Homosexualtiy you can argue is degenerate I agree. However it is infininetly less degenerate than prostitution. If homosexuality is to be encouraged many men who otherwise would turn to prostitution would be turned to homosexuality. Sexuality is flexible and it is possible to condition one to be sexually attracted to things they weren't originally, that's how fetishes develop. I'm arguing as a Republican that we need to encourage homosexuality and crack down on prostitution so the incels who hire prostitutes will end up turning to homosexuality due to the lower opportunity cost.
Yes it's degenerate but since it's less degenerate than prostitution? Why not encourage this. I am a republican so keep that in mind.
My dad used to be a cop and used to run sting operations on sex buyers. Apparently many men busted for soliciting prostitution ended up in the gay community since they didn't want to be busted for it again due to a prison sentence One said that at first he was disgusted by the idea but was so desperate for sexual release he did it anyways and got in the habit of going to gay bars. So this strategy can work.
I like how the flag is upside down. Is Trump trying to tell us something?
Hudson Wilson
you are mentally ill
Jonathan Harris
comparing a sexual orientation to a profession you are mental
William Reed
I'm not gay. I'm 100% straight, read my post. I'm not saying homosexuality is good, im saying it's an alternative.
Kind of like allowing pot use so that people are less inclined to worse drugs.
Kevin Green
Landon Hughes
Feminism turned me into a fag
Nolan Rivera
both are forms of degeneracy. you are a degenerate.
Connor Torres
But one is worse than another.
no one said it was, enjoy ban.
Julian Perry
You should embrace the barrel of your gun with your lips, the trigger with your finger, and the lead poisoning you deserve. Shit-eaters are also pedos, and they're abuse vectors in addition to disease vectors. Nobody should embrace such.
Cameron Evans
Your definitely a faggot
Mason Hill
Upside down flags generally communicate a state of distress. So maybe.
Easton Parker
your premis is already wrong. conservative morality places sexual reproduction above both prostitution in that
marital procreative sex > marital recreational sex (this is the line of idealistic morality) > extra-marital sex > no sex what so ever > lacking sexual attraction period (anything less than this is below the absolute line of morality) > prostitution > rape > Homosexuality.
this is the order of moral president anything below the line of absolute morality is accepted as an existing corruption that requires affirmative action to correct. anything below the line of ideal morality, but above absolute will receive explicit correction on occurrence, this may include demanding marriage or compensation (for the marital partner(s)) for extra-marital sex aiding in encouraging healthy sexual relationships between breeding couples, and aiding in mental health of the disturbed.
therefore offering homosexuality as an alternative to prostitution changes nothing on the order or moral president as the issues are also not causal or related and are separate issues of examination.
Camden Smith
I'm straight.
Luke James
I believe that you should die a horrible death along with all sodomites, and then burn in hell forever together.
Jose Brown
Homosexuality should be embraced by ropes and gallows. Anything else is unacceptable to us republicans.
Joseph Peterson
Extra-martial sex is lower than abstinence and prostitution, morally, under Conservative values. Since it's just considered pure fornication.
Colton Hill
Extra-marital can be procreative, the implication is "pre-marital" often called the sin of not waiting. subjectively not morally wrong and historically protected if the intent of marriage is declared. in the case of married couples it may or may not based on the variation of conservatism with certain groups adhering to the "with consent of your partner," attitude, this may or may not be below Absolute morality.
procreation >abstinence.
Adam Lee
are you dumb? prostitution is fornication in cases with unmarried men/women, and idk why you would throw in abstinence in there
Connor Cox
prostitution is the explicit act of paying for sex. extra-marital implies non-monetary incentive and consent.
Asher Smith
Homosexuality is a sin
Alexander Rivera
Already has been. Republican Party basically finished its transformation to the spineless British Conservative Party. losing on every issue at a comfortable speed limit
Landon Kelly
no, your definitions are just wrong, if a married man pays for a prostitute he is having extramarital sex
Luis Allen
What exactly are conservatives conserving?
Dylan Lewis
Bring us incels and we will bring stability to your country.
Julian Robinson
Show flag you kike. Lots of “degeneracy should be celebrated threads” more and more since the Epstein crap. And weirdly almost ALL of you don’t show your flag!
John Nguyen
you aren't thinking of the whole of the situation
prostitution can be Extra-marital but it is no always there fore it is separable. an unmarried man paying for procreative sex without the intent of purposing marriage is absolutely not Extra-marital, it is just the engagement in prostitution.
Extra-marital means outside of marriage. Sex should only be experienced between a man and woman joined in marriage. Anything else is an abomination and should be punished.
so how does pre-marital sex fit into your personal moral stance?
Matthew Torres
sex outside of marriage is an abomination
Lucas Ross
right, and what does that matter? all of this is part of fornication and adultery which are always against divine l and natural law; and sodomites are a totally unspeakanle abomination
Thomas Brooks
then who defines marriage?
Kayden Hall
Yeah let’s completely cave on traditional principles in an attempt to secure the vote of 2% of the most degenerate population
Carter Hernandez
When society was sane God did. One man and one woman joined in marriage. Anything else fucks everything up.
Kayden Anderson
so then if intent is declared and sex is had is does that not make per-marital sex marital therefore setting the president that such an act is there-in always an act of marital sex?
Ethan Lee
>U I never said that once, i don't care about their vote, but sure bud, sure
Jaxon White
Cool rambling schizo
Jacob Hughes
Angel Howard
Why should homosexuality be allowed in White nations?