where can i find bin laden era al qaeda and jihadi era isis ideology in english not skewed by a western government? i wanna understand why these crazy bastards hate the west so much and know its coming from the source. dont really want to get my ip flagged by glowniggers in the process though
names of isis or al qaeda propoganda vids or something would be cool. ive seen a few isis ones before, theyre interesting because theyre so cinematic but the constant quaran repeating is annoying as fuck
It's not complicated. They are a radical branch of Islam that seeks to convert or kill everyone. The west is a focus because they are seen as furthest from Allah's teachings and it brings the most attention to their cause.
Adam Ortiz
maybe its the environmental climate i dont understand. i mean i get a westerner like myself is not easily motivated for anything or any reason, so ill likely never fully understand - but these reasons dont seem like enough to just throw themself helplessly at actually thoroughly armed military, have whole convoys and villages of their friends and families wiped out, over and over and over. are people truly this out of touch with reality in these bumfuck middle of nowhere places? i mean we still have tribal mfs speaking in clicks and grunts and civilizations we cant even meet because theyve been disconnected for so long, so it shouldnt be that far off of a thought. but god damn, it bewilders me how so many men with big families that should just be humble farmers and laborers can get so worked up over making people believe their religious ideaology. shit even if all they saw russia and europe and the US as insurgents taking their resources, most places give up long before theyre fighting in flip flops and hiding like rats in little disorganized cells and submit to whatever power is trying to claim them. maybe im just missing that primitive god fearing gene that really does seperate our culture because i really cant wrap my head around a humble farmer telling his wife and kids he loves them and walking out the door to basically piss in the wind because people dont believe in his invisible sky-man. i want to believe in truth its just all the world powers fuckin robbing them blind while theyre poor and defenseless because atleast thats something worth fucking fighting for, even if only to an extent.
Anwar Al Alwaki videos. If you don't remember him then you're too young to be here.
Jace Clark
Thats annoying for you are not muslim. Thats how they brainwash. They never do it in a western fashion to your likings. They hate the west. You are retarded
Luis Campbell
A small mind is easy to fill with faith.
Xavier Johnson
Low IQ no proper education, shity perents, low self esteem, inner breeding fascistic (but retarded) ideology, and walla arabs, they are all the same here in israel the Cristian are the most normal ones they even don't kill there daughters if they fuck around a bit and the most educated even more then the kikes
Noah Martinez
Going there is your best bet. Dark web too. I’m sure you’ll make some list though.
Lucas Phillips
first of all theyve already been trying to recruit teen aged westerners for years and have even got adult aged westerns to convert like jihadi john even though he supposedly got tapped. no comment on the autism
i can fully understand their primitive minds being easily swayed into any religion. but to basically kill themselves outright over it hoping they atleast manage to maim one person in the process? why? life is so basic and difficult for them already, if anyone should say "fuck that im good just growin some shit and chillin in my mud hut and taking care of my own" it should be them. they literally have their basic survival to worry about day in and day out still. shit wasnt even civilized before obama leveled all the mud huts and concrete project buildings much less now.
there are christians in israel? i thought muslims and real jews hated them equally and enough to kill them
its 95 degrees daily in the midwest rn im good on that
Ryder Allen
Read Seyyid Qutb. He's the philosophical founder of radical Islamism. Then look for the work of Anwar al-Awlaki. I really believe that if somebody could adapt the work of Qutb and Awlaki to white western men, it would be the match that started a fire.
It is a truism among our own genes that one dying for the many(many being as few as 5), that he is related to constitutes a net gain if invaders or foreigners are nearby. Even better if he takes more than one with him. maybe 2 or 75. The more the better. We humans are programmed that way.
They hate our freedoms and our way of life. They are a threat to every civilized nation in the world. They will kill you if you do not help liberate them.
William Murphy
ill check those out if theres anything in english. but idk about you user i dont think i know a single person around me thatd fight for jack shit unless it was kicking in their door. even as i watch radicalized white muslims in their propaganda videos try and reach out to other westerners - all while im actively trying to put myself in a headspace of how i could possibly give the slightest shit about their problems, not only is it completely stonewalled by the fact im not a muslim, but that im not even religious in the slightest. the same is true of the other young white men i know, none of which are muslim or even religious at all. they would have to thoroughly convince us without a shred of doubt our government is royally fucking us in an almost matrix like scenario to gain any ground with average white american non muslims in my opinion. ofcourse there are gonna be those random would be school shooters jihadi john manages to convince but i mean in a broader sense. i dont see how you could even convert a die hard muslim thats already been living in the west to a radical, who the fuck would give up a decent life especially when you know better than anyone what your homeland is like? i dont see any mexicans trying to get BACK to mexico lmao
that is a logical response, and i suppose i can understand that aspect of it. they are in fact being invaded upon. but all other cultures submitted. shit im italian american, my ancestors were controlled by fuckin everyone at atleast one point. that whole dying is better than living thing is DEEPLY seeded in those motherfuckers, evidently
i dont disagree in the slightest. but i was the type of kid who had to touch the stove to know it was hot. i want to understand all of the motivation. youve got people in fucking flip flops with inaccurate, ill maintained ak47's firing randomly at damn near invulnerable tanks and massive us firing squads with high powered optics, makes you wonder why.
Evan Reed
Oh btw... I meant to say Ayman al-Zawahiri (not Anwar Al-Awlaki). Check out Qutb and Zawahiri. I'm getting my sandniggers mixed up lol.
Luis Perry
Qutb ans Zawahiri's conception of Jahiliyyah (an infectious state of barbarous ignorance and selfish individualism that destroys all shared value) is literally the EXACT thing that binds everyone on this board together. We just dont have a name like Jahiliyyah for it... or a developed philosophy of what to do about it.
That's why I think the work of these men is a match waiting to be lit.
Jeremiah Ward
oh believe me user, ive known since a young age the US was in the middle east for their own intentions, and that fearmongering is a very fucking convenient tactic they stumbled upon. doesnt change the fact the bastards are in fact, fucking insane people. and its a big ass group of insane people, which makes me curious. i dont need to be convinced the government is making the most out of this situation, but like i said. every other culture submit to their invaders or crushingly defeated them. why wont the jihads? they really want to control and suppress their women and live under their sharia law weird ass rules that bad? i cant accept that part without being convinced HOW these fuckers became so batshit crazy. otherwise I wanna know what kind of horrendous atrocities have occurred that they will continue to fight after being reduced to almost nothing. i mean, the nearly indiscriminate bombings are pretty horrible, but in my book thats all the more reason to give up - not to fight more even as the picture becomes bleaker.
You really think they are that different from all the other people in the world. The top guys made a lot of money. The middle guys made some too. The low rank losers were used as cannon fodder. ISIS had a strategy of Feist sending bomb pigs suicide retards and spam the enemy with explosions, then waves of actual troops came in. The suicide retards were brainwashed with promises of paradise, also told they fight the greatest evil. For example Chechens. They are pretty much skilled mercenaries, they all get payed. Only the low IQ poor ass young retards die for free.
Julian Young
if by "are mossad" you mean "a group of radicals that popped up and became a convenient chess piece FOR an intelligence agency like mossad", sure. but if youve ever seen any jihad combat footage and thought those fuckin sand apes were working for a clandestine state intelligence agency, youre fuckin silly. your pic only eludes to them being a convenient tool for that organization, to which i say, what doesnt an organization like that try to make a convenient tool out of?
Samuel King
so far this is the only part thats resonated with me. same kinda scenario with the cartels in southern america. basically arent any other opportunities to make that kind of money. just alot of effort to try and get everyone to believe in the same sky guy and wear dresses n shit.
Lucas Miller
Actual Muslim here those people you are thinking of aren’t traditional Muslims at all they are very recent phenomena. Most of them don’t even know jack squat about their own religion and have never read our holy book. They are all psychopaths looking to make up some excuses to rape and kill and they are all going to hell. Radical Islam my ass. They aren’t even true believers they don’t fast they don’t take of the needy(poor) or give house to orphan yet your western media treats them as if they are Muslims and not what they really are deviant psychopaths using religion as an excuse to do depraved acts.
Jackson Johnson
nah, mossad literally organized them. most of them are some useless retards but they are being organized and supported by mossad > but if youve ever seen any jihad combat footage and thought those fuckin sand apes were working for a clandestine state intelligence agency, dont tell me you forgot las vegas shooting already.
In Islam killing one person is the same as killing all of humanity. Basically killing is one of the major sins which cannot truly be forgiven for. The only excuse is clear self defense. And even that is borderline for us Muslims yet groups like isis and what not don’t seem to care about religion at all apparently. They do and commit sins like rape,murder,and drug use even though all of these actions are against our faith really makes you think.
yes, the west is 100% using your religion as a boogyman right now. its shitty, but its a good tactic for control, you have to admit. those radicals are in fact some bad, scary people after all - even if they are thousands of miles away and arent a threat right on our doorstep as theyd have us believe. but if you can put the fact this is personally damaging to you as a traditional muslim to the side for a moment, you cant really think its just as simple as its just one big congregation of ted bundy's and charles manson type murderers, right? whatever fucked up serial killer gene creates those types of murderers is rare, theyre killing because they believe in something, or something bad as fuck is being done to them. they arent JUST blood thirsty and get horny when they kill people like a serial killer.
yknow, if you took the bible literal, it tells you to murder all kinds of sinners in all kinds of different brutal ways. is that maybe the case here? theyre taking ancient, primitive texts WAY WAY too seriously for this modern age? or are they reading something differently entirely? i know it offends you to think theyre practicing the same religion as you but be logical here for a moment, all they fucking do is SCREAM allahu akhbar in every single video you can find. atleast in their heads, theyre definitely muslim.
Owen Williams
id believe one random middle aged already mentally unstable white dude was used as a sort of sleeper agent before id believe a bunch of basically tribal inbreds are conspiring to conduct strategic state-inspired spy missions and implementing psy op and insert other CIA glow nigger tactics. funded i can believe. kinda plays into them being a chess piece
Nicholas Perez
but so do the militants that fight along side the western powers in syria. in fact some of the war footage i watched, the us soldiers were pointing out the heroin and opium usage and even 10-15 minutes of one was dedicated to talking about how the afghan police in power positions fuck little boys and how they were fucked as little boys as well. wouldnt you say those are supposed to be the good muslims as well? where is the line? is the culture just kindof all fucked up over there and theres more bad people than good?
Nolan Kelly
Dabiq, rumiyah magazines
Robert Richardson
Noam Chomsky Bin Laden was quite a fan
Colton Peterson
>Noam Chomsky are you memeing or are you seriously telling me death to the west bin laden was a fan of an american political activist
James Long
ive been looking for these and i only managed to find one issue of rumiyah. can anyone help? its interesting to see this nonsense in magazine form
literally telling people to stab teenagers in alleys and advising what knives to use, shits fuckin looney toons