@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>ActICEDir Albence on FoxNews 7/14/19
>ActCBPCommr Morgan on FtN 7/14/19
>ActUSCISDir Cuccinelli on ABCNews 7/14/19
>ActUSCISDir Cuccinelli on (((FakeNews))) 7/14/19
>NASAAdm Bridenstine on FtN 7/14/19
>KAC on FoxNewsSun 7/14/19
>HUDSec SleepyBen on TheEpochTimes 7/13/19
>ActFEMAAdm Gaynor on ABCNews 7/13/19
>TrumpTweet: Leaving the Great State of Ohio! 7/12/19
>Pres Trump arrives in Cleveland OH 7/12/19
>Pres Trump @Derco Aerospace on USMCA 7/12/19
>Pres Trump signs high-heel shoe in WI 7/12/19
>Pres Trump/LabSec Acosta comments before departing WH 7/12/19
>VP Pence Roundtable w/USBP in McAllen TX 7/12/19
>VP Pence/Others @Immigrant Processing Center 7/12/19
>NASAAdm Bridenstine on C-SPAN 7/12/19
>Trump2020StratCommDir Lotter on Dobbs 7/12/19
>SpecRep4Venezuela Abrams @OAS Press Conf 7/12/19
dvidshub.net/video/696355/ (full)

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Attached: 1563165459884.jpg (1439x1990, 837K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/no to maga with/filter/text/troll_country/ac/


Donald Trump is a racist.

Gas the bikes, street race now.

>and then one day for no reason at all germans..
hahahahaha wait this is not germany

Attached: 1563058730361.jpg (1070x670, 168K)

AWOO !?!


Attached: rachel-cook.jpg (1080x1348, 77K)

Racism implies irrational hate though.


Attached: anapment.jpg (850x850, 295K)

Attached: 01.png (1121x725, 1014K)


Attached: 1561605137144.webm (480x480, 138K)

>watch anything on youtube related to technology or video games
>1 out of 4 people are trannies
>not even good ones, the "I died my hair purple I'm a girl now you fucking bigot" trannies

fuck this gay earth

nope, I just had a rachel stuck in the tomboy folder; i like to b8 everyone

Didn't russia purge all their fags for the olympics?

Attached: damnit you weren't supposed to wake up early i was gonna make breakfast, are those donuts, fuck (682x1024, 86K)

Is it okay to wake awoo up by sexing her or is that raep

I wish he was half the things they accused him of being

Attached: 1005 Literally Hitler, we mean it this time.png (576x562, 239K)

not really LOL
that was just western media lies


Attached: 1549069917141.png (1000x750, 398K)



Attached: rarepepe.jpg (1824x1368, 274K)

>not St. Pidorsburg

Attached: slav bunny.jpg (358x449, 26K)

I don't like tomboys.

Attached: 1554785169460.jpg (936x1200, 140K)

>STILL no nigger tapes

Attached: tumblr_mt52bn312F1rb06tgo1_r1_500.gif (500x463, 997K)

I don't like boys or men.

Attached: Blond-Nordic-Martian.jpg (384x506, 83K)

That wasn't a tomboy though

If only...

Attached: 1563066087726.jpg (850x574, 134K)

Goodnight friends
Kellyanne is a tomboy :^)
Goodnight Rachelpoaster

Attached: 6k70z.webm (1280x720, 980K)

world cup i believe

Everyone has an opinion

Attached: when you see a pirate flag.jpg (265x362, 33K)

gloho homo fascism must be removed from russia

Posting those literal who models is very contrarian to the values and standards of which /ptg/ was founded on. Be better than that. Be MAGA!

Attached: 1561395808597.jpg (480x480, 58K)

>not watching only YongYea, OverlordDVD and... forgot

Attached: 1540451631859.webm (350x350, 236K)

Skellyanne is a skellington . Gn

Attached: 1562681523446.jpg (900x642, 530K)

nn muttposter

>late 2020
>uncle touchy has somehow survived, won the super skelegates and is now facing off against Trump
>Rachel Maddow hypes a major news event
>the nigger tapes have been found and will be aired LIVE FOR THE FIRST TIME
>episode of the apprentice uncut......... suddenly swaps to hidden camera of Joe
>God I hate going to the white house these days, whole place smells like nigger tranny

some things are wrongly sorted if I go searching for b8 while drunk

Attached: 1542581844538.jpg (2048x1365, 811K)

keep hope alive

Attached: 1538805318177.jpg (647x485, 32K)


You're reaching Portugal levels of shit taste.

Attached: 77527174363aeb0e2e581ca972ede62d.jpg (1208x891, 424K)

Asking for SkellyAnne pics? you will recieve.

Attached: 81908678.gif (273x266, 2.64M)

>that filename

Whew lad. If you think that’s how life really is with a woman then lube up son, or life will be going in dry.

>Kellyanne is a tomboy :^)


Attached: 20162035.png (985x768, 1.09M)

is that a real woman or a tranny

does it?
I thought racism was simply just acknowledging that race is a factor in human traits and outcomes?

Like for instance, acknowledging that blacks are better at long distance running is racism.
Acknowledging that whites are better at building complex societies is racism.

>slow dumping rares for insomniacs

How do we reach over the aisle and find allies among Democrat senators and representatives?

Attached: nes.png (220x313, 163K)

Where are the shills? Show yourself I want to talk shit!!!

Attached: YOURE-ON-YOUR-OWN.jpg (892x1371, 227K)

Pleasant dreams.

that cant be healthy

w-who are you trying to bait here?

Attached: maxresdefault (3)__01.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

The great thing about pictures is as long as you don’t see a dick it doesn’t matter

>No Hitler gf to MAGA with

Attached: egggirl.jpg (1920x1080, 171K)


>been playing this the last week off and on because it's comfy puzzles
The left doesn't reach across the aisle; they are willing to pull the right across, but they won't meet in the middle

Attached: it's a trap but not like you think.jpg (544x802, 224K)

Nobody gives a flying fuck what you do or don't like, Skellyannefag

Kill yourself, for the upteenth fucking time

Leftish types swarm to what's popular in order to subvert it and use the platform to spread their propaganda. They're a mind virus and propagate through influence and manipulation.
The more virtuous the hobby the less you'll see these subhumans. Get better hobbies.

Don't bully SkellyAnne.

Attached: Mrs.Skeletal.jpg (520x338, 26K)


Attached: kerr.jpg (1019x797, 225K)


Attached: ika2.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

i am glad i do not jerk off to anything anymore

Attached: hate speech.jpg (614x569, 58K)

You're splitting hairs, paco

I guess technically racism is thinking your race is better then every other race, but the left always played it up as an irrational insecurity. Up until now when everything is racism if it isn’t exactly what they are pushing.

protip: your "virtuous" churches have already been subverted by leftists

Dems commissioned a poll on swing voters. How is the results even possible

Attached: D_eQA54WkAEd5VB.jpg (1125x1031, 104K)

>How do we reach over the aisle
with one of these

Attached: 1535311938806.jpg (500x404, 42K)

Why do all these disingenuous shills act like Trump tweeted for them to go to the countries they came from and stay there when he plainly and literally invites them to come back into the US?!? It’s a great strategy but why do they ignore that part so easily

Here's a natural woman to help, fren.

Attached: This is close to what I look like..jpg (700x650, 93K)

one day, fren, one day

Attached: Hitler point.png (506x431, 208K)

Welp, it’s been fun m8s.

Attached: BFF31A0A-9935-4746-BF2A-1E81FFA51694.jpg (1227x1584, 488K)

discord fag from Jow Forums murdered an e-girl and posted her pics, holy fuck

Attached: 1511013810007.png (800x600, 400K)

Church isn't a hobby.

only autistic incels are afraid of socialism

I'd say they're setting themselves up for another McGovern at the current rate

rent free

i am vomit

Attached: 328E6B5B-51BA-4CBB-B9C6-9B5DFBFF1AD1.gif (500x377, 483K)

Literally fucking who?
Stay in your lane, Sportsball Man.

Attached: 769c19ed45b3d94e44bf7604a76ec0a2.gif (500x345, 412K)

Will justice ever be served?

Attached: yudbeinjail.gif (480x210, 2.52M)

pls dont post this again

Attached: The World_s Cutest and Saddest Cat Luhu Whose Adorable Pictures Will Break Your Heart (1).jpg (840x1049, 144K)

One pic maybe two and they sucked.
Fuck degenerates let them finish with the rest.

Attached: Oh Fuck He Didn't.jpg (660x330, 133K)

Donald trump doesn't condemn Israel/Jews and become and become a complete anti semite.
>Jow Forums: NOOOOO Fucking Jew cuck!
Donald Trump does tweets something racist
>Jow Forums: Jeez man he needs to chill out, that was to far and could get him into a lot of trouble.

Attached: 1563158337742.png (1217x1015, 708K)

Myself, gotta remember that women are always a claymore, just sometimes harder to spot the wire
No it's a woman, but it's also a kike, so it's still a bear trap you don't wanna step into

Every time her name recognition goes up her favorability goes down, it's going to get worse for them unless someone muzzles those gashes

Attached: 1541686839722.jpg (886x1632, 377K)

A lot of leftists are women. What if we sent our most masculine men to dominate them sexually?

Attached: new trump voter starter kit.png (1194x718, 1002K)

fucking based and redpilled

I hope Tana Mongeau is next

How rude, fren.
SkellyAnne is love.

Attached: thin_girl_in_corset_01.gif (328x335, 2.47M)


...really like the sound of that.

Attached: giphy (13).gif (500x285, 677K)

Sorry I guise, I'll try another.

Attached: _mqq8fx2L.gif (400x331, 1.54M)

That girl has crazy eyes

no fucking thank you

me and a bunch of guys from Jow Forums found the discord he posted the pics in and fucked around in voice chat lmao


Attached: 1453825419_tumblr_n1nw64I2Gk1ttnqv3o1_500.gif (500x500, 1011K)

Post to MAGA

Attached: ITAINTME.jpg (1024x650, 70K)

>AR with ironsights

looks better

>racism is thinking your race is better then every other race
That's not true though.
You'd be called a racist if you said Asians are good at math.

Racism, as far as I've ever seen it been used, is simply attributing traits to races. Good or bad.

MAGA lel

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beto 2.0 losing steam faster than proto-beto

Attached: file.png (601x607, 302K)

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/no to maga with/filter/text/troll_country/ac/

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Attached: potato.jpg (924x522, 233K)

There's no need to aim when you are firing into a crowd.

This bull dyke never had a chance against the turtle

be super duper nice

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