpf from Kallstadt.
A true German US president.
You’re right, you know more than a billionaire real estate magnate on using leverage
Fucking dumbass Jow Forums tarf
He did fine yesterday when he stood up for Nancy, making it a "squad" vs the entire establishment. But he had to fuck it up.
>American people
>A bunch of third world, hostile, swarthy aliens who hate America
You have to go back, Achmed
In this instance yes I fucking apparently do, because he blew up a golden opportunity.
Woah are you saying he triggered the libs?
>elected representatives
Fuck democracy, fascism now. You dirty fucking subhumans will not take this country from white people. We will shut down democracy and representative government before we let chimps, mud mongrels, and faggots take over the government
great job on copying and pasting a top comment from redddt
"....and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how...."
Funny how they are spinning this. He just said go back and fix your country before complaining about ours.
What were you doing on reddit?
why would you pick a Zionist NY real estate "billionaire" as your fascist leader? Trump spends all day yelling on twitter and eating Wendy's, but I'm supposed to believe he's going to run the entire country with no political experience for 3 times longer than a normal president? I don't think so. He'll just take a nap and some neocon ghoul like Bolton will run it behind the scenes and it will be Bush 2.0. Grow up
Just wait till kristallnacht 2.0, trump will clean house soon
>Just wait till kristallnacht 2.0, trump will clean house soon
Did Q tell you that lmao
The immigration raids never happened, that alone is enough of a reason not to vote for him.
trust the plan autists having a field day it seems
if they did happen do you think the media would properly report on it and give Trump a public win with his base or make them feel frustrated by keeping it quiet
>the media
>the media
>the media
>the media
now I see why trump can never be a dictator because if he actually got rid of the press he would have no more fake enemies and people would realize he's just terrible at his job
>Durr the media never reported on it therefore it happened!
It's a illegal for news networks not to cover things. Even CNN has to report on immigration related subjects. Keep coping though
You won’t be laughing when your family gets gassed in the death camp, but I will
I dont get you fucking idiots
Who are you gonna vote for?
Nigger kamala? Open borders warren?
There isnt an option you dumb faggot fuck
>You must vote goyim, please the system and never let a revolution happen
Voting doesn't matter, we always get the same open borders traitor. I rather let America collapse so we can start over instead of continuing to be a boiling frog.
>If you dont support him you’re a kike faggot
just how dumb are you?
Imagine coping this hard, GOP have been fucking over whites for decades, nothing more pathetic than a c u c k like yourself
>terrible at his job
In what way, specifically?
Is it his domestic or foreign policy you have an issue with?
>inb4 wall
Campaign promises aren't really his "job", per se, although they are obviously important.
I found one, what do I win?
>So what if the ACA hasn't been repealed
>So what if the wall hasn't been built
>So what if he backed down on the citizenship question
>So what if Israel still receives billions every year
>So what if illegal immigration is surging
>So what if the dreamers are still here
>So what if he never signed an EO on birthright citizenship
>All that matters is he owned the liberals on Twitter!
Americans would rather let politicians flood their country with nonwhites than ever form something like the Yellow Vests. Opticsfaggotry ruined them just like the Brits.
>Communist sympathizing potato is fine with Trump not doing what his supporters want
More proof the British empire should've never let you Irish scum have independence.
Nice deflection.
Wasn't talking to you, but if you want to address the initial question, then I'd be delighted to hear what you have to say.
Trump 2020 taking down mossad and Israel
>Israel's biggest supporter taking down Mossad
You're truly naive
Wait till the second term when he can do whatever he wants subversive kike
>Americans would rather let politicians flood their country with nonwhites than ever form something like the Yellow Vests. Opticsfaggotry ruined them just like the Brits.
That's not really relevant to what he said though, is it?
Forming a Gilet Jaunes-esque group would not preclude the voting for one of your two(!) parties, would it?
You still have to make the choice, whether you protest or not, and only a fool would vote for the dems at this point.
Thanks. God bless America.
Youre a true patriot lad
How does what he tweeted help at all? All he did was rally a Democratic Party that was tearing itself apart. All he had to do was sit back and watch, and that was too much for him.
38 billion to Israel, no wall, no looser gun laws, didn't drain the swamp. Not getting my vote again.
the white population that votes trump are all evangelical boomers who think paying taxes is "socialism". If you want a movement like GJ you need to stop thinking about race, the Republicans are going to drop race/white identity before they ever drop capitalism and worshiping cops and riot control. retards can't accept what corruption means for a party.
You think somehow if you imagine nat-soc America in your head and then vote for a neocon he will magically become Hitler and ignore the fact that 95% of his republican voters are pro-Israel pro-capitalism pro-police pro-legal immigration?
>J-just wait for the second term and then he'll get something done
Cope harder.
Did prince Charles ask the darkie on his left why was she there and not in the kitchen scrubbing pots ?
another thread
>for jews by jews
>look ma
itsa a smelly jew
>You still have to make the choice, whether you protest or not, and only a fool would vote for the dems at this point.
I rather let the Democrats destroy the country. Because it means whites will finally stop obsessing over consumerism for a second and start fighting back. The economy being ruined means a push back against the government. It's the same way how National Socialist Germany came to power.
>God Bless America
You realize that picture was mocking you, right?
Kek, I hope he did. Charles was pretty based during his prime.
This pretty much, Jow Forums thought Trump was a nationalist who wanted to genocide every shitskin and now act surprised over the fact he hasn't kept a single promise of his. I mean he did come from Queens, which was the main origin of the sexual revolution.
Still waiting on those replies, fellas. You wouldn't leave me hanging, would you?
I just love this man. Greatest President I'll ever have. How blessed.
>If you dont support him you’re a kike faggot
trying way too hard to fit in
>Greatest President
Calvin Coolidge and Dwight Eisenhower were ten times more based than Trump ever will be. They didn't let leftists stop them from passing anti-immigration bills.
We've still got 6 good years to go boys.
Enjoy the ride.
I'm not giving some potatonigger who repeats the same talking points boomers do my time.
>Blatant racism aside
Choke on it nigger
By the time Trump's presidency ends in 2024, America will be at least 35% white because of all the immigrants he let in.
it's what illegal aliens elected them to do
"Fuck drumpf" is not a realignment or a political platform to base a candidate on. Retard fag
you can't change me bruh
You're already giving me your time, you slimy, two-faced prick. I'll take that as confirmation that you and
are shill buttbuddies.
Rope yourself tonight.
you need me to explain why a guy who pussied out of a 2000 person ICE raid to instead spend all day making fun of freshmen congress people on twitter is not doing his job? Also every time a republican defends Pelosi it just makes the socialists and anarchists more convinced they're right and the mainstream dems need to go.
neither is "triggering the libtards".
All the busboys and dishwashers keep showing up to work=no raids.
Only liberal plebs think that's all Trump is doing, sweetie
>Muh shill buttbuddies
*laughs in anglo empire*
>that tattoo
>that subhuman slug
Moderates and slight left learners aren’t going to vote for somebody who tells people born in the US to “go back to their countries” dude. The best thing he could’ve done was say nothing.
No more Zion Don. Had enough of his lying BS.
>Moderates and slight left learners aren’t going to vote for somebody who tells people born in the US to “go back to their countries” dude
So? Are you talking about the brother fucker nigger or the jew beaner?
>Because it means whites will finally stop obsessing over consumerism for a second and start fighting back.
You're either naïve, or you're being disingenuous in the pursuit of the neomarxist agenda.
The difference between the reality and your example is that you the push back will be against those who embody the previous system (i.e. white people).
>You realize that picture was mocking you, right?
Really? I simply assumed you were a fundamentally well-meaning and sincere person, as I strive to be.
Let's just get this game started
why does he have to be such a kike shill
I would expect you to explain yourself if your premise wasn't worded in such a way to make me agree to your manufactured bullshit.
In what way is he terrible at his job?
And if you're just going to repeat
>pussied out of a 2000 person ICE raid
then I'm going to ask you for proof before we continue. Prove that Drumpf pussied out.
Not talking about Pelosi, stay on topic.
You're just white noise at this point.
>how to spot a senior citizen on Jow Forums
Was Obama a kike shill?
Slow down, I'm gonna get a bingo soon
here's the one you were looking for
I dare say, what the fuck?
apart from all the jew-fellating, sure.
Dems facing infighting and poor optics saved by Trump tweet.
>blatant racism
Go cry somewhere else.
Hory shit
>b-but what about obama??!!??
Why do you niggers think the only people who don't approve of Trump's Israeli cum guzzling must be leftists? The ignorance is palpable
>you're a BOOMER
>you're a KIKE SHILL
>you're a MIGATARD
>you're a DRUMPFTARD
>you're a NUPOL RETARD
>you're a KUSHERBOT
>you're a QTARD
>you're a KEK
These two are from /ptg/ and are working together to use reverse psychology. They stick out because none of their posts are organic just like all of the posts you see in a /ptg/ thread.
Shit! I forgot
>you're an AMERIMUTT
Try answering the question before you have a period tantrum