Are you ready to take in climate refugees, bros? Because Carola Rackete sure is.
Weather is now a reason to apply for asylum
start shooting migrants, anons.
it's your only way to get this party started.
Jesus christ, this is why they've pushed the global warming bullshit, we never saw it coming
Not new
Sports and weather were supposed to be the things on the news that weren't political. It's all so tiresome.
I saw this coming miles and miles away. They have one goal and one goal only, to get as many non-whites as possible into white countries. It has always been like this.
They bring them in and stay away from them. This is how it has always been. The people who bring them in are not the ones that live with them.
Hello Iceland, I'd like to apply for asylum its too fucking hot here
>Europeans fault Africa is fucked up
>Europeans fault climate is disruptive
>Zimbabwe going from bread basket to waste basket in 2 generations? Europeans fault
>unrestricted immigration is reparations
this is your brain on racism of rock bottom expectations. she thinks she is a messiah with her white womans burden bullshit
What about all the people displaced by Barry? Are they refugees too?
My apartment was flooded, can I move in with Brad Pitt?
If we're using weather as an excuse, why even bother needing one at all? Just allow invaders to stroll right in, which is clearly what they're going for.
she is a 6-7/10 in Germany
Didn't see this coming
>Convince people that CO2 increases temperature
>The west feels guilty for doing it
>Combine with guilt of muh colonization
Why can't the guilt tripping just stop?
Where is the us vs them mentality?
Just another part of the weather syndrome.
climate change is increasing the lead content in rain it sounds like there. all those poor immigrants coming down it lead poisoning, many such cases, sad
he is a jew.
>every single shitskin moves to Europe
>every single white person moves to Africa
Would you accept this tradeoff, Jow Forums?
>Resources are getting scarce but instead of controlling our borders and hording what we have we should invite millions of rapidly breeding,low-IQ sub-human savages from a completely different religion and race to our lands.
Leftists need to be tortured to death en mass, they are literally going to drag us into oblivion if they aren't dealt with.
Don't despair, feel hate!
This will never end until every single one of these kikes is dead, buried, and thoroughly forgotten.