H-He's up..
H-He's up
Meh. Stupid kike should stick to 140 characters
The only one that stood up to China. You should be proud
fuck off jew
>t-they're so mean
Lol, pathetic.
Ironic he’s telling someone to go back to where their loyalties lie when he is more loyal to Israel than America and always makes that clear.
Pic related it’s Trump with Robert Maxwell, Mossad spy who helped Israel get a nuke and spy on the US and died while under investigation for war crimes. His daughter is also Ghislaine who just happens to be Jeffrey Epstein’s procurer of young girls...
F.U.C.K. K.I.K.E.I.S.T.A.N
Hahahha, unfortunatly we dont have jews in our country. They were all killed in ww2 by retards like you. We are poorer by an entire culture
Yeah I think I'm gonna vote against the jew but I'm not a based incel pede like the rest of you
Are you guys ever gonna realize that this tack doesn't get the desired results around here?
1. This isn't Stormfront
2. We're not stupid
3. We're not naive
4. There's a bigger picture here and we're acquainted with it
and lastly, re this pic: all these power elites know each other, it's horribly incestuous at that level of society and we know that. Trump may be an unregenerate zionist stooge but he's OUR unregenerate zionist stooge and the best choice we have for now. We all know that no matter how much your bots and faux Jow Forumsacks try to behave otherwise. Go soak your head.
I love this.
Imagine getting this mad over the truth, your president is a false idol meant to pacify whites about their displacement.
l>this much astroturfing by One samefagging nigger
I don't want to sound like a 4D chess faggot but it seems like by doing this he is weakening Nancy Pelosi's position in the democrat party.
By attacking the same caucus that Nancy has been dismissing it really pisses of the twitter mob and forces the party to go farther and farther left.
Imagine being an amerifat and defend his president tweets and Israel by default.
I’m new here can somebody please redpill me on the Jews?
After a long day of Golf Trump still manages to wake up at 8am imagine that. He's so based bros.
show your flag chaim
agree, everyone should just vote dem, or just not vote at all.
good goy
>place tariffs on Chinese goods paid by the American consumer
>send the proceeds to Israel
Cannot make this shit up.
He sounds less mad than you.
Exactly, we know the US exists to defend Israel and any country that betrays them is doomed.
McFucking kill yourself
Oi Vey! Have you heard what they did to Israel? Fuck China! Trump for Israel!
Imagine a world ruled by China where Jews were treated like Uyghurs are in China. Oi Vey!
It won't work here!
Pol loves Jews and loves Trump!
Fuck off.
Shills BTFO
right here cocksucker
Imagine literally shilling for Israel by calling those who call out their crimes and influences shills.
We better investigate Mossad
The jews control the left and Trump is trying to bait the slaves into rebelling so they can get put down by their masters
The shill cope is strong, y’all racist jew hating leftists be mad af
Is he pointing out how cucked to Israel the government is or just a retard?
It's so often I would be getting uncomfortable if I was a jew.
You’re talking about the Goodest Goy to ever be president.
No shit he's been with these people. He's a lifetime mole for military intelligence. Trump was recruited when he went to military school to play a key role in overthrowing the kikes that took over our government. He's been playing a lifetime role and he's capping it off by becoming president and dismantling the jewish pedo blackmail system.
Wow, that's some serious dedication to sell his own children to the kikes to maintain his deep cover
apologize to israel now ebil demoncrats
>leftists are all about identitarianism and virtue signaling
>call them anti-semitic
>watch them implode on themselves like the world trade center
>tfw don't like Trump
>tfw don't think Republicans are the good guys
>tfw don't believe in the two-party paradigm
>tfw don't believe in based Jews (inb4 that miller poster)
>tfw hate the Hasbara Project shills
>tfw unironically 14/88
>tfw /ptg/ needs to leave
>tfw not a shill, a tranny, a faggot, or a Jew
You guys are like the just out of highschool faggots who joined baby's first political movement by signing up for a campus republican club. Pathetic.
14/88 not 1776
>wake up
>*remembers the new women on the left*
>the women that called out the j00, want fair taxes for everyone, and are the ONLY ONES fighting tooth and nail for a solution for climate change
>immediately start seething