I went to mexico last week and have been contemplating the migration issue since then. I've come to the realization that you people here are all fat retarded idiots, and everything that everyone says about you is mostly true. I came to this realization after I had just fucked a mexican whore while rolling on MDMA. As I lay there I realized how disgusting I was, and how you people are even more disgusting.
I became "red pilled" because I'm naturally a conservative, and so is my family. Long story short, I'm basically a retired man in his early 30's who plays music and teaches occasionally. Through a combination of inheritance and investing, I do not have to work anymore. This has given me time to travel the world and be alone with my thoughts.
You maga trump hat wearing nazi larping retards are one side of the problem. You are dumb, largely ignorant to the world except for what you see on TV (aka you are faux-educated), and have views slammed into your mind by thought controllers in the same way as the leftists you mock. HOWEVER, the leftists are even worse than you, because they are hypocrites. They will do anything besides the two things that would actually help, one being giving pooer people part of their wealthy, the other is going to poorer nations and helping them build infrastructure.
The only way to solve the migration problem is by helping pooring countries, and to stop exploiting them for labor and other goods. The US has always been an imperialist war machine, just it's predecessor England, and the Portuguese before that. It's just America has perfected the ability to "cloak" the imperialism, which is accomplished through a combination of finance, business, military, and CIA influence.
Right wing trump tards cannot stop the flow of illegal immigration that will destroy the US, and left wingers are so blinded by the vanity of virtue that they cannot see that they are hypocrites and even worse than the right wingers they criticize sand attack, because at least right wingers are speaking some kind of truth.
The only solution is to stop exploiting third world nations, and to also help them rebuild/build their nations. But that would require people to actually work, so neither people on the left or right will actually do anything to solve this problem. The hardest thing fort a person to do is to "do work". I don't mean going to your wage slave job and earning a living, I mean doing what you were meant to do on Earth, everything else is a much welcomed distraction, because working is THAT hard.
Do work, you fucking gay retarded nazi larping idiots.
Liam Reed
>Do work, you fucking gay retarded nazi larping idiots. Stopped reading right there
Asher Cook
>give our money to thrid worlders Ok sure mr goldstein
Aiden Flores
Sage this slide schitzo
Carson Bailey
The gayest post this year so far.
David Green
>stopped reading after the last line of OP’s mega gay blog post
Caleb Roberts
>I had just fucked a mexican whore while rolling on MDMA You have aids and brain damage now. Opinion discarded
But I'm redpilled, especially when I'm on MDMA... honestly. Worst shill in a while.
Adrian Parker
yeah, funny. I'm 32 but my cells are probably younger than yours (you being a fat 19 year old edgelord)
You work at mcdonalds, eat garbage, and don't exercise. Almost all the food I eat is from private organic/natural farms, and everyday I sleep well and take care of myself.
Nathaniel Scott
>The only way to solve the migration problem is by helping pooring countries, and to stop exploiting them for labor and other goods. Fuck off, LARPer. We owe nothing to other countries.
Thomas Carter
We exploit them, which is how we live such opulent lifestyles. I don't work, travel about 4-5 times per year for weeks at a time, and enjoy a living standard that is better than kings in the past.
How was I able to do that with just some inheritance and investing? It's because the system is rigged, and we all benefit from it.
Colton Edwards
Jesus christ thats retarded, just make the world a favour and nuke everything south of Texas (also California) that way you can end this suffering. t.latino who hates what other latinos are doing to your nation.
Dylan Robinson
I also have several trusts from my rich family, and never have to work a day in my life. It doesn't change the fact that I want all brown people out of my country and that we don't owe their shitholes anything whatsoever.
Dominic Watson
Imagine actually reading this shit. On the next larp op takes shrooms and says we are all God. Yet he has never created or built a single thing in his retarded life but a pile of literal shit every other day. But even if is fake and gay do stay in that shithole.
>Do work, you fucking gay retarded nazi larping idiots. oh look, another retarded liberal. poor thing. BAM.. it was best for it... BAM BAM, just to be sure.
>not even a tl;dr Yikes, what a faggot. Even worse, you think it is any bit believable anyone who fucked a Tijuana hooker should have an opinion on political issues. I really hope you kill yourself.
Brandon Young
How much of a cuck do you have to be to throw away any pride you gain from making smart decisions and instead attribute it to >Duh sistems rigged Like honestly, you think we're responsible for other countries shit decisions? Fuck off. You don't even take pride in yourself, no wonder you can't take pride in the country that made you who you are. Virtue signaling faggot.
Jeremiah Brooks
another stoner that thinks hes an intelectual because he finally had a thought other than "lol dude weed" Why should we build up their countries? It isnt our job. Just like their ancestors, they are lazy. Cutting off the flow of lazy law disregarding illegals will not harm the us.
Daniel Scott
Tits or gtfo
Jace Hall
You had to become drugged and fucked a whore.....xuck
Benjamin Moore
>You are dumb, largely ignorant to the world except for what you see on TV (aka you are faux-educated), and have views slammed into your mind by thought controllers in the same way as the leftists you mock. ok retard
Dylan Parker
>having an epiphany when your fuckinf a whore
You sound like a massive fucking faggot, we don’t owe shit to these fucking people, come illegally or stay fucking home. Try this shit in Mexico and you’ll be deported. No one will care either.
Alexander Sanchez
>Through a combination of inheritance and investing, I do not have to work anymore. This has given me time to travel the world and be alone with my thoughts.
You got money now so you immdiatly changes sides? When are you gonna eat your first kid with epstein? Fucking week bro. No worry though. You will hang just like the rest.
Mason Harris
tl;dr bald fat man with only occasional employment wanta to destroy the southern border because he fell in love with a mexican prostitute. Kek.
Joseph Wright
Honestly OP, you act like you're above everyone here because you had the epiphany of travel. Congrats dude, yet here you are wasting all your energy yelling a people on the internet. It's clear you've learned nothing.
Jose Morales
Okay dumb dumb, here's a simple way to look at it; illigal migrants can't be documented, undocumented citizens do not pay taxes, while these freeloaders use your roads and inferstructure to send your American money home you are paying taxes.
Now if there was an option for faggots like you to adopt a smelly, uneducated, rude migrant into your home or to maybe pay triple taxes in order to offset the cost of these unwashed unskilled people.
Resources are finite things, unlike your parents' money.
Jace Howard
>I'm basically a retired man in his early 30's who plays music and teaches occasionally. translation: youre a dimwitted cunt >You are dumb, largely ignorant to the world classic projection >after I had just fucked a mexican whore while rolling on MDMA everyone here - even the other low IQ women - knows youre a virgin >I do not have to work anymore. try harder
Colton Bennett
This guy is mentally stunted and from Reddit.
Ian Lopez
Gosh well if YOU think so then it must be true.
Nathan Taylor
you have to go back
Juan Price
Austin Hall
Honestly all jannies are fucking kikes and should be gassed. Seriously, they don't deserve to live.
Easton Peterson
A spic whore...doing the job that a white wouldn't do. You're in a foreign country, high, and mongering. What could go wrong? Keep at it, so they will kill you for $16 and throw your body in a industrial drainage lagoon. Adios pendejo!
Easton Gutierrez
>You maga trump hat wearing nazi larping retards I wish shills would stop using this line. It's so tired and see-through.
Jordan Martin
weird flex but ok
Joseph Brooks
Moshiach sucks my peepee boycott pisreal. Go sell a kia to a mutt nigger sheckelstein.
I bet you get reallt upset when you see a hisoanic wearing a trump hat.
Brandon Morgan
So you like fucking kids, strange.
Adrian Martinez
>Pay gibs and help poor low IQ countries, or get overrun by low IQ hordes who come seeking gibs into your own country This is not an alternative brainlet. They are the same thing. Why is the assumption that they're our burden? Plus we spend billions on foreign aid already.
Leo Gomez
>go to third world to fuck prostitutes while on drugs >you're all hypocrites
Carter Reed
>I fucked a mutt whore and now I know evertyhing You do realise that you can both exploit third world nations while simultaneously having your borders closed, right? I mean, you do realise europeans did it for centuries, right?
Not that I agree with exploiting third world nations (please stop it, let's make fair deals for once), but OP is full of shit.
Ethan Martinez
Why don't you move to mexico and fix their country so they don't come to ours
>rich degenerate NPC who got money through family fortune has a guilty conscience from his life choices, his malfunctioning brain is in state of over empathy to other subhumans. >we have to sacrfice everything so we will be redeemed in the eyes of absolute goodness and my life choices wil be forgiven fuck you, kys. give up your ill gotten funds and try to raise a family on your own if you think our life in west is to easy.retard
William Bell
>U guys r dumb u only know the world from TV hehe Says the retarded American nigger that went on a holiday and put his peepee in a brown slut one time and instantmy changed his political views.
Theres nothing more retarded than burgers who dont realize that half of the people on Jow Forums are not from america and have real experience with migration. Literally ALL of Western European posters live in countries where mass migration of Arabs was established BEFORE we were born. There is not a single West Euro poster that doesnt have daily or near daily interactions with shitskins. We dont need to go on a fucking hooker holiday to meet shitskins.
Dylan Phillips
>The only way to solve the migration problem is by helping pooring countries.
We tried that and they just hate us for it. Better to tightly control immigration with a quota style system allowing a free pass for the rich or job creators and then the smartest of these shithole nations won't just leave when there is trouble for gibs paid for by our predecessors hard and difficult work and they'll instead toil on their own lands and make them a marvel of the world in their own right. All the while preserving both their own culture and tradition in their homogeneous society whilst leaving us to preserve ours. Their eventual success also removes their jealousy derived hatred for those who appear to look like they come from a non-shithole country which is currently incredibly obvious.
Nathaniel Perry
>is by helping pooring countries Look forward to you donating all your wealth to them and maybe then spending the rest of your days working at cost there.
What a poor crappy LARP or someone without a clue, your choice. If you have the time you should read more from here - unless that is not what you are paid to do and you just do the minimum to get by.
Connor Cook
>giving pooer people part of their wealthy >pooer >part of their wealthy And remember, folks - this guy claims to be a teacher: > I'm basically a retired man in his early 30's who plays music and teaches occasionally
I’m non biased as well It is very easy to see the stupidity on both the right and the left The right sounds just as retarded and group minded as the left It’s hilarious these anons actually think they are based free thinkers The 2 party system is a curse.