I voted for him in 2016 (I was a stupid 18 year old) and now I'm unironically a socialist. Fuck Trump.
>I voted
yes, you are stupid.
>Maybe if I insult the opposing party, people will forget I open my asshole for Zionism
Does Trump think his voters are this stupid?
You're also unironically a fucking faggot.
I like how business hours have just begun and there's immediately 3 of these
>implying the electoral college isn't zionist
it's entirely possible people hate trump
crazy I know
>Is now 22 years old
>'i'm unironically a socialist'
Come back here after you've actually landed a job that didn't involve brewing my coffee and swirling caramel in gigantic plastic cups with mushy paper straws, you faggot.
you’re ignoring his point and stating a non sequitur. read the sticky or admit to being a shill. also fuck trump.
Did you get in a car accident and go massively in debt, or are you just a loser?
get to work wagie
kys or watch TRUMPSLIDE 2020
You can't spam all of your same "i voted for trump before but not now!" Threads at the same time it is as obvious as you are gay.
I'm about to go to sleep and wake up for my shift. I would hate to miss it.
But it's ok. I only lose a lousy $640 everyday I don't go to work.
Well he’s right though, it’s a choice between Trump or a democrat. And whatever flaws Trump may have, he at least loves America and doesn’t offer free healthcare to illegal aliens or do campaign events in Mexico
I am a Cruz missile now
I'm 21, idiot. Please stop using the internet until you've learned how to do basic addition.
And I'm getting paid 24k this summer at a nice internship. Go back to school.
Oh wait you can't, because you can't afford it. Better vote for Bernie, retard.
>Oy vey goyim, I regret voting for X and now iam on the next X train.
>Anyone of you go-i mean guys feel this way?
sure I admit to being a shill
there? does that satisfy your fantasy? are you enjoying your dopamine?
you know I know everyone knows your mom knows the ayys knows the cats know that a lot of fucking people, human beings, hate that spraytanned dude
orange man bad
and that's just in the states
the world over shitpost on Jow Forums too
and somehow fags are supposed to accept that ooooh man it's super weird shitposters hate him
>I was stupid voting for Trump
>Now I'm a socialist
Sounds like you became stupid instead
As a drupe, almonds are part of the same family as cherries, peaches and mangoes. Next time you eat a peach, notice that the pit resembles an almond.
I make 180k/year clicking buttons to test software for an entertainment company.
Whatever internship you're going to sounds like a scam, and probably a shit career. Enjoy it, though. Every minute of it.
They are, just look at Jow Forums
Socialism will never be voted in by the current demographics. Buy some Nike's. You're going to need them to chase after the zoo animals when you're living in a socialist nightmare. Enjoy!
I'm kind of really getting sick of these absurd propaganda shill threads. There's like five "fuck Drumpf!" threads up right now and it's pathetic.