Is it the most liberal place in America?
How bad is New York really?
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people there drink white claw.
that's all you need to know.
its filthy as california, liberal ridden as oregon and baby-blood hungry as virginia
Isn't this that city that keeps all niggers in ghettos that look worse than the favellas?
Liberal as fuck.
There are a lot of non-whites but as far as the protests; it doesn't happen every day. Most people are usually too busy and always on the move to stop and tell you about their pronouns. When ever there is a protest you can expect them to fill the streets there. These people don't usually go outside unless there is. I've been to NYC quite a few times and it's really not as bad as they make it out to be.
It's bad just not that bad.
Everyone looks sub human and disgusting with 0 class
My experience there is that all the shitty people are the most vocal, the normal people keep quiet about being normal.
Have you ever had to climb into a dumpster to stomp the trash down so that more can be put in?
A Trump rally compared to SF
New York City is liberal, but still more to the right than California (though this is changing very rapidly now - primarily due to liberal transplants in Brooklyn and Queens). You can see this in voting patterns, as Trump got a higher percentage of votes in New York City and its suburbs than he did in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.
If you're talking suburban living, suburbs to the north and west are more liberal than those to the south and east.
Close but LA and San Francisco inch them out by an artificially made cunt hair
They dont look like favelas. Take queensbridge for instance. They are towering monotone housing complexes, honestly very similar to what you would see in prototypical depiction of an ex-warsaw pact member city. Only the ones in queens, and a lesser extent bronx and brooklyn, somehow seem to have more breadth and soul crushing berth. Especially in queens
idd, bunch of happy people, fucking disgusting
Jew York is the ultimate kike infested shithole
Man the protests are dumb and nowhere near as dramatic as you describe. Yes there was occupy wall street ten years back or so but that was one thing. A protest today in NY, your everyday one on something like climate change or what have you, will be run by a pack of about 30-40 neon hair weirdos with usually one or two guys doing some stunt to attract attention. Then dumbass tourists and out of towners stop moving on the side walk and slow down to take a pic and send to their friends which is when cops show up on their horses and tell people to keep moving or they will start arresting people. Then all the soccer moms and asian tourists, 15 year old girls from tenafly and retarded bacons from flyover states visiting NY for the first time since their emaciated german or irish relatives went thru ellis island start moving down the sidewalk again. Then cops arrest some ring leaders if they have to and everything returns to normal by 10 pm
worse then LA, much worse. san fransico might have it beat though
I think California tops off NY in amount of sjw liberals
thats only because trump is from new york. before the last decade most of california wasnt really that bad
Chicago is a shithole
Looks to me to just be something that keeps Me_linials close and at least doing something.
If you include the suburbs and commuter towns in Long Island and Jersey who commute there are tons of Trump boomers and other right wing types.
How bad is it? Depends on what you mean by bad. I've spent a few weekends in NYC though and I would say that it's easily the most overrated big city I've ever been to and I've traveled fairly extensively.
Dirty, noisy, expensive, and with none of the 1000+ year old history or unique heritage/culture that makes other large cities around the world worth visiting. Also, the subway sucks, makes you wonder what they're spending all that tax money on.