do fit girls make trad wives or are they doomed to narcissism?
Before you say muh masculine traits even the women of Sparta were kept fit to ensure they will do their best in motherhood and that they can be used as a last line of defense
Do fit girls make trad wives or are they doomed to narcissism?
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>he women of Sparta were kept fit to ensure they will do their best in motherhood and that they can be used as a last line of defense
women that clean and jerk are assholes, I hate looking at their stupid form all they do is hump the air and then slide under the bar, they look like fucking crabs for christsakes, not at all powerful
That fucking got me.....
>are they doomed to narcissism?
Tomboys are the best desu
Based (((greatest))) ally
The fitness of a women will affect the health of her offspring. I would actually argue the best trad wife would be one that was fit (not muscular). A woman that is muscular is going to have more testosterone due to the muscle, which the hormone testosterone will affect her microbiome. That microbiome is what she will be passing onto your offspring. The more unhealthy and inferior her microbiome, the more unhealthy and inferior your offspring will be.
We need Valkyries.
Would you consider op's pic too muscular?
>fit women
lmao nice try
They invariably become surprisingly strong fat chicks like Russian Babushkas. Pretty base but eh take em or leave em.
>do fit girls make trad wives or are they doomed to narcissism?
All women are whores unless you train them not to be.
Got ourselves a little (You) slut over here
*unzips pants*
You people have no idea what the fuck you are talking about
If you like (((fit))) girls you are a homosexual. Simple as.
Fit and milky
It depends of the woman it self. My ex-girlfriend was all into fitness, running etc (still is ) but very traditional and conservative because thats who she is. Although I know girls into fitness who are total degenerate thots, so again, it depends of the woman and her views.
When I started my Jow Forums journey I unironically began to lead a trad life.