What can we expect from Antifa from the following scenarios?
>President Trump wins re-election and remains President through 2024.
>President Trump loses to some Democrat in 2020.
Antifa seems to have been getting more and more violent over the last 2-3 years or so. Will they be even more, or less, violent given each outcome? I am genuinely curious.
What can we expect from Antifa from the following scenarios?
Nothing they are carrying is bullet resistant.
Even though you can only see a bit around the eyes, you can totally tell these people are goofy looking. The eyes don't lie.
You can expect antifa to become raging social conservatives once the culture changes sufficiently.
Same goes for all progressives, socialists and so forth.
These people are just psychopaths. Psychopaths are incredibly vacuous. When the winds of politics that endow them with social currency change, they'll change their politics.
Back in the 80s being a social conservative bible thumper was what gave you social power and currency, so all of the psychotic people did that.
Your average GAY antifa protester today? Yeah, if you got a time machine and took him back to be raised in the 60s and 70s so he was the same age at the height of the AIDs crisis in the 80s, he would have been thumping the bible and yelling to the local community about how AIDs is gods punishment, and all gays are going to hell.
Then they would go and suck dick behind the church because these people just have no fucking shame. They know entirely what they are. Their entire purpose is to manipulate and place themselves ahead of others in the social status game.
It would never occur to them to be independent, or self-sufficient, or live for themselves and whatever they are because they ARE nothing. There IS "NOTHING" to their souls.
So yeah, Drumpf wins 2020 and conservatives get social power then all of the fagdicksucker antifas will just be anti-gay bible protesters, or nazis, or something.
IDK. BTW gays have always been the ones that oppressed other gays, dude. You didn't know that? Normal people just shake their head and say "Gross, that guy's got a mental illness" when they see a homo. A homo has to react with violence to everything in his life though. He's deeply ill, spiritually, and has to take that illness out of everyone around him.
HEY SIR, cutting a plastic barrel in half and spray painting it black is better than kevlar and plate steel. SIR. You owe these courageous warriors an apology! They only deploy the FINEST cosplay armor!
Trump losing in 2020 is the best option. Chamber of Commerce won't be able to push through these record numbers of legal and illegal immigrants without consciousness of Whites rising.
Trump is a huge problem because people see him and think someone important is on our side. The truth is that no one at the top has the ability or desire to end the mass importation of scab labor.
>You can expect antifa to become raging social conservatives
Someone would like to have a word with you
if they were still alive
>"You can expect antifa to become raging social conservatives once the culture changes sufficiently."
>"So yeah, Drumpf wins 2020 and conservatives get social power then all of the fagdicksucker antifas will just be anti-gay bible protesters, or nazis, or something."
That all seems too good to be true.
Nah. All those words, and you managed to say nothing of value. Word salad/= wisdom.
I know some of these "antifa" types. They're not psychopaths. The most common trait they share is laziness. They will protest whoever is in power, because it delays them getting real about life and their future one more year. If they're not running around in their cute costumes, they really don't do much else than sperg on social media constantly complaining about something. They're just angry manchildren and angry womanchildren, who don't wanna get a job.
That's why they don't have a unified front, or message. it's just 'IM ANGRY AT SOMETHING" levels of teenage angst, being retained into adulthood. All fury and noise to distract from their jobless reality and life goals of wanting to just sit on a couch and get high. And piss off mommy and daddy, because they expect snowflake to get a job.
That's all it is. The EU antifa are serious. They're a problem. US antifa are just spoiled children who don't appreciate what they're given, and "protest" because that's more fun than going to class, or to work. And it makes them "special". Psychopath? Nah, senpai. Narcissism. Pure, straight "Look at MEEEEEEEEEE" in action.
And Trump winning in 2020 would be worse?
>Be Trumpenstein
>Deport less illegals than king nigger
>Enforce the border more loosely than king nigger
>More (((legal immigration))) than king nigger
>Has quite literally done nothing for America besides save some people money on taxes
>Let communists do whatever the fuck they want
>Let shitskins do whatever the fuck they want
>Let mentally ill faggots do whatever they want
>People actually believe he's making America great again.
>"EU Antifa are serious"
How so?
This, sadly, seems to be reality.
>ib4 shareblue
>President Trump wins re-election and remains President through 2024.
They chimp out for a few days, continue as usual.
>President Trump loses to some Democrat in 2020.
They celebrate then continue as usual.
its meant for the police-fired bean bag rounds and 40mm gas shells.
It's all for show, dummy. They're cosplayers. I know actual antifa, they're all talk. The minute one round of bean bags is fired, they're scattered like leaves in the wind. They're so weak and lazy the impact from ONE round of bean bags would break their wrists trying to block it.
We can't beat these guys. Our bullets are no match for there trashcan shields.
Are they really that much to fear, at this stage their basically just a bunch of marauding pathetic so-called thugs who go out and whack a couple of people on the head with bike locks.
They'd need really substantial numbers to be truley effective with their lack of skill, which they don't have and either way we have our own red pill alliance to ward them off.
Unless they change something big time they aren't going to be that much of a threat, you look at all the anarchist bombings, they all seem to end p only killing the bomber itself.
Some truth to this although I doubt they become conservatives.
Their psychological profile, however, is not altogether different from neo-nazis (the real ones thats shave their heads and are in and out of prison).
Just losers at the game that want to tear down society instead of fixing themselves.
>You could take antifa back to the 60s and they'd become right wing
>Implying we weren't having the same problem then on different subjects
One can dream
Numbers just means more arrests. They don't have a common vision, or message, or goal. If asked, they just babble about getting more free shit.
They're lazy. You can stop there. That's why they can't get anything done. I know some of these fuckers, all they do is whine at each other for not showing up, when they're not whining about nazis and not getting more free shit, so they can sit on their couches and get high and play with their free shit.
They don't want change, they just don't want to become responsible adults.
>muh antifa
Back to Fox News, Boomer
sadly this.
More martyrs hopefully...
>Even though you can only see a bit around the eyes, you can totally tell these people are goofy looking.
>trump wins
>i hope they start CW2 and conservatives can hit that 1776 reset.
>in reality a few will forget to dialate
>Antifa seems to have been getting more and more violent over the last 2-3 years or so
it's true, that slow increase from graffiti to milkshakes was something i didn't expect to happen in just 2-3 years! we're all lucky to be alive. i think lonely virgins binge watching jp videos and harming minorities is fine though
>bike locks