Nigger Tracking

Saw this half eaten watermelon near my house and I’m a little worried some niggers are around. What are some other signs niggers could be near me?

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If your wife is getting the BBC then yeah you got blacks in your area. Usually just shoot off flares and they go away though.

ask your gf, bro, she'll know where they all are

recent robberies or an assault maybe?

Menthol cigarette butts and chicken bones,seriously

Attached: Screen-Shot-2018-10-10-at-9.25.14-PM.png (1620x928, 469K)

faint smell of hair product or cocoa butter will usually lead you to their females


Faint. Kek

such a shitty grounds.... No lawn, no asphalt -- how can you live in so crappy surroundings, user?

Place one of these outside your house

Attached: nigger trap.jpg (294x290, 15K)

The smell
Get your dog to follow the stench

Were there empty soda cans there too? A half eaten watermelon is concerning but not a definite, but if the a bunch of grape empty grape soda cans lying about, you got yourself a nigger infestation.

Ironically this will help. This will detect their smell long after they left the scene.

Also in consideration of the first few anons you may need to use this in your shared or gf's bed.

This exactly.

Attached: smelloscope.jpg (512x823, 60K)

>realizes he lives far out in the country
>finds mirror

Attached: image.jpg (540x534, 95K)

Leave out a poisoned watermelon in a styrofoam cooler.
Just hunt down a syringe, fill it with windex and SLOWLY push the needle in.
You may need multiple syringes for multiple attempts.

Niggers usually travel in packs. They are not solidarity creatures. That watermelon can mean you got a pack.

Attached: 1395708417688.jpg (600x688, 142K)

Your gf is missing more often and seems to suffer more headaches

Probably just raccoons. Unless, was there any Church's Chicken boxes laying around?

Nike makes Smokes?

unironically this


Grape Kool aid

also look for tumble-weaves

Attached: kZPO1.jpg (2592x1936, 566K)

Follow the gunshots.

Graffiti, crack vials, crack pipes, and most of all blunt paper wrappers on the sides of the road

Windex? Just pump it with bleach and some running alcohol. Creates a chloroform.

There should be a foul odor like a big foot or skunk ape would make.

Attached: skunk ape.png (460x543, 380K)

Black people loitering giving you looks like you dont belong. Thats a key sign your neighbor has gone to shit.

Look to see if you spot any Jordan shoe tracks on the ground, a sure sign you have a nigger in the vicinity

Never relax

So, what happens is there will be this noise... emanating from their general location at almost all times. Its like an AOE based attack. You will know it when you hear it...

>only half eaten

I think you're good, OP.

Africanus Americana can be quite the difficult creature to track. Their affinity to hunt in areas that are paved, coupled with their tendency to use cash means that finding their tracks can be extraordinarily difficult.

The most surefire way to know if one has been in the area is to check the local news for reports of break-ins. However, this is often a herald of their coming, as it is usually followed by robberies, assaults, and finally murder.

Once a murder happens, the hive has found a feeding ground, and will set up a new colony until all of the resources are depleted. Unfortunately, these colonies do not die off when resources run out. They simply sustain themselves by leeching off others.

Occasionally a scout will leave its nest to seek new pastures and resort to break ins. Thus, the cycle is complete, and the africanus americana can propagate throughout any environment.

look for cadillac tracks

Dirty underwear randomly strewn about
twin-size mattresses (no sheets) left outdoors
No, I’m not kidding.
>t. Detroit-Metro area resident

This and an increase in robberies

What's wrong with cadilacs?

Attached: fullcad2-940x730.jpg (940x730, 163K)

Quick Geralt! Press the "witcher senses" button and follow the footprints.

Loud bass car stereos.

Attached: th.jpg (474x474, 13K)

Piles of carp bones

chicken bones. I'm not even joking, they often walk while eating and just throw the bones on the ground wherever.

Empty grape soda cans, Fruity Pebbles boxes

Tumbleweave blowing around the back streets is always a bad sign

Your wife is finally pregnant

user is a bit vague on the Cadillac part but ive got an idea of what they meant

Attached: 1.jpg (385x289, 25K)

Relax: OFF

I was hunting for niggers down in the dark