Asuka fucks niggers, meanwhile Rei realizes they’re disgusting.
>Asuka fucks niggers
Misato > Asuka > Rei.
This is just the way things are. Misato's superiority is just an undisputable, irrefutable, objective fact of life.
convinced me
Consider me redpilled, OP.
Embrace the fourth position
Asuka > Misato > Rei.
The creator of the show literally said he forgot about Rei because of how lifeless she was and just added her in one scene in one of the episodes because he had to have her somewhere there. He literally replied when being told most Westerners prefer Asuka that he was surprised as most men in Japan prefer Rei because "they can't handle a strong woman here". Those that prefer Rei are literally effeminate whimps like the onions ridden Jap's and Chinks. Asuka the Germanic women is clearly the superior choice, so much deeper, so much more likeable and so much more lovable. The first time I watched NGE when I was 14 myself I was disgusted by Shinji's utter pathetic response and found no likeability to Rei, however when I rewatched the series at 15 and watched End of Evangelion with it I have to admit I did see more likeability within Rei though I had to search had, similar thing with Shinji though his character is naturally relatable to all. If you ignore all of the cringe anime aspects then it is a good show.
I could understand the creator saying he just added in the Religious and Occult themes to add a unique and mysterious driving element to the show with the psychology as the fundamental (even though he subtracted the definite of the psychological so it would be relatable to all, even fags) End of Evangelion took the underlying Occult and Religious themes as well as the Freudian subtext and projected them forward as the centre rather than the psychological; as now an accompaniment. The point stands, End of Evangelion could not of been created by a man that did not read or have at least a sound understanding of Kabbalah and the occult in general. Even if some parts it was true he simply used for "spice".
>Alexander Dugin the fourth political theory
Ritsuko is Nazbol
And? How do you even know that? She's likeable but more just a key character of the story not a "character" so to speak.
Because I said so gay retard
but why? Like I mean she was just a quick spice of life. I've loved many a women such as her and they are always just forgettable.
> how to draw maya
> 1. draw a gentle faced nadia
> 2. there is no step 2
Asuka is best waifu, she doesnt tolerate any sign of fagotry. She'll fucking teach to basedboys the ways to path back to manliness.
She literally is a woman user, she doesn't have any true political beliefs. She just works because of her ties to her mother and money.
Now answer me pleb
Asuka had the worst death. Glad she did annoying cunt.
Pretty cringe post user, the image, the text, the mentality, everything. Even if Asuka is best girl.
>Rei doesnt fuck blacks
That is whiteoid cope
Don't forget the flag, and that's coming from a leaf.
If this is a hentai drawing and not part of whatever cringe show this is.....is the ultimate black cope
oy vey indeed user, how could I not see the cringiest of all "BASED THREE YEAR OLD MEMES FELLOW KEKISTAND /V/RO'S!!!"
>not having a harem with all 3
Sad honestly.
out of all those girls misato is the most relatable and best girl. also marifags can get gassed.
Lesbian love is the purest
Based and redpilled
Hikari is the übermensch answer to this debate.
>Motherly qualities
>Not mentally ill
Unironicly, undeniably, 100% this
> h-hey chad I made a b-bento for you *twiddles thumbs*
alao women should not be in positions of authority ever
>Lesbian love is the purest
Disgusting pathetic degenerate - it may be more forgivable than homosexual men, however it still remains a degenerate act. Also a bunch of those slightly Freudian moments were only thrown in there to make it relatable to every viewer in some way.
Ok you little fuck, how do you refute this you jew?
oh shit!!!
>A suka
Now yuo see...
>khazar milkers
well okay then
What's going on in this thread?
>the mummy fetish autist had to join because he needs to makeup for the lost female figure and energy's within his life
Ah, I see. You self-inserted as Shinji when you watched NGE as a 14-year-old. But that's all right, if you can find the will to live. Just remember that only one woman is canonically worth destroying the world for.
Relationship between adam, eve(eva), and lilith mind fucked me a bit. Last two episodes of series were horrendous. End of evangelion was definitely needed. I hate the forced vagueness of it all though. 8.5/10. Cult classic.
>Last two episodes of series were horrendous
Found someone who didn't watch the English dub.
Alright fucker you got me. But you're still a raging homo for not getting quads.
Everyone self inserts to thhe protagonist at least sub-consciously, for Shinji though no not really conscious since I found his character quite a puzzle. Was he blind? How could anyone be this foolish with no greater benefit - just a mistake. By 15 I'd matured and could understand his and others characters and minds very well. I just needed a bit more of a social intellect (which mind is very advanced as I was always the alpha to my piers, it's just what had always been a natural predisposition only bloomed around 14/15 so I wasn't quite there yet. Still user the Freudian is not a norm, it is not the reasoning behind itself and it is was Freud's own projection. Nevertheless it remains a real thing, as when a boy may of had a strict or harsh mother, she may no of been very loving that feminine aspect of a man goes without maturation. And so he finds it within another female which is almost always a sexual partner within teenage or adulthood - these later leads to a sort of neediness and obsession. The sexual becomes lumped with the desire for motherly affection and a Freudian complex to a degree is produced. Of course the sexual component can arrive with the original mother however it is always a covert never the complex itself as Freud thought. Now there already exists the fact that the Mother is almost always an oppositional figure to the son, as in opposites attract to balance both themselves and their offspring. The Son both takes after the Father genetically as well as through fatherly idealising and role modelling. And so the Son is born with this innate factors and they are trained consciously more so by the Fathers mentality. Asserting the desire for a women similar to the mother figure. However there also exists the feminine or anima as the opposition itself to the male and so he somewhat rejects it naturally in order for the aspiration to the masculine and to the father - not the mother.
She's barely in the show, so we don't learn anything about her.
>Relationship between adam, eve(eva), and lilith mind fucked me a bit.
In End of Evangelion? It's pretty obvious desu as long as you have a totally basic understanding of a few generals such as Psychoanalytic theory, The Occult, Kabbalah, Duality (present within the past three studies), Religion and culture in general. I watched it at 15 and it was pretty simple user. It only takes a very basic understanding of these things to even arrive just from an intuitive standpoint. Trust your intuition, it naturally must be lumped together with things named faith, creativity, drive, etc because of the nature of it within the unconscious however it remains something still somewhat unique. Trust in it and it shall trust in you - it's never lead me astray. If only I could explain to you the boons of knowledge it has bestowed upon me. My Mephistopheles, it wills only evil but causes only good.
>Last two episodes of series were horrendous.
You wot m8? I really fucking liked the last two original episodes. Though I've only watched the English dub you sub pleb. Still I think both End of Evangelion and the original two episodes are both lore as in how they coincide.
>End of evangelion was definitely needed. I hate the forced vagueness of it all though. 8.5/10. Cult classic.
It's only vague because two reasons:
1. The creator didn't supply too deep of a concept.
2. You just didn't understand it.
Imagine the smell.
>Still I think both End of Evangelion and the original two episodes are both lore as in how they coincide.
There's a good excuse to post this angelfire.com
Does it even matter at this point ? They've got tanks and are more than willing to rile you with bullets if you cross their defined borders, historically that's more of less all that's needed to define a country.
I'm pretty sure they're more of a "legitimate" state than the average european cuckshed since at least they care about those fucking borders.
Meh! Bad archetype rendering. Rei is just the author's desire to have a mother's unconditional love from a character who's in motion. It's kind of He-man's Battle Cat. You can't have a Cringer and a Battle Cat. It's implicit that Battle Cat would take you and break you over his knee if you were ever stupid enough to try to ride him like a horse.
I meant forced vagueness in the series. End of evangelion tied it all up and I understood about 70% of it all, but I had to actually research to bring it all together. I guess I was really looking at it from the surface as a young lad and thought ha! Robots and boobs. Interesting stuff though no doubt. Could you explain the role of Gendoh in all of this? I really don't get it from his perspective because I'm a brainlet.
Give me a quick rundown user. I shall state my view and if it is the same as that then there is no need for me to read it. I will try not to repeat everything else I have said so please keep in mind it is a simplification.
The original series focused far more so upon the psychological, and how everything else charges both into and from this. This was the centre among many other things - hence the show ending with a crescendo of the psyche. End of Evangelion is the physical and more so production of the psyche. It is the Greek tragedy, it is the Occult, it is philosophy, it is the religious, it is the ultimatum. While it still contains of course the psychological it just simpler inverts itself as what exists for the other, and what is pertained within the other. Of course there was also the new aspect within the psychological given the highlighted Freudian themes no longer just simple an either/or but as existing yet whether they are the core is up the the viewer. As that is one thing I have found even when it was to the detriment to the entirety of Evangelion meda the creator wished for it to be relatable to all.
And want to hear some of the greatest pieces of art ever made? Or rather by the greatest artistic genius to ever of lived.
>roastie deader on the inside than rei
>Meh! Bad archetype rendering. Rei is just the author's desire to have a mother's unconditional love from a character who's in motion.
No you are reading too far into it, the creator made Evangelion far too subjective though purposefully. He added such an array of themes (some intentionally with systematic order and others just for "spice") to make it relatable to all viewers. I tried to find such an example of yours but one cannot, one can only find extremely broad truths such as the Kabbahlic unification of duality to "wholeness" now that is an extreme simplification because Kabbalah is extremely complex and would take far too long to explain.
But also please explain this idea, it sounds entertaining from a psychological perspective, I just want to see how it fits into the psyche and its various components. There is an aspect of truth to what you say such as Shinji's lack of mother and wish of fulfilment from the feminine which is the reason for his undeveloped feelings to the feminine within himself and so others however even though this is the most likely it's still incorrect given the creators desire for all to be relatable.
>I guess I was really looking at it from the surface as a young lad and thought ha! Robots and boobs.
Maybe I just had parents who taught me well but I never understood this line of thought. The only reason I watched it was because Jow Forums told me it had philosophical themes which it did though not exactly in the way I had thought. Given that what was your philosophical impression of it?
Who? I'll explain it sure but I just have a hard time with Japanese names let alone friends names.
>not going on a kawaii date with eva unit 01
PS all American jews should go to Israel
Having a pet penguin and being fun really puts this broken thot ahead of the rest
Genduo or shinjis father. Was he just consumed by his longing to be with Yui? Or did he just use yui to further his instrumentality project for human survival?
My philosophical impression of it is that it stresses how humanity is essentially cursed and blessed with "separation" as in we each have an individual soul but our separate-ness causes rifts and divides that will never be conquered. It's mega jewy in the sense that it makes it seem as if humanity would better be suited to combat threats as a single consciousness. Shinji represents how being separate entities can in fact be a good thing and then it ties it all together by basically saying how a shift of perspective is all that is needed to further humanity. A shift of perspective is possible for humanity, but a soul has to individually consciously choose to change. I guess this is because humans naturally want to retain their separateness (cursed with ego).
That's my shot in the dark.
>Genduo or shinjis father. Was he just consumed by his longing to be with Yui? Or did he just use yui to further his instrumentality project for human survival?
I think obviously he loved her, the show makes this fairly obvious by his reaction to her death - perhaps he new not his love for her and in her life or perhaps he did; however it remains so that he loved her.
>My philosophical impression
>That's a shot in the dark
Well you got quite close though in a contextual way. You must look to the inner figurative truth's, the archetypal language of eternity. One cannot understand NGE without the concept of duality. Directly inspired by Kabbalah(Jewish mysticism and occult) where in which there are many versions however at the core there exists the finite, the duality. And this itself is the reason for all suffering - existence. Very Buddhist and Schopenhauerian in thought. However even beyond Hinduism and Christianity one finds these same archetypal symbols of the same philosophical purpose. As Adam the Hermaphrodite split into the finite, the duality (Eve) by the falling of Sin. Of egoism. Of suffering. Or how Odin made existence out of the Hermaphrodite Ice Giant Ymir in Norse mythology. All recurring truth's. However I refuse to believe the aim of all man is a total disintegration of himself - something which it seems the creator understand so chose a rather Nietzschean truth. The Will to Survive, the Will to Power. I believe the truth lie somewhere between these two great philosophers Schopenhauer and Nietzsche however that ties in with my own personal philosophical notes of self contained duality which I do not wish to talk of as I am writing an essay currently on the subject. The concept of duality is extremely prevalent as with (I forget names) the male and female unity in End of Evangelion while Shinji choosing perseverance. Do not reject Kabbalah because it is named Jewish user.
I tried to explain some of the greatest knowledge bestowed upon man in one Jow Forums post within the framework of an overrated Japanese cartoon. If it didn't come out very define forgive me as you can understand that was quite difficult yet there is so much more to say. Read Jung if you want to both see the greatest form of psychology as well as understand duality much better even if Jung supplied it in a psychological sense.
Now user please read into culture, there is so much more to know. Such as the relation of the Trinity as transcending the duality at least in its numerological meaning (among so many billion others). Point being there are a great many truth's out there that shall guide you user, as strange as it may sound I now can use this inner spiritual will. I can see spirit and I can force spirit onto others - I have seen its effect. To be clear user Kabbalah is not necessarily teaching ego death. If it were it would do so from a much more Hindu perspective of Moksha.
This meme would be good if it wasn't for the cringe irony bro anime shit
I literally wanted to fuck misato when I was 15.
Shinji is such a little beta faggot for not wanting to fuck her.
Even if she was arrested for having sex with me as a minor, I would have dropped the charges as fast as I drop my pants infront of her face.
user you'r still 15.
>Or did he just use yui to further his instrumentality project for human survival?
In the rebuild movies, maybe. Though humanity's survival may not be a priority for him there. In the original series, most of NERV's actions are Gendo and Fuyutsuki following Yui's plan mostly out of love for her. Gendo due to insane devotion because she was the only person who could complete him, and Fuyutsuki due to respect, un-acted-upon attraction, and agreement with her general plan as the best way forward to save some of humanity. It's remarkable levels of kaikaku that only show up if you put details together. For example, she apparently not only knew what Gendo would do after the contact experiment, but what Rei would look like.
>Do not reject Kabbalah because it is named Jewish user.
The Zohar, meaning “brightness” or “light,” is the five-volume repository of Kabbalistic lore and mystic speculation. It explains, “… ‘living soul’ refers to Israel who have holy, living souls from above, and ‘cattle’ and ‘creeping thing’ and ‘beast of the earth’ to the other peoples who are not ‘living soul.’…” 3
According to the Zohar, the great tragedy of this world is that the Kliphoth or Gentiles perpetually unsettle the higher levels with their evil imbalance. As long as the Kliphoth continue to exist in their present state of discord, God and His universe will be disordered as well.
In this concept we find a rationale for the Kabbalists’ hatred of Gentiles. Christ said, “The time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” (John 16:2) The Kabbalist (epitomized today by the Ultra-Orthodox 'Haredim' settlers in Israel) sees the extermination of the Gentile as a necessary process toward restoring order in the universe. He teaches that the Gentile (Palestinian) is a form of demon who should be treated with no more genuine benevolence than one would treat Satan himself.
Gentiles, whom the Zohar describes as “Amalekites,” have an intrinsic tendency to disorder the world, causing it to revert to its primordial state of chaos (tohu) and emptiness (bohu).
“All of these [Gentiles] tend to bring the world back to the state of tohu and bohu, and they caused the destruction of the temple. But as “tohu” and “bohu” gave place to the light, so, when God reveals Himself, they will be wiped off the earth. But, withal, redemption will not be complete until Amalek will be exterminated.” 4
“The People of the Earth are idolaters, and it has been written about them: Let them be wiped off the face of the earth.
Kabbalah is compromised morally.
>has a nation
>has a state
>able to defend itself
israel is as legitimate as any other state in the world.
What, you want to ride my balogna pony?
>Everyone self inserts to thhe protagonist at least sub-consciously
That's silly. For one, mirror neurons simulating a character's thoughts or actions is not self-insertion, and lots of people don't do that at all, let alone for every fictional protagonist they encounter. For another, self-insertion in this sense is emotional treatment of the story's events as if they were happening to you, not to a fictional character. You felt a strong emotion when Shinji didn't do what you would have, rather than simply observe that the character is not you and is under no obligation to act as you would. People are different, after all. And since they're different, a given character may not resonate with a particular person in this way. I first saw Evangelion in my twenties, and Shinji was never similar enough to myself to resonate in that way even if I were inclined to that sort of thing.
I'm 35, cunt
Mfw people take the bait and read too much into this shit instead of just admiring the great art, animation, characters, tiddies, etc.
Misato is best girl btw.
>According to the Zohar, the great tragedy of this world is that the Kliphoth or Gentiles perpetually unsettle the higher levels with their evil imbalance. As long as the Kliphoth continue to exist in their present state of discord, God and His universe will be disordered as well.
This is absolute bullshit user, you are mistaking Frankism for original Kabbalah. What is taught is the ego is what is the fundamental to the lower existence. However it has been interpreted from the Buddhist view it allows itself to not be limited to that single rejection of the self given the variety of writings and often contradictory statements.
Modern Kabbalah is absolutely degenerate and I accept that - it is just how can something so full of truth and beauty come from such an Evil people? It makes me question its origin.
Often mysticism has taken the role of rationalisation and projection there of peoples individual sins (often sexual but not always) given the reigning existence of the ultra moral doctrine of Christianity. So the possibility itself remains that the Jews had not created this. We know Kabbalah is far older than what is traditionally thought considering Augustine's words on the Jews.
Now I am not claiming it is perfect nor everything written within it is correct however I am claiming apart from certain contextual aspects of it, there is a deep and true archetypal beauty.
And user, I have read the Zohar along with most influential Occultist works apart from Kabbalah. I admit I've only read the Zohar , writings of Isaac Luria, writings of Yehuda Ashlag and a few general Kabbalah books.
>That's silly. For one, mirror neurons simulating a character's thoughts or actions is not self-insertion, and lots of people don't do that at all, let alone for every fictional protagonist they encounter.
Yes they do, self insertion is putting oneself in that position. If we didn't self insert at least to some small sub-conscious degree we wouldn't experience the character or the story correctly at all.
> as if they were happening to you
No user NGE really didn't effect me all that much on first viewing. I didn't care that much about Shinji I just thought it was annoying his character in many ways.
>rather than simply observe that the character is not you and is under no obligation to act as you would.
You'r literally advocating for not experiencing emotion while watching art. Do you not know what suspense is? It is when one hopes but does not know if it shall occur. To understand a characters emotions one has to self insert how one would feel to some degree since it is a simulation.
How did you watch NGE in the 80's gramps?
>*and a few general Kabbalah books, within my Kabbalah research
>mistaking Frankism for original Kabbalah.
Nope, Jesus himself called them out way before the Sabbateans. The Synagogue of Satan.
In Eva, Shinji (Truth) is the second coming of Christ who undoes the Jewish Tikkun olam (Human Instrumentality) at the end.
The real endgame of Christ is to return us to our Perfected Light Bodies, not to melt us all into ONE like the pseudo-mystics think.
>Nope, Jesus himself called them out way before the Sabbateans. The Synagogue of Satan.
Yes and that was Talmudism - not the Old Testament. Jesus himself claimed to be descendant from King David and Abraham. Kabbalah claims it finds its origin both in the interpretation of the Old Testament as well as the knowledge passed down by Abraham for a thousand years which held the secret to the Old Testament. If the Ancient Israelite's were Aryan than Kabbalah (if where they say it came from is true) is Aryan or at least comes from an Aryan source. Kabbalah claims to be the truth behind the Old Testament. Though even Jung stated that the Jews have only ever stolen others cultures, lands, and accomplishments.
>In Eva, Shinji (Truth) is the second coming of Christ who undoes the Jewish Tikkun olam (Human Instrumentality) at the end.
I don't think you understand that nothing was achieved - oh so Jesus came back to stop the relinquishment of eternal suffering to allow eternal suffering just as it was before? For better or worse but seriously user. Also no Jesus didn't fall from grace as it is depicted with Shinji cumming on Asuka's tits.
>The real endgame of Christ is to return us to our Perfected Light Bodies, not to melt us all into ONE like the pseudo-mystics think.
It's not pseudo-mystic's you autist it's just another form of mysticism. I do believe that it is neither man retains his ego completely nor loses it completely but a synthesis between the two. For that is the duality of our existence - a duality unified could only be this answer. However of course questions arise such as "how can individual exists when there is no distance" though I do believe my question suffices it may be answered as well by stating emotive nature defines.
Let me rephrase that - nothing was not achieved, rather the assertion of life was achieved. I could rave on further about the philosophical implications of this however essentially it is only a temporary thing. It is not the eternal perfect of man, not the fixing of the world, etc. It was the assertion of the will to life.
>Kabbalah claims it finds its origin both in the interpretation of the Old Testament as well as the knowledge passed down by Abraham
Yes, but is this merely a Babylonian Psy-op? If there is an Aryan Kabbalah it is lost, who will reclaim it and how?
>I don't think you understand that nothing was achieved
He stopped humanity from being imprisoned in the Hell of human instrumentality forever. The Jews, including Shinji's father, thought that it was the end of suffering, but they were wrong.
That's why Shinji ends it, it was still suffering, it was a false salvation of Jewish Transhumanism.
>just another form of mysticism
There is one truth, one ultimate reality. Anything else is incoherent and self-contradictory.
Based and redpilled
idk anything about Evangelion, but my impression from your description is that Rei is nice and quiet and knows her place and Asuka is your average "strong" annoying american roastie.
One of these is a jew, can you guess which one?
I'll admit that Eva's ending is just a cave to Freudian materialism, and not the Universal salvation it will be in real life. They lump in the Christian Salvation with the Jewish, and in that the author is mistaken.
so do you guys like this girl because you identify with the passive effeminate protagonist and need a woman to make you more of a man? Every time you guys describe this bitch she just sounds like an annoying cunt to me. Healthy female support is through submission and trust in your leadership, allowing you to rise to the occasion yourself because you have someone worth protecting.
>Yes, but is this merely a Babylonian Psy-op? If there is an Aryan Kabbalah it is lost, who will reclaim it and how?
But can you not see great truth within Kabbalah, as I said the major problems of it seem to be the same as that of the contextual - and so contextual perversion of those who have been the only men to maintain these sacred knowledge. Do you remember what I said that often these secret teachings were used as the rationalisation and projection of the ego's desires and sins given often these teachings were in hiding from the main religion being almost always Christianity and so it adopted the rationalisation of the hatred of Christianity itself. A perverted truth yet a truth remained. Just look to the tree of life. Now you may say "yet it is wrong for its belief in the destruction of the individual" and this is true however just as the great Aryan religions of Buddhism and Hinduism teach this it may be incorrect but none the less beautiful and truthful. Did you know Christianity was heavily influenced by Buddhism user? And likely Hinduism for that matter. Though I consider a perfected version (in some ways and in others degraded) given its unification of ego and collective/greater good. The Old Testament mainly coming from Zoroastrianism as well as the teachings of Abraham.
>He stopped humanity from being imprisoned in the Hell of human instrumentality forever. The Jews, including Shinji's father, thought that it was the end of suffering, but they were wrong.
If hell is a nothingness only total purity of Good then correct. No you take all value from this beautiful human choice of perseverance by the necessitation of perseverance. It is the rejection of all suffering however one must deal with the truth of whether suffering must be persevered or given into. If it is not the rejection of suffering it goes against all knowledge we have as well as devalues the choice of man.
And it wasn't transhumanism.
yeah, it's called "tsundere"
>There is one truth
Of course however all of these great doctrines pertain within themselves a great truth.
it's pathetic is what it is
I'm not disagreeing
So how's Germany like these days Germ-bro
>idk anything about Evangelion, but my impression from your description is that Rei is nice and quiet and knows her place and Asuka is your average "strong" annoying american roastie.
No not at all, Asuka is beauty, it is suffering. Rei thinks far to lowly of herself. She finds strength towards the end and becomes the divine feminine (a big leap I know) and so she is not really on Shinji's level, she becomes a figurative being. Just everything about End of Evangelion screams Shinji and Asuka.
>it was worth it for one kek
>I'll admit that Eva's ending is just a cave to Freudian materialism, and not the Universal salvation it will be in real life. They lump in the Christian Salvation with the Jewish, and in that the author is mistaken.
I do believe this arrived out of the author attempting to achieve far too many "relatable" aspects however one must understand the symbolic aspects of religion and the occult. As well as understand NGE as art not a prophecy and so it depicts self contained beauty because of its effect upon man and the message transmuted - not a legitimate religious prediction. Just as Wagner had the Ring Cycle and depicted Ragnarok in a far different way from the original Norse Mythology, one of the greatest pieces of art ever created was that - art - not a rewriting of a religion.
You are wrong. Go watch the anime
Based and redpilled