And wowed everyone with his fence sitting and amazing formal winter hat (in Washington DC, in July). How based and redpilled can one that lacks any facial features other than round be?
He dressed up in his best beanie
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Did he get scalped at some point?
He's like a little mouse, you can just imagine him with some little mouse whiskers and paws
top fucking kek
He believes that his hat is a disguise that protects him from being recognized by Antifa.
No seriously. Video related.
It has nothing to do with the shame and inadequacy he feels being not only a manlet but totally bald.
Don't even listen to this dude, don't have time. Glad he's embraced his meme though.
Moot's brother that always wears the beanies on his podcasts or youtube vids or whatever it is he does.
Jews should offer him hair transplants and start shilling for Israel. Look at his suffering, he literally can't take his beanie off
He’s a cu.ckboy faggotass
Poor bugga
You should thank him, kike. He goes to incredible lengths NOT naming your apartheid, terrorist pseudo nation for all the shit it causes the world to suffer.
SERIOUS Q: was the original pic a shop?
I cnnot believe a man would be allowed to ear a hat inside the White House.
Even if he didn't know the first thing about manners, some staffer would certainly let him know it's not happening, n?
Thy can't be so cucked as to allow this, can they?
with hat he look like my brother at 12 , without the hat h looks like my brother at 50
Wow it's yet another alt kike cocksucker
when I was in school only Mexicanss who had their heads shaved because their parents could not afford lice shampoo got to wear hats and then only black knit hats like tim's
Why the fuck do conservatives support this guy? I understand watching his content to get perspective on the enemy but are they all retarded or something? He hates them and if anything is trying to bring them to his side. No left-winger is watching his garbage.
Tim Pool is a fucking kike riding the gullible goyim gravy train all the way to shekel town
he also said he left early because it was too hot
God bless Mustachio Matt
that reminds me who is the disgusting fat lady form share blue that every one thniks is mentoring the chans with images
How the fuck can you be this bald at this age?
Doesn't he have enough money for a hair transplant?
shut the fuck up plebbit
>How the fuck can you be this bald at this age?
Hence the winter hat worn year round for "disguise purposes."
please, I saw a clip of a nigress there with a rainbow afro. They know these people are a fucking joke and threw them a little, "go out there and keep shilling for daddy ZOGnald for free" party to appease them.
because r/thedumbfuck aren't actually conservative and Jow Forums is full of shitskins, children, and election transplants
He will take it off for a Boston antifa rally but not to visit the White House? Timmy is a true patriot
DHT. Pretty common. Has nothing to do with age.
Maybe you’re right. I’ve been watching this guy since PJW challenged him to go to Sweden and I haven’t budged an inch on my position. I just think he’s interesting to watch.
Fuck off cnn
>at this age
He's approaching his mid thirties, bud.
He's not balding young, this entire generation's social development has been stunted
he doesn't believe shit, it's obvious and transparent baldfag cope
he'd look less cringy if he just came out and said yeah i'm hiding my bald dome
30s is young for full bald
especially for someone who claims to have Korean genes
and he is 1/4 Asian so he only has the testosterone to grow a 3/4 sized penis
That picture is as cringed as the AOC parking lot pictures.
But your still a commie faggot
Tim Pool is 33 this year, Homer Simpson's canon age is 36. Current fashion and culture has blinded you. Genetics are a crapshoot.
OG image
How is it character assasination to ask him to drop his beanie? He wore it to the White House. It's embarassing
He'll die without the beanie. Don't bully.
Probably is part Italian
Beanie - the copers combover
Man, boomers aged fast, huh? I'm 28 and look the same as I did at 21. I don't know anyone 36 who looks like homer--fuck that kike show regardless.
Should Trump have had a gold MAGA beanie made?
leftypol mad