>unwashed fruit has proteins in it that will give you an allergic reaction.

Its from all the pesticides and persercatives that they put on these things And then shit them out onto a shelve at walmart to rot for a week before you buy it

How fucking coincidental that there just happens to be a connection to "them" on the first result on google.

And to all you kike mob control wagies
No im not on meds

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fruit making your mouth itchy lol wtf how can they get away with using chemicals on your food whys there never backlash to that shit but is for stupid shit

>eat fruit
>get itchy mouth
even America's fruits are cancerous


Fucking Jews, am I right boys?!

>Jews have their own specialized medical advice in the United States

>John Smith goes to Shekelstein MD: "Sorry, I can't do anything about it. You will stay infertile forever. Sorry!"
>Benjamin Cohen goes to Shekelstein MD: "Just take 2 of these for 3 days and you will be back to normal to father many more Jewish children."

avacados make my throat itch. i stopped eating them years ago

Damn straight boyyo!

Webmd says I have an alder pollen allergy. Funny. Never used to.

The great thing about the human immune system is that it can just decide one day that something it has tolerated for decades is now hostile to the body and must be destroyed.

Including the body's own cells.

You jest, but it's true.

OAS is a thing you retard. It affects people with pollen allergies. I have it and it sucks. I’m allergic to juniper tree pollen, and many fruits set off the same reaction; banana, avocados, cantaloupe to name a few. Washing has nothing to do with it.

Don't they teach you that shit in school?
Always wash fruits and vegetables because they're covered in fungicide and pesticides
This is literally just basic modern health

>1 post by this ID
Not sure if I got trolled or not but this is a message worth replying to for the health of all you murrikans out there. Wash your fruits

there is no protein in fruit

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the absolute state of 4channel

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Pretty sure this is an attempt at discrediting Jow Forums by posting this type of shit
Yes jew institutions are kiked but even jew institutions have to have regular helpful content as a service provider for populations along with their shit. You posting this along with your lack of evidence tells me that
>1. You need to perform a scientific test on your theory if you want us to take that claim seriously
> lack the critical thinking skills to do #1 and have posted this as a kneejerk to seeing the word jewish, which is understandable
>3. You are deliberately fake tard-posting a bait thread to essentially delegitimize Jow Forums so you or someone else can say "wow, these people really believe in , they're making threads about it!
I hope it's #1 OP. Perform a test on an allergic* person both with and without it being washed, and report back

bacon is a fruit

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People of have been washing fruits and vegetables for ages user they grow in shit

remove chemicals from your produce
1. fill container
2. add baking soda (1 ounce baking soda to 100 ounces water)
3. soak for 12 to 15 minutes

use the baking soda on mushrooms, they don't actually absorb much water; alton brown proved it on good eats

remove nasty films on produce by just scrubbing them with baking soda and your hands

forget about the retarded suggestion in that article that you can't use it on berries. you most certainly can and they can potentially last for weeks after being in a vinegar bath which kills the mold producing fungus and rot producing bacteria. dry well in a salad spinner. i haven't tried the salt bath that the article mentions but i think i will. i'm going to assume that a 10% salt bath will also eliminate the bacteria but i'm not sure about the mold.

just make sure you rinse well.

also you can use oregano oil as a preservative (it's antibacterial/fungal) but it seems that it will leave at least some oregano flavour behind.
use oregano oil for all your other cleaning purposes. 0.5% oregano oil with water (and am appropriate amount of soap or detergent for an all-purpose cleaner) and you will have a cleaner that's as or more effective than any commercial cleaning product. it will actually leave your cleaning rag/sponge cleaner than it would be after using commercial products

Good! Have a mango!

So you're off your meds then? Get back on them schizoboomer

>he’s never sucked dick
Lmao stupid faggot.

ITT pectin allergies