Feeling smug pol

Just did 23 and me
I gotta day the damage was not too shabby
Only 3% West african
2% ashkinazi jew
And 12% non white hispanic
But most look white anyway so I’m all good ‘holmes’
I made it pol
Proof that I’m fuckin white!

Attached: FED37775-148B-4932-9EEB-7F0C006216EA.jpg (1500x1500, 120K)

you are a fucking shitskin go neck yourself you fucking muttrican

"83% is still white"
jew detected


>feeling smug Jow Forums
>just gave my DNA away to Jews

Attached: 4EDF0F91-A3F0-49B3-9280-CD8950E1F4C3.jpg (572x762, 76K)

Reminder that 23andMe fakes results to "screw with the racists"

Attached: One-Drop-Rule-Onyx-Truth-620x400.jpg (620x400, 54K)

You pay to give away forever your unique dna to a database owned by google...
Good job...

>Just did 23 and me

Attached: 1512717073420.png (645x729, 62K)

>Just did 23 and me
>Just willing gave my identity to the jew
Sure is warm this summer

Attached: bait.jpg (425x425, 40K)

Bow before me, nigger

Attached: Untitled3.png (1213x877, 105K)

23andme is owned and run by Google jews. You've been told this 6 million times at Jow Forums. Way to go.

You mean..
>PAID jews to take my DNA

Fuck off you stupid Cuban
Grow a beard
Oh wait you can’t
Because you sub Sarah ran native genes won’t let you
Lmao you wish you could grow a Nordic beard as lush as mine

Attached: BD3BDB24-9C7D-4DC9-8126-FED54825E353.jpg (385x697, 43K)

so you gave your dna to the jews so they could put you in their database?
are you fucking retarded?
so not only can they get you later for some shit but they can get your relatives because they got you on file

as for you dna results which are probably fake anyway
17% non white means you arent white

>1 post by OP
This here is the ultimate datamining thread.
Fuck off Shlomo.

You're feeling smug because you willingly sent your DNA to be kept on record by a private company ran by Jews?

CHEck again honey
Obvious diversion tactics post skin darkie

One drop.

>Feeling smug
>Just did 23 and me
peak summerfag

I suspect they tack on 1 or 2% jewish on most peoples surveys so that goys are more empathic towards kikes, and won't want to shoah them.
>"we can't hate jews, i'm 1% jewish!"

You'll be spared the gas chambers but you have to go back

This is true, but the results constantly update. I did mine about a year and a half ago and the results came back with 2% Ashkenazi Jew. It's no longer there.