Give me ONE valid reason not to vote for Trump.
>you can’t
Give me ONE valid reason not to vote for Trump
Other urls found in this thread:
There literally isn't one.
voting doesn't do anything
he's not nearly as funny anymore
>conveniently forgetting zionism
that's 3 reasons
Can’t, I like Trumps troll style, I love he triggers faggots but the globohomo and kike shit is what turns me off
dude, just wait for Hitler
He doesn't need to be funny, the reactions to him are funny enough
other than get Trump elected
same thing
He made his funniest tweet ever today, kike.
Oh wow, I’m convinced. I’ll just vote dem for globohomo. Thanks, user.
Not fundamentally. Globalists and zionists are two competing factions that rarely overlap. George Soros for instance is very anti-Israel, and right wing jews and left wing jews bicker as much as you would expect. Believe it or nor kikes are not a monolith and they're balkanized into smaller tribes
Of course.
>zero argument
>just NPC flag kvetching
typical mutt
Yang might get the dem nomination?
>oy vey, look at the globalist kikes and Zionist kikes fighting!
>better pick a kike side, goy!
>you aren’t a globalist, are you?
Both options are against the sane non-jew's hope for a better world.
Oh cool! Globohomo but with happy leftists!
Exactly what I was looking for!
I literally said none of that. Why jump to conclusions you retarded faggot? Americans have been getting egregiously stupid lately.
that goes without saying
Kikes are a monolith because both factions are working to undermine every other nation on earth you retarded fucking cunt.
You can choose globohomo or globohomo + $1000.
It's a pretty easy choice.
He’s far less globohomo that anyone on the left. He’s just a boomer, but he’s our boomer. Fuck the left with a bat full of rusty aids nails.
No lube.
Globohomo AND accelerated collapse AND more of my income being taxed!?!?
Too good to be true!
>there are two separate competing factions with different plans for world domination
>zionists don’t want globohomo
>also zionists want globohomo
Just fuck off.
>more of my income being taxed!?!?
Read his policies, dipshit. And all the other garbage you listed is still guaranteed under Trump.
>implying they are nearly as hilarious and impotent.
Best effort so far in the thread, but not a better option.
>putting words in my mouth because you feel obligated by your impotent ego to double down on your non-argument
Furthermore if you think Orthodox Jews want the world to be populated by homos you're actually fucking retarded
The entire tax revenue of the United States, with no other expenses, couldn’t afford his basic income package.
His “plan” is literally “money will magically appear Made out of happiness” and “inflation has nothing to do with the velocity of money, only monetary supply”.
He is, or is trying to trick, economically illiterate basement dwellers like you.
I suppose that was an attempt by your own standards
You were literally doing what you were accusing me of within the same post.
His Charlottesville press conference still stands to me as reason enough for his re-election. They were foaming at the mouth calling him a nazi sympathiser.
>n-no u!
>n-no no u no u!!!
which one is it? Never an argument, why do I get the feeling you're pro Israel?
cuckservatives are always pissed off, it's the nature of being a cuck.
Probably because I’ve been saying anti Zionist, anti kike things all thread and you are a retarded leaf desperately milking (you)s out of me.
But I’m done.
He isn’t deporting anyone like he’s supposed to.
>I give up
I knew that when the extent of your argument was "leaf". They always "give up", you'll reply again. Because you have to
Surely based “why yes, I am fluent in Spanish” Beto will deport the illegals!
>advocating for the enforced dichotomous illusion of choice that is democracy
every single time
Got to love how all the peasants have to convince eachother for why they should vote for Trump. Trump didn't give you a reason to vote for Trump, ''pissing off libtards'' convinced you to vote Trump, and now you are going around trying to convince other people to vote Trump.
What has Trump done to get people to vote for Trump? Where's the wall? Where are the deportations?
Trump doesn't care about any of you, you retarded peasants will vote for him no matter what, you will run his presidential PR for free. He only cares about Israel.
Instead of coming up with something to overthrow a corrupt government, the peasants are down there bickering about why they should vote for an anti-white zionist committing genocide against them because it ''pisses off the libs.''
You think Sean Hannity, Cucker Carlson, and the rest of the Kute Klux Klan at Fox News are stoked on Trump just because of this immigration shit or because he's looking out for the Common (white) Man? It's because he's a billionaire playboy willing to sell out your future via regulatory capture.
Have you never visited rural America during the Obama admin.?
Is this pasta or did you just ignore the image in OP?
Yes. They would make nigger jokes. It’s like Jow Forums only more tame.
Meanwhile journalists are writing batshit insane diatribes over every little thing he does and leftists are having baby-riots every few weeks.
I took the stupidity of the image in consideration when i made the post
So I should just not vote and forgo triggering the libtards epic style in favor of marginally faster globohomo, because globohomo bad?
>so I should just continue to pay into a system of diminished returns???
figure it out retard
He is a career criminal who launders money for the Russians through Deutsche Bank
>What has Trump done to get people to vote for Trump?
Pissed off libtards. Complain all you want about broken campaign promises, that is par for the course in America; he was actually slightly less globohomo than I imagined and made my enemies ridiculous.
It may be sad or stupid to you, but that is a 10/10 president.
Why would I care?
I guess you make a good point
With Trump I get to watch outrage on TV, with Obama I got to watch milder outrage from my front porch.
>10/10 president.
>It may be sad or stupid to you
It's both and so much more
You're right, that is sad and stupid. A president can commit literal genocide against your people and you'll run free PR for him and praise him endlessly because he plays up the ''bad guy'' image for the leftists and gets called a racist.
Any other nation in history would be having a civil war or assassinating the president.
Or vote of an independent or something
>desperately milking (you)s out of me
No, because my country is bought and paid for a president who bothers people who bother me is about as good as it gets. As good as I have hoped for in decades.
The fact that he was just marginally slower on the globohomo agenda than expected boosted him to be the greatest president in my lifetime.
Voting independent is dumber than not voting. The two party system makes it worthless unless for some reason yoh find that waste of time cathartic.
And there it is, the eternal amerimutt. Nothing more needs to be said, you can take this post and tattoo it on your forehead and put it on your gravestone.
post yurt
Here, I made it slightly less retarded.
But if you don't vote, you're still forced to eat the shit.
Tattoos are degenerate and hopefully I can come up with something better for my tombstone.
But if not, it would probably get some laughs when posted here.
Regardless, “trump bad, conservatives should vote for socialist who think borders are bad and even illegals deserve free healthcare” isn’t exactly a sensible reaction.
It’s fine user, the squares were all mismatched in my original.
Oh you are a different guy.
Tell you what, I’ll just save it and use it for a variation on this thread sometime.
>the only alternative to democracy is not voting
lazy post-retirement boomer mentality. You're never forced to pretend the shit tastes good and out of all countries in the world you should be by design the most resistant to tyranny, and yet you embrace the slow erosion of your rights from within. You can only vote for damage control the damage is as permanent as the system
Last election we voted for Trump to piss off libs, This election we dont vote for him because he is a kike lover and didnt fulfill any of his promises at all.
>Pro israel
>Anti 2a
>Anti crypto
there you go there's 3
>dont vote goy- I mean guys, voting doesn't work! Just stay home! I'll sell you ammo for the race war!
''Kill politicians'' is a sensible reaction.
Dozens of mass shooters every year and not one of them tried to kill these democrat and republican jews and jew lovers.
Tulsi will surely protect my gun rights!
You know, I never had a chance to discuss with our pharmaddled school shooters the problem of the international kike.
but look how mad the libs are
>If you don't smoke crack you have to do heroin
>hurr durr they're both bad so don't vote
Gargle buckshot
>let's keep picking the lesser of two AIPAC-vetted evils forever! nothing you can do about it that's the price of freedom!
You're a really, really good goy.
I'm not american and not eligible to vote in US elections.
I don't believe in interfering in foreign electoral processes (directly, anyway. Discussing them is fine)
Even if I wanted to commit electoral fraud (which I don't), I'm not in a position to arrange to be physically present in the US for the next election.
Time to dilate, sweaty.
Who should I vote for then, faggot?
Perhaps this will persuade you.
>You have to pick one!! the jews gave you two perfectly good candidates!!
lmao. Politics isn't sportsball you faggot. Theoretically you should overthrow the entire machine, but you won't, because you have guns for no reason other than to make you feel invincible
Absolutely not.
>lol dont vote
>also glownigger shit
Stuff your leafy flag up your ass. You've been exposed as a shill.
>let's just do whatever they tell us while pretending we're have control indefinitely
>everybody who highlights that democracy has failed is a CIA shill
This is mental Russian bar. Keep advocating for your slow death and calling it the easiest way. Why don't you Balkanize? little violence necessary. Fucking retard
>just vote for zionists bro, don't do anything else just go extinct bruh
>doing anything to prevent our race from going extinct is what the CIA wants
Are you just one guy posting various D&C type threads on this board, or are you guys a team?
What are you doing in a board of /politics?
This place is for people interested in political discussions, please get the fuck off this board burger
As much as I hate his Israel cocksucking, there’s no reason to vote for anyone else. Especially considering the alternatives. That said, Kamala Harris for the Democratic Nominee.
I’m just a guy. This isn’t really a D&C thread since only trannies are trying to convince people not to vote trump because of “policy”
Before the reddit influx of ‘15, the majority opinion on this board was that voting doesn’t matter because both candidates work for ZOG.
That’s why
>b-but trump loves Israel
Isn’t a good argument. Even whatever dem candidate claims to hate Israel will cuck to Israel. It’s irrelevant.
The point is to have fun until they come to take your guns away. Hope you are late on the list, and if not give your other bros a better chance than you got.
So what, his globohomo Zionism pisses me off too, but I’m still supporting him on account of the alternatives.
I don't care about pissing off libtards anymore. I want to piss of Ziocons.
At some point, you just got to let it go, user.
Did you ever make a thread about black Ariel?
As much as other countries are derided for our shitposting, Americans of all are the least open to conversation. I understand the cockiness but I don't understand coming onto a website just to spew shit.
linking burgers so it isn't passive aggressive.
>so are you a Yankees fan or a Red Sox fan?
Surely voting for dems will infuriate them.