I'm Assyrian but I have white roots, could I pass as white? Here is my hand.
It’s all about eyes and nose broseph.
>no arm hair
Did you shave it or something
You're not European.
doesn't matter. Assyrian is based ancestry.
I’m 85 percent European and even I don’t consider myself white.
Having light skin does not make you white.
>Soft child like knuckles that have never seen a days hard labour
You will never be white
American flag, so "white" includes middle eastern and northern african. You're in buddy.
What job are you using your knuckles for?
they don't make them like that anymore
If you're Assyrian why tf would you want to be white anyways?
bashing leaf fags like you all day long
>never used nuckles
You’ve obvious never did any sort of physical labor. Hands get banged up while doing mechanics or basically anything with your hands
>Electrified swamps
>bridges for tanks out of enemy corpses
>gasses and neurochemicals for both sides
>extensive campaigns with disregard for the UN and human rights
Those mesopotamians are as wild as they were back then
You have a soft little gay hand. You've clearly never worked a day in your life.
Are you white?
Who cares. You're fat.
>Those mesopotamians are as wild as they were back then
Maybe. Minus the Assyrians. Now they're just lousy cucks.
Your hand look weird. like there are boulders under your skin suit. Mate
t. strongfat guy who works at construction site and hates his fucking life and has nothing going for him other than $18/hr and the ability to gatekeep... hands.
Your hand tells me nothing about the shape of your skull.
Yes, Assyrian mean white-syrian
hmm looking pretty white there """" Assyrian"""'
you are a proud Hurrian from Mittani I'm guessing.
maybe even Hittite.
Assyrians were fags anyway. Medes and Persians were way better.
I wouldn't be ashamed of assyrian genetics. based history. I would however be ashamed of assyria's current situation. tools of kurds
>unironically ate up American racial politics
Not here, but in muttland you will.
no timestamp, so die please.
Assyrian is not Syrian
Assyrians are white and if they're not they're honorary Whites
You are not assyrian, you're an arab/turkish/roman invader
The entire middle east was black back in the days
even then, he looks pasty as fuck, I'm not some sort of a navy seal but I can tell you that a man's hands don't look like that
I bet you give nice handjobs with hands this smooth.
Just because you have white skin doesn't mean that you are "white". Only people of European descent are "white". So, you are asking if you are European and you obviously are not. Such an American term anyway.
i thought Jow Forums clarified this, pink nipples = white.
if you are 90+ percent European blood then you are white
saying otherwise is hook nosed gatekeeping