
How are these people able to just walk around freely and not get attacked? Are we that weak and brainwashed?

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If only glowies could be used to light our cities at night..
Imagine the street lamps telling you to shoot up a school..

Because who gives a shit? Americas already a dead country

All I'm saying is cody cigar has a point. We just need to take the next step.

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I can't stand democrats but I'd walk up and say hi because I'm mentally stable.

Why should they be attacked? Don’t attack people for no reason, you nigger.

Yes we are very weak
Our grandfathers had the balls to lynch these people in the streets

They're all in New York and DC and LA.

>no reason

you're kidding, right? these demons are destroying our country. you're okay with that?

These are very low level demons who can be replaced instantly without missing a beat. What they really don't want you doing is having four or five white children and staying alive long enough to raise and homeschool them.

I'm sure there's some like-minded people there, still. I'm surprised it's not already happening.

That's a really good point, and I'm working towards that. But wouldn't it still send a message? Maybe if it were some of the top, most established ones?

You don't seem to understand what your country is all about and what makes it so great.
Saudi Arabia might be a better fit for you.

Please, tell me what my country is all about.

Think about his lips sucking dick after work. That is what I think of the Schwarze lemon.

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Obvious glowtard is obvious. I want better agent provocateurs for my tax dollars. Come on trump, you can shell out for higher quality than this.

It's like they're not even trying anymore.

They're not. I can't count the number of "dudes why don't we go out and do [ILLEGAL THING HERE]" posts I've seen just today. It's sad.

Go away. You're actually a pathetic faggot. This is the only (you) you're going to get today.

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this is a better job of pretending to punch up than the typical FBI race baiting shit

however, the fact remains that we know the real enemy: usurers, international banking dynasties, the CEOs of corporations their own, etc.

any calls for punching that don't direct at the top of the pyramid like so are obvious mossad glownigger bullshit

The most brightly glowing thread in the catalog. It really pisses glow niggers off that Trump supporters are pretty much all good boys and girls and not the nazi hate and death squads they wish to portray you as

yes we are that weak and brainwashed.

lots of directed energy weapons and hollywood kike propaganda ensuring that.

Most intelligent post in the thread.