What does yours look like?
What does yours look like?
Other urls found in this thread:
Who cares
Anything not in the bottom right quadrant is unadulterated faggotry
Fuck niggers
i supported trump in 2016. might still in 2020 if bernie doesnt get the nomination
I don't know what this means.
you're getting there thats what it means
>I don't know what this means.
Am I a gay?
Here's Mine
Last time i took it... I was in the Purple section. Now it's different...
Don't use PolitCompass, it's shit
Can't we start using something better than this trash?
Im not a commie i swear
NazBol gang
Here's mine.
This test seems to have a pretty big bias towards the green square. I'd put myself more to the right and a bit more auth.
Keep in mind this is my view of society, because I acknowledge retards cannot control themselves, because they are retarded.
I'm libertarian personally.
>tfw too intelligent
So many lefties
I am a leftist? Time to suck start a shotgun
The test is bullshit. It deals in absolutes.
The questions in this test are biased toward the left.
>biased towards the left
>somehow I got as far right as I did
You're not trying hard enough faggot.
What does this means?
damn user, what'd you pick to get that?
what did he mean by this?
Some statistic fag want to categorize these by flag? (Kill all memeflags)
>Data-mining this hard
gtfo fed
What does this make me?
I used to be about three squares to the left years ago. Not sure what pushed me right. If anything some of my differing views were on more free market so I thought I would go down more.
Kill yourself faggot
Holy shit that’s exactly what mine looks like and same previous dot location in blue
Based libertarian centrist coming through. I believe in the free market but we need a public health care system. I don't care what you do in the bedroom and marijuana should be legal (not opiods though). I generally believe in rehabilitation but pedophiles forfeit their right to live
t. sargon
Discord trannies.
leftists kikes need to get out. Day of the helicopter when?
Those are natsocs
Took a 3d test cause why not?
Soon, user. Soon
based leaf
Fuck polcomp
Soon indeed
>People with serious inheritable disabilities should not be allowed to reproduce.
>Strongly agree
>I have a serious inheritable disability
fight me.
Also, wtf am I?
Stop posting this shitty and irrelevant compass.
Why are my only choices Muh Humanity or Mega Corps?
>If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.
Enlightened centrist
>tfw you've shifted to the left by one square in the last few years
Hi Shlomo
It means, by their metrics, you're basically Hitler
Green squared fags, you most likely hate yourself. Ask this question, "Do I like who I am?" Feel that little things that tells the truth? This is because you have a broken philosophy and your beliefs contradict each other. It's not hopeless though. You can fix it if you work on it.
red square here, you're gay
pretty much
Fuck commies and fuck foreigners
>14% communism
Make it voluntary and call it charity. Should be fine
biased test is biased
The lower left is an imaginary zone.
You can't be lower left irl.
Just look at all the people who claim to be anarcho socialist/libertarian left. They're authoritarian in their expression of their politics, every single time.