We all know about that Trump tweet that people are complaining about. I think we all know that Ilhan Omar is one of the people Trump must be referring to. Who else is there? Even if you guys don't like AOC or Rashida Talib, they were born in America, so they don't actually fit Trump's tweet. Is there anybody else in Congress (House or Senate) that Trump could be ACCURATELY referring to as an immigrant, progressive congresswoman that clearly doesn't like America??
If Trump is telling people that were actually born here that they need to go back to their own country, this is horrible optics.
Listen, it's quite clear that all of these "squad" members hate the United States, because everything that they promote is akin to sedition. They have no loyalty to the United States.
What Trump meant was : >If you're not following AIPAC orders you aren't American >If you're not American then go fuck yourself
Andrew Jenkins
This. Also, those people on twitter will never vote for Trump, so why should he give a shit. We give twitter why too much power.
Jonathan Davis
Fuck these 2nd generation beggars. They come to the west. Then try to let more of there “people” in.
That’s the danger of open policy immigration and democracy. These parasites breed like rats. Soon they have areas, then cities then they ruin your country.
No nation that accepted Muslim immigration has benefited. They bring crime, backward ideology, rape gangs and jihadism.
They should be deported. All of them to the Islamic destination if their choice.
Brandon Lee
>or Rashida Talib, they were born in America, Nope. And she married her brother to sneak him into the US.
Rashida and AOC were born in the US. Omar was not. My point is that, unless we have some other person to account for Trump saying "congresswomEN instead of congresswomAN," then Trump either can't count or he told Americans to "go back to their country." Regardless of what you think of AOC or Talib (they suck, although AOC is at least entertaining), if there is no other person Trump could be referring to, he may have actually made an ouchie. Trump easily could have shat on Omar in particular.
Nathaniel Turner
Not at all. She does not need to stay here if she hates it so much. She can leave. ANYONE who hates the US, no matter WHERE they were born, need to get out of our country or be killed.
Thomas Ward
The thing is, even if Trump is being racist he's not being called out on it in good faith. Instead of addressing his argument Omar and AOC are basically screeching racist because they can't respond to Trump's very valid point.
I have yet to hear anyone comment on the fact that Somalia and Cuba are indeed shitholes and that these two are refugees are trying to push the same failed system in the US.
I understand that they are bad for the party. What I don't understand is making this tweet exactly as he did and why now. The dems were already experiencing infighting and he stepped back into being their enemy. Why?
Easton Richardson
Bingo. And they don't just hate the U.S. - they hate most of the people living here too.
Nicholas Jenkins
>Rashida and AOC were born in the US.
I don't consider them US citizens, citizenship by birthright is bullshit and needs to be struck down.
Dylan Barnes
Again, yeah. Omar sucks. I'm not saying that part was wrong. Who ELSE is Trump referring to when he said congresswomEN? He really isn't, but again, he could have called out Omar individually and been much better off. It's much easier to say somebody who actually came here should go back versus people who were born here. >Cuba AOC was born in NY though. Even if she is of Cuban descent, she is NOT an immigrant and going back home would be staying in the US.
David Moore
>AOC was born in NY though. Even if she is of Cuban descent, she is NOT an immigrant and going back home would be staying in the US.
Brody Sullivan
>birthright citizenship We should, but I'm honestly not sure if their parents weren't citizens. AOC's probably were. From all accounts, they had money and moved her to a nice neighborhood when she was 5. Hardly the same as somebody hopping the border while pregnant to give birth in Cali or Texas. >you don't consider them US citizens That doesn't really matter though. Legally they are and this gives people a very easy headline to push. Why did Trump do this?
Anthony Kelly
Aoc isnt cuban you dumb fucking faggot How dare you
Brody Price
The facts don't really matter. It was about throwing some red meat to his base while simultaneously fanning the flames of the Pelosi /AOC rift. Now Pelosi has to listen to calls for impeachment and explain why she's not doing it (She knows it would be a disaster in an election year, but the progressives and their allies are too dumb to think strategically). Also it doesn't matter if they were born here or not, all of their families are recent arrivals from shithole countries.
James Martin
Every American knows in their soul she is not an American, never will be an American, and neither will her children or grandchildren.
>Instead of addressing his argument >called out Trumps own loyalty to a foreign state that is openly trying to destroy America and responsible for half the worlds "failed" states
Kevin Baker
>imagine believing AOC is American
Wyatt Perry
>red meat to base Again, Ilhan Omar alone would work fine. >fanning flames I'm not sure this is doing it right though, and they seemed to be doing it more than enough on their own. >doesn't matter if they were born here If they are citizens, it does. Trump needs to win more than deep red states and I'm really not sure telling American citizens to go back to "their countries" is effective. Maybe Trump has some other plan for this, but as is it doesn't seem effective. Oh well, people are going to forget about it in a week or so, especially if something big comes from Epstein.
David Clark
Trump is right, though. Somalis in Congress? It's farcical. They shouldn't be here in the first place. Shitskins in general have worn out their welcome.
He's poured gasoline on the infighting. They aren't exactly uniting against him. Pelosi is getting attacked by progressives for being defended by Trump. If she gives ground the party will be pushed further left which will be a disaster for 2020.
el jefe trump is trolling the shit out of them and the left just to get them even more riled up. even the ICE raids were part of his master troll plan to get the crazy left to go and protest and show america how nuts they are. the man is a genius beyond genius. as a hispanic american the man has my vote for 2020
Lincoln Gutierrez
>I think we all know that Ilhan Omar is one of the people Trump must be referring to.
wow you must be a rocket scientist
Ayden Green
>hijabs in congress Yeah, I don’t get it either Hans. It’s indeed a fucking joke.