Have you ever come across something so incredible that you simply can't help but tell someone?
Think about a secret so huge that you begin to laugh hysterically to yourself and begin to get goosebumps?
Well that is exactly what I'm going through. I am behind several VPNs and am using a throwaway mobile while using public WiFi to make this thread. I am an employee at a company that works with a gene editing system called CRISPR. Over the last few days I gained access to an area of the lab that houses specimens that have failed genetic testing and are on their way to be euthanized and incinerated.
Guys listen very closely. This isn't some billion dollar company, this is a relatively small business, and yet the things inside these cages are so horrific that I think I lost my mind. I'm going to quit soon and probably move away somewhere far.
Guys they are creating things from nightmares down here. I'm not religious, but holy shit. Sorry I can't name the company, I don't want to be killed or worse. I made this thread to vent. Thank you Jow Forums.
well don't be a whore spill the beans, what sorts of shit have they been making?
Liam Morgan
Where are you in the world or what is your nation's language, and what have you seen?
Hudson Johnson
>I need (you)'s get killed faggot OP
Hunter Nguyen
I really want to tell you guys, but I'm scared that I might give something away that'll get me identified. I know feds browse this board and I'm sure they're already trying to find me. I'm getting ready to leave this place and head home. Keep looking around to see if anybody is watching me right now. Shaking so hard I keep spilling my coffee.
Jace Thompson
Tell us or fuck off. Why even bother posting if you don't want to say anything?
Dylan Smith
I've seen some shit at my top secret clearance job.
Jordan Wright
post proof faggot
Chase Harris
Charles Morgan
Cripsered humans or animals OP?
Evan Myers
cant wait to fight acid spitting scorpion monsters bring it on
Wyatt Mitchell
Fake and gay.
Carter Richardson
you fucking goddamned whore shithead just fucking describe whatever fake shit you made up so I can get my nut off and go to sleep.
Evan Price
Because he's just sooo spooked that he needs Jow Forums's support.
Nothing to see here, just some tard who thought he had a good post idea at work or something.
Isaac Diaz
This is going to be my last post and then I'm out. The things I found in the specimen room aren't rage filled killer monsters. They have distorted bodies with features from different animals. Some have open wounds and make moaning sounds that sound like people. It gives me anxiety thinking about out it.
Goodbye I'm done. Idk what to say anymore or what to recommend.
Kevin Ramirez
Carson Russell
>specimen room God this larp is so cringey
David Green
Just leave already. I'm sure you'll sleep well, knowing you made a trash tier shit post.
Joseph Jones
Draw a pic and post it, nagger.
Jason White
ah yes the organ farms
don't worry those people will get gassed too
Ryan Butler
God I hope OP's coworkers release their monster gene-edited chimera so I get to hunt them in abandoned bunkers with nightvision and an AKM
James Bennett
How big are they?
Julian Jenkins
bring on the resident evil times lmao
Lincoln Nelson
This thread reminds me of the time I worked at Ferring Pharmaceuticals. They say they make peptide based medicines, but the chimps they bring are screaming in agony all night long and I see scientists covered in blood sometimes. I always found it strange seeing cars coming in with CA EXEMPT plates in the parking lot.
Weird shit happened there. Didn't help that the FBI field office was down the street.
>Have you ever come across something so incredible that you simply can't help but tell someone? Yes.
I discovered that smartphones, social media, and competitive gaming are causing widespread egomania, sexual deviancy, irritability, and paranoia through dopamine and norepinephrine receptor agonism, and that they're as habitual as methamphetamine, and that their use causes brain damage, and that the media, ISPs, and telecom companies sell them like crack dealers sell crack, and that no one except for me seems to be fully aware of what's going on.