Exact same facial features, even down to the vein on the left side of the forehead. Prove me wrong...

Exact same facial features, even down to the vein on the left side of the forehead. Prove me wrong. The elite worship Saturn.

Attached: Screenshot(325).png (602x308, 392K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>what is deepfake
Welcome to the future, user

Post the full pic with the varsity jacket nigger next to him. That’s some other office stooge from King Nigger’s administration.

That pic is just some faggot at Coachella

>Deepfakes only became a problem when Epstein got caught
Tik tok your time is running out.

Attached: 1562550429245.png (636x655, 91K)

Even the person who took the picture admitted it was Obama. Checkmate.

Attached: IMG_2873.png (848x603, 653K)

Oh fuck. Is it last summer again? Did you really not come up with new material in the span of an entire year? Fuck off loser

they actually thought he was a coolie just like them. just another tool for the cia..


Attached: barry.jpg (159x86, 4K)

Barack Marshall Davis

>Saturn about to eat his son

Attached: 694D9979-89D4-4290-A581-904B022550CD.jpg (583x1024, 76K)

Word is on the street there are many more pics that will be eventually released once the heat is fully on Obama for the spying and other things that'll be revealed. What took place after this "entrance" will be a shock to many.

Attached: 1562893499324.jpg (540x816, 31K)

And there's no way that screenshots not 100% legit.

What is he dressing up as pol?

Attached: obamanaziskull.gif (488x890, 193K)

Some Kabalistic demon or some shit. Maybe Moloch. Who knows.

OP's pic on the left is a wealthy jew from New York City. He posted the fucking image on his profile. Retarded boomer fucks.

Attached: 1543182287239.jpg (750x489, 171K)


A dead man

To be more specific, it's not Saturn they worship. It's Yahweh in the THRONE of Saturn. Saturn/Cronos/El/An occupied the throne of heaven. There was a war of succession between the high god of the Aryans and the high god of the Semites. The Semites depict their high god as having won that battle and now occupying that throne (of Saturn). So it's not Saturn himself that they worship. It's Yahweh occupying his position.

you’re not wrong

the semites is way too broad of a term. it was the kikes

Nope. 'Kike' is far too narrow. The Semitic arabs worship the same god, as did the Semitic Phoenicians and the Semitic component of ancient Egyptian society.

what the fuck is that a skull of?

Attached: snl mr-belvedere-fan-club.jpg (710x480, 53K)

Jesus is coming soon.
Ask Him into your heart while there's still time. He loves you so much. The ones who are in charge of this world are indeed evil, and they've chosen their path...it leads to destruction at the hands of God's inevitable wrath. Don't go down the same path.

Attached: 5412657321.jpg (688x360, 49K)


Attached: serveimage.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

Alien horned skull. A few yards away they found Nazi documents that were related to the secret occult division within SS.

The man standing next to Obama is his aide.

Back when this came out, I was paying attention. Cybele. (One of these names associated with their Gnosticism/Luciferianism, whatever shit.)

peace be with you user
beware of the mark
there will be pestilence prior to its coming
a component of the mark will be stated as a vaccine
but in reality it will be a potent disease
a weaponized form of syphilis
it will cause those who accept the mark to experience painful sores - sores that eventually affect the mouth making people chew their tongues in agony - followed by neurosyphilis and madness
experiments have been done many times in the past on unsuspecting populations to test these strains for effectiveness and communicability
study the stages of syphilis infections and compare to scripture


That is the same style of background in that assholes presidential portrait, green hedge with flowers like a fairy in a forest

>mom please flush it all away

Attached: serveimage (3).jpg (198x255, 16K)

It is Obama, 100%

Snopes and lefty shills say its someone from "Burning Man festival", pic related, but that still doesn't explain Artur Davies standing next to him in that photo. Too many coincidences.

Attached: 1537338259570.png (690x844, 676K)

Exact same facial features, even down to the vein on the left side of the forehead. Prove me wrong. The elite worship Satan.

Attached: the_bible_satan_barack_obama.jpg (928x523, 90K)

It’s obama, your pic is damage control by (((them)))

The dude next to him is wearing a chicago jacket for christ’s sake

Attached: for fags.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Cool story memeflaggot larper

Attached: Merchant, post.jpg (491x491, 43K)

>Obama dresses in faggotry Satan garb
>Michelle bangs his worn out gay butthole
>Hillary squeals with delight, proceeds to finish her bowl of children's pineal glands
>Podesta in the corner eating the pain
This about covers it for the evening

Exactly what I'm saying. It's not Michael Madie. He wore the same suit for the Burning Man festival, sure, but in that pic it is 100% Obama and Artur Davies.

That's for sure Obama, but honestly who cares? People dress up for parties all the time. That this costume is all fancy is because it's a famous person wearing it. Really this is nothing.


Attached: Satanic tranny Obama - google snitches.png (1181x1244, 766K)