Capitalists just got rekt

Capitalists just got rekt

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Open source coders gain expertise and can beef up their resume, i could live without the other three

all but firefighters are the product of capitalist.

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>here's some examples of people doing things for motives other than money
>quick let's starve another 50 million people to death

Capitalism is trash, but you're a nigger.

Volunteer fireman is a job that people take to try to become a paid fireman, same with open source code.
Wikipedia is mostly done by a handful of employees and passionate people who do it for some kind of fun.
Minecraft contributed nothing to society.
The real question is, who will do the shitty jobs without a profit motive.
I can get an army of 14 year olds to make a Minecraft thing for free. But can you find people willing to be a janitor for free? What about a sewer inspector or McDonald's cashier?


Checkmate from 1969 you regarded commie

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>No profit wikipedia still begs for donations.
Commies btfo.

wikipedia has to beg MONTHLY and spam adverts begging for donations in order to stay open. It's a cash grab though since you know for a fact the government wouldn't let that massive control of information go away.

the most important open source programmers get paid to produce their work.

no you couldn't

Volunteer Fire Fighters get paid. At least they do in Oklahoma.

They just don't get paid per hour.

wikipedia and open source -> resume to get a better job and more profit

-> firefighter social benefits, as well as many retired men find purpose in the responsibility

minecraft??? a computer game???

How do volunteer firefighters get equipment?

this is why NANO is the patrician crypto

capitalism never said that everything occurs because there is a financial incentive, capitalism is just the free movement of goods, labour and the ability to own private property

problem with c*mmunists is that they think if paying someone money to run the economy doesn't work, then obviously doing it for free will! This kind of stupid logic is why you lose.

Selling loot from burned out houses

by that definition, #1 and #2 sucks and deserve to be removed.

Strawman argument.
No sane capitalist says that monetary profit is the only motive.

Now find me the volunteer garbage men and volunteer toilet scrubbers

>Minecraft players
>the guys who only come when they have to put out the smoldering ashes of your house
Honestly tho

You can put 3 of those on a resume, minecraft is just a hobby.

moreover, everything you do is as a result of cost benefit analysis

even if there is no money invovled, you may volunteer because it is profitable for you community in keeping it safe and clean

you engage in a conversation with someone, hoping to profit from it by being amused or learning something

OP must have literally just bobbed up from his final succ finishing off Jamal and started this post before the seed was even swallowed.

Those listed examples all profit in other ways that are not tangible and therefore not able to be stolen by niggers for redistribution to other niggers.

If a communist state could somehow take all of the pride you feel and social rewards from putting out a fire for free, and redistribute to a bunch of lazy niggers who didn't do anything, then yeah, you'd stop fucking doing it!

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It's in quotes so who is being quoted? Probably no one.

Capitalists are well aware that people can be motivated by things other than money.

Like a party. Or a flexible schedule. Or a positive work environment. There are plenty of people that have given up very well paying jobs just work in a better environment.

>financially stable people using their time to pursue their passions for free
why are fag flags always the flaming homo types

nah, even the firefighters are the product of capitalist

Literally 90% of relevant open source work is done by corporate and contract developers

t. corporate open source developer
And Wikipedia is run by you know who

Not to mention that some people do make money from minecraft because of e-celeb shit and patreon

imagine trying to compare Minecraft users to operating a nuclear plant in your anarchist utopia.

So in other words society doesn't need to be capitalist, it just needs to be white. Ok got it.

>1 post by this kike

>without a profit motive
literally no one has said that. there are many more reasons to be productive besides monetary

wikipedia is about control of the narrative and they are drowning in cash btw

minecraft is a hobby. there is no conflcit between hobbyists and capatalism

open source coding is again another hobby, and one that can get you notoriety and money

volunteer firefighters are compensated and get non monetary perks

Important point:

Communism never has and never will occur through voluntary interactions

People volunteer to do a lot of things, especially in charity. But exactly how many people ever volunteer to create a communist restaurant or book shop?

It's funny, because you never needed to really convince anyone that the car was a good idea for too long: it was produced, it worked, it sold.
Communism, despite claiming to be the best, most efficent and happiest organization of labour and goods, is never something that occurs organically

It's almost as if communism is like trying to sell someone a car with square wheels, or it's simply a virus that persists by taking resources via power

ok, now show us screenshots of 2b2t the OLDEST ANARQUY SERVER IN MINECRAFT (props to whoever got the reference)
Its a fucking hellscape of destruction and lawlessness where only the crafty and the strong survive. Humans, when left uncontroled will always revert to the Natural Laws that govern the Earth. And that means survival of the fittest. And that means eco fascism. Why arent you an eco fascist yet?

It's another thread produced by some fleeting idiot who isn't interested in having a discussion; a snarky opinion shot out of a barrel is seemingly an effective method of communication

"Volunteer" Firefighters are well paid, they just don't draw a salary.

All four have a profit incentive you FUCKING dweeb
1. Wikipedia provides interest and lobby groups a way to use their money to profitably fund writers to improve public perception or shape public opinions.

2. Minecraft platwrs - PARTICULARLY ones that take those pictures, do so for youtube views and subs and ultimately have a fame or monterary incentive.

3. OS coding is obvious because it gets you jobs w/ the experience

4. Volunteer firefighters get pussy, thus reducing cost needed to get pussy otherwise, get job experience, and get a profitable social and communal life

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Volunteer firefighters get paid for their time and training. Its not enough for a full time job (despite many trying to make it so) but they aren't out responding to calls for free dipshit. Mostly its a drinking club for people who like to larp as firefighters. Also you get the special plates on your truck and you can pay to get lights and go woowoo all you want. Gay shit.

t.f. my brother is a volunteer firefighter

Yeah, they are pretty low to call themselves volunteers, really they are part-time firefighters.

I'm gonna put Wikipedia moderator on my resume from now on, no-one can be fucked fact checking that.

if you go to any of their talk pages, you'll soon realise wikipedia is fully politicised. it's inherently a propaganda machine with a few gems here and there.

>minecraft players
artistic pursuit may be gratifying to the person making it, but it really contributes nothing. it also lefts the person making it with an endless void after he finishes it. kind of like instant gratification junkies (anime watchers, social media addicts, movie junkies, etc.), you're eager to jump to the next project looking for a fix and thus you end up accomplishing nothing over and over again.

>open source coders
open source isn't as selfless as it's cracked up to be. the more open source shit you publish, the better your resume will look. you usually put your github profile and the projects you've been a part of in your resume. what better way to display your skill than letting your potential employer see your work. and if you're lucky, you may end up getting paid for your open source work through donations or by actually getting hired by one of the big dogs.

>volunteer firefighters
while there are a lot of genuinely selfless volunteer firefighters, many have the "white girl going to africa" syndrome. where the end goal is self-satisfaction and clout. but yeah, I'll grant you this one.

swear to god its a larping thing. They can't get enough people to respond to traffic accidents but a tiny fire in a garbage can gets everyone rushing the fuck over. The young guys are the worst, too. Its gay as shit.

same reason charity exists

>Minecraft is productive

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the point is to let people live and exchange with each other the way they htink is the best. Let them do what they want. If you want to edit for wiki or make castles in mince craft, then by all means go do it. It's the leftwing authoritarians who want to restrict your behavior and dictate how you should live.

that would be a legit good htign to have on a resume. You could help make sure your own company's wikicoverage looked the best and was protected from vandalism.

They could put ads on their pages. They don't need money.

>wikipedia editors
>minecraft players
>open source coders

I'm noticing a pattern here. We don't need commies just more autists.

>Open Source coders
You do know that Open Source does not necessarily means free right?

Wikipedia has a shit ton of donators from major corporations.

Minecraft is for profit, the playerbase chooses to use their time to "build" things for free.

Open source coders built the community to better transmit information to improve their skill set, which increases their profits.

Volunteer firefighters get tax breaks based on time spent volunteering.
Or anotherwords, profit.

Time == money
Money == time

At the end of the day all you have is time and if you're not spending it getting money you're just dying.

3 out of the 4 things require nothing other than a computer. Thus it is much easier to make something there than something irl. And a firefighter gets its equipment for free paid by capitalists.

Too bad what entertains skilled white people isn't the same thing that entertains unskilled white people or other various more likely unskilled races.

Society doesn't run with clogged toilets and dirty hospital floors. Without janitors the modern world would stop. Especially if those janitors were out on the town busting in glass windows or causing other various destruction for their entertainment.

Modern firefighters started from insurance companies after the Great Fire of London

autists actively want to engage in intense intellectual labor with minimal reward.

All of those were born from capitalist centrist society fucking communist son of the biggest whore.

There's just one problem with this. There's unlimited resources in minecraft, wikipeidia is stealing most of its information, and open source code is always inferior to paid for code.

Communism is shit because it literally steals everything and no one can do anything for themselves.

How much is notch worth? Fucking retard.