stoner edition
Jow Forums humor thread
they must really have alot of fun raping goats, to kill their women so indiscriminately.
What's going on here? Palestinian in wrong neighborhood or something?
They might actually be on to something
Old hags like in pic get stoned, any good muslim knows that any woman past the age of 12 is useless.
whattttt is going on here
Israel will not even be remembered as early as 2060, except by a few old people. Just think, your country will be one of the historical nobodies that no one has heard of, like Cospaia or the Gurian Republic. Can't wait!
Even nigger Jew still behave like nigger
>you have to go back
damn, nigga
the whole world is going to burn in 2090
humanity is lost
nigga stole a chair?
lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads.
face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers.
Damn, what's that doggo's problem?
No Ethiopian jews were actually terrorized by Ashkenazi jews for decades even though they're one the oldest jewish adopters. Poor people.
Typical nigger dog. Hope the old man bashed its head in
Copy and paste. Lurk moar.
Goddamn I hate plebbit. Anyway it's a fucking shitbull behaving as they do.
Gotta love the triple homicide boogaloo.
These "sad virgins" are already more successful than the fucking brownies fucking goats and farming dirt.
What is this
Did he died?
Guess how I know you're a newfag
This one always pisses me off. Fucking nigger.
How to stone a girl
She should be thankful for the cultural enrichment.
What's the story?
Israeli kikes love to post dead children almost as much as they like to shoot and kidnap them to harvest their organs irl.
not really just regular behaviour, if pack leader and the rest of the pack seemingly attack the lady and seems to burr up and stand up as if ready to fight then the dog sees this as a challenge.
pitbulls are just more dog then other dogs, same instincts and responses just doubled, maybe tripppled, the owners need to take responsibility for their dogs actions. dog blamers like you are the same as kike enablers
>Clearly the owners were abusive. It's not the dogs fault.
White liberals treat these mongrels like they treat niggers. baka.
Yeah, well I'll have you know my mom is a truck driver with some type of condition and I'm a Navy SEAL, or some shit.
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But seriously, we can't let this guy get his hands on the nuclear codes
damn again?
They tried to hardball him on a bridal dowry deal, or something like that.
>the dance at the end
hardcore motherfucking gangter
good thing he wore a helmet... When they found his head, there wasn't a scratch on it.
>itz not da breed itz da owner!
That's a lot of rambling bullshit. You're an idiot if you think all dogs are equal and breeds are just aesthetic in nature. Different breeds were created for different purposes and pits were created for bloodsport not companionship. Those dogs are prone to random explosive acts of violence that usually ends in life changing injuries or death.
no more fucks to give
I get to post this!
That's it... I don't even know where to begin.
So now it's officially 6,000,001?
pitbull apologists are the worst people on the planet. its a retarded musclenigger dog that viciously (and often!) mauls people with no warning. they should all be destroyed, full stop, end of story.
They're not random, you just don't understand them. Big difference. You're so domesticated you could hardly be deemed human anymore. You're some other mutated product of easy times, bereft of instinct and awareness of the harsh nature underpinning reality. These dogs you revile are just closer to their fundamental nature with which your neutered form no longer has connection.
shut up retard and follow pic advice.
It's trained to attack, it obviously saw the aggressive water toss as a que. Not to mention she's wearing red. And they were dumb enough to own one of those in the first place. dumb and dumber and dumberer
With the way thots act these days sometimes i think id take the goat too.
>their fundamental nature
>crossbred from bulldogs (which are some other garbage mongrel dog) who can only be birthed by c-section
pit bulls are a fucking abomination and should be treated as such, kill yourself tyrone, preferably suicide by pibble
>Needs to use pictures to convey ideas it can't generate on its own.
>Calls others "retard."
You're a product of the internet age. An NPC who has vacated reason to intermix in the common quagmire. I'm not reading your stupid flip book.
Rude af
Its completely random because people are no longer allowed to fight them as their genetics demand. Nice try at sounding deep though...fucking retard.
Germany should accept all black jews. We must save them.
You wouldn't understand depth. You'd drown in a spoon you fucking spastic.
Apparently it's the sons dog. If you listen to it with sound you hear an old man say something along the lines of " I told him not to leave that fucking dog it's going to the pound right now" Should have took it out back and shot it like me and my brother did to my cousins shitbull
The pillow does nothing holy shit
"Hurr I'm on a Siberian wooly mammoth shearing site desperately trying to sound smart"
This place will be so much better when you summer faggots have to go back to school
remember when a memeflag starts a "humor" thread it's JIDF
I can tell you exactly what happened here. The dog most identifies with one of the ones throwing water on the fat lady as the "pack leader". It is attacking that lady because it sees the rest of "it's pack" doing something bad to the fat ugly bitch. It is doing what it thinks is right. The people who have that dog are fucking idiots for not respecting its capabilities and letting it out with a bunch of people it is not used to. You have to respect what a large dog is able to do and treat it as a weapon, not a cute furry doggo. Any large dog can FUCK YOU UP. Not just pitbulls
>Illiterate bullshit approximating communication and Reddit spacing.
When will you realize
you are a retard
a faggot?
With sound you can hear that the granny is shrieking a bit from the icy water (icebucket challenge) is so cold. her screams and wiggling triggered the reaction I guess.
who the fuck keeps making these dumb ass threads? i swear to God its gotta be shills to make Jow Forums look bad.
no one thinks this shit is funny dickhead
Canada-tier shitpost
>Mexicans Going Their Own Way
Dont worry you'll grow up one day but sadly you'll always be a nigger
its maaaam
Found the nigger.
Look nog, I read up on crime stats in Israel the other day because I wanted to see if nigs nog wherever they live. And sure enough crime commit by Jews and broken down by race/ethnicity shows niggers are committing like 75% of violent crime under the Jewish crime category. This despite being a tiny minority.
I think Jews deserve this but they still need to line you all up and put you down.
And oddly enough we don't have multiple videos of other large breeds randomly attacking people unlike with shitbulls. Any other large breed would have just got excited and jumped on people. Only a fucking pit gets excited and tries to pull the nearest persons face off
haha at these fucking "hardcore" liberals who think they can be friends with niggers
>The dog most identifies with one of the ones throwing water on the fat lady as the "pack leader"
a dog, especially not such a dog , takes a child seriously. They know they are human puppies. It was a young girl and a young boy who threw the water. I rather think the movements and screaming triggered his prey instinct.
That's why Huskies are a bit overrepresented when it comes to killing babies. Huskies were breed to feed themselves. And a screaming little thing that can barely considered human yet due to looks and behaviour (in the eyes of the dog) can be mistaken as prey animal.
Has nothing to do with it Hans pits are just a nigger dog. Had one scalp a girl in my state and the family said the noise it's nails made on the linoleum floor triggered it.
bro, no. keep the hot ones until 40 or 45. and when its stone time for any of them, dont stone them, keep them in a rape dungeon for free use. You will have access to more pussy, and have to use less goats (we all know its not just a meme dont even try, even if you never did it, and you probably didnt, because you have internet access and you know of this basket weavin site to begin with)
Just some tips man. You could easily fake some never before seen Hadiths that could say that. If the ULTIMATE goal is to spread the word of Allah the Most Merciful (Trademark) i think it would be ok to decieve some muslims in order the futher the goal of having Islam all over the world. (Im memeing a little bit on you, but at the same time i do respect Islam a lot. As a fascist i admire strenght. And your strenght and fanatism for your religion are praiseworthy. But you guys are still invading Europe and you need to go back. Europe is my land. But at the same time if Islam DOES HAPPEN to eventually control the whole world, its fucking 1000000x better than being jewish cattle. I dont like Arabs and Turks invading MY Europe, but oooooh i fucking hate kikes so much more)
Shit this MDMA kicks
Holy shit I laughed.
Pol is full of fake asses that live in fear......
If I caught my kids talking like you lame asses I'd fucking come in with the major BEAT DOWN
You kikes are weak pussies. We used to lump up fucking weaklings like you all in the 90s.....
No better than libtard S .O. Y fags from Berkeley.....
Epstein and the rest of the lefthand path Satanists are GOING DOWN....
What's going on here?
>thos stats
Shitbulls are truly the niggers of the dog world
Holy fucking shit his face with his eyes closed like "nah man, i cant hear you dawg" holy shit my fucking sides KKKKKEEEEEEKKKKKK
>plebbit spacing
>incoherent statements
Faggot schizo poster
They wine about muh anti semitism while doing shit like this... Disgusting...
Yep. Anyone who defends these dogs has been jewed by the canine kike billion dollar pet industry.
>tfw you realize the solution to all the world's problems is to ship American niggers to Israel.
Oh leaf bro. These summer fags just dont know.
thx for the pasta, you’re a good leaf
>stoner edition