>X flipped because of all the Californians moving there >It wasn't the legals, it was the ILLEGALS >legal Mexicans are natural conservatives and BASED >they stuffed ballot boxes >the deep state rigged it >just wait until 2024! >the white nationalists did this by spreading lies and demoralizing the base >Ann Coulter was getting money from the DemonRATS >It's impossible that he actually lost X region, this is a scam >Don Jr. is going to come back and reign for 100 years! >the Libertarians stole Trump's votes! >this wouldn't have happened if Trump had just bombed Iran >social media censored conservatives! >He lost so he can maneuver around the deep state as a civilian, 4d chess!
My hope is that Trump does lose, but I don't think he will. Democrats are too retarded. But I don't want another four years of nothingness and excuses. Vote Yang, step on the gas and let's go to hell already.
It's a catch 22. Trump looses and it's going to be touted as proof the public doesn't want "racism and nationalism" (even though he's a useless luke warm civ-nat), or he wins and it shows there's truly no culpability for selling out your base and fucking over whites.
Please don't say the n-word, black unemployment is at an all time low.
Blake Kelly
It's impossible for the rightwing to win the popular vote anymore
Parker Gonzalez
Why do you fags act like he’s lost support? Why do you deny reality like that? His rally’s have been doing better than ever lmao
Jose Wood
tell me, frens, which democrat are you most excited about?
>Why do you fags act like he’s lost support? Why do you deny reality like that? His rally’s have been doing better than ever lmao this is why he continually has those rallies, it destroys the MSM demoralization narrative
they have Biden 9 points ahead of Trump and then Trump has his 2020 announcement rally with 20k people and 100k RSVPs... more people at the porta potty than Biden's rally
Gavin Powell
>imblying winning the popular vote won't hand him a fistful of electoral votes someone forgot the states that pledged their votes to the winner of the popular vote desu
yet he's a flaming racist that puts innocent children in concentration camps, just like Hitler
your rhetoric runs into your other rhetoric constantly
Ayden Edwards
I'm not leftwing you dumb motherfucker, the issue is Trump is both a kike loving puppet and an anti-racialist retard that didn't live up to his promises.
Julian Moore
cool story bro there's no alternative so continue shilling
i guess i should vote for the literal Jew Bernie
Carter Jones
>I have to eat this literal shit because I'm not drinking diarrhea Keep playing the game like the good goy you are!
Benjamin Perez
keep attempting to demoralize people from going with the only good thing we have
as you can tell, it's working very well
Matthew Gutierrez
>good thing we have
You're listed in the OP >the White Nationalists demoralized everyone! fucking joker
Bentley Mitchell
US citizens reject borders and bigotry. This is a win for trans women and biological women everywhere, in that order.
Xavier Garcia
It's hilarious watching you storm fags cope and make excusing on how Jews rule everything and yet are subhuman.
L-Lets not vote at all guys! He's not Hitler 2.0!
It's going to be hilarious to watch you guys cuck out like always.
Your lone wolf tactics only make you worse off and brand your movement as dangerous.
Easton Sanchez
If there's no alternative, then what's the problem? Can't a nigger criticize his president??
Blake Brooks
We slaughter all the communists. Now fuck off before we have to really do it.
CHECKED God damn I can not WAIT to see that fucking faggot lose in 2020 All the work we put in for him, just for him to denounce us day in and day out. HAHAHAHAHA HAPPY HANNUKKAH AND SHALOM, MIGAPEDES!!!
Zachary Martin
no there is an alternative. we all know bernie will crash this nation. Trump wants to build up this nation ONLY so it can be a jewish slave nation. I find crashing this nation to be a better alternative to building it up so it can serve jews, no?