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>White Vikings.

Only racist alt-right bigot incel Russian bot trolls would oppose this.

Nigger stealing secrets and killing people. Typical.

Fuck smelly incel fucks, the black queen is hot as fuck.

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why did mi5 hire Mayday?

shes not even an attractive one

looks like denzel washington with tits

>on her majestys secret welfare

She’s so ugly

That's another franchise killed off.

why would the producers fund something like this knowing every movie of it's type has resulted in a humongous loss of money?
doesn't make sense.

i would be fine with it if it was a spinoff of live and let die and she was paying that voodoo chick. They wont do that though because that would actually be interesting and have a point instead of just virtue signaling.

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They have Daniel Craig in the movie because they know that if he's gone and we're left with a negress, the movie would completely tank like every other female reboot.

I'm guessing Russian bots and angry white males (racially motivated of course) will cause this movie to underperform in the box office.

For me Bond ceased to be when Craig took over.


exactly, they should have made it a mayday spinoff

i hope it tanks, and yes this is racially motivated.

Fuck me, what next? Superman in a wheelchair?

Lashana Lynch is Jamez Bond in......

The names Life... Twenty-five to Life

Because it's not about money, they already have trillions of dollars. This is about desecrating white culture, showing their utter contempt for everything white and everything it stands for. Why do you think they turned Luke Skywalker into a bitter cuck in the latest GoyWars movie? Because that story and narrative was treasured by a large white population.

It's also about controlling the narrative. That's why there will be a remake of The Matrix - so that THEY control the narrative of what the "redpill" will mean for future generations.

Just look at what the Jews did vis-a-vis art and narrative in the Weimar Republic, it's the same contemptuous, disgusting degeneracy all over again.

>her name is Lynch

Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick. What the fuck is wrong with people? Did they lose a bet? Daniel Craig revitalized the franchise and now they’re going to kill it off. Hopefully she’ll have a shelf life shorter than George Lazenby.

>ceased to be
What the fuck is wrong with you? He played it closer to the books which gave us a grittier bond. The closest anyone came to doing that before was Timothy Dalton.

we should shoop this one out and replace with leslie jones for keks

grape soda, no ice

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Henny and Hypnotic, shaked, not stirred

She gonna give all dem SPECTRE agents Chlamydia...

It's about consistency. The movies had a created a separate Bond universe of their own and it had massive momentum. It was a fairy tale where the protagonist kills people and throws one-liners by himself, where hundreds of soldiers have worse aim than storm troopers, and where the recurring henchman with metallic teeth can survive everything from swimming tens or hundreds of miles in the ocean to being stranded in outer space.

It was about light-hearted entertainment with a fuck load of embedded occult/masonic references, not about crying in the shower with your clothes on over PTSD symptoms.

Craig's bond was less of a witty british spy and more like a KGB wet work asset.

Bond always shags some thots in every movie, so let's see what the response will be when she gets colonized in her movie.

>fo' tha culture jamez?
>na son, fo' me

and this scene will be made not from height, but at the edge of a children's pool just before tyrell is shoved in to he's def

This black AIDS whoe packs a Walther PPK? Incomprehensible.

To be fair she also carries HPV and EBT.

OH this has been done already. Just look here. youtube.com/watch?v=mCwOnq2C2vA

Shakwana Bond in......

EBT is Forever

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The movie industry is becoming like the pop music industry where they decide what's going to sell and fake the illusion of popularity to get the followers out there (most people btw) to buy it.

purple drank, shaken not stirred

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Holy shit. Cannot unsee

Nig and Let Nog

You don't get it do you?
Women buy tons more merch than men, it doesn't fucking matter that you sell a couple tickets less if you've got entire flocks of dumb cunts buys 100+ EUR/USD in merch. The "income" is not only determined by how many tickets you sell; just imagine all of the women-exclusive bond events; it's going to be a goldmine for event-managers.

Aka me, already expecting some pitches to come in the next couple of weeks.

I'm so old, I remember when Leia wasn't his sister and he won her affection with his heroics.

For Yo Ass Only
From Compton with Drugs
Dr. Ho
The Spook who Raped Me
You Only Loot Twice
The Mang wit da Golden Gums
Loot and Get Tried
Never say Nigger Again
Daddies aren't Forever

Attached: bond32.png (300x250, 19K)

Movie theaters in Baltimore and Detroit will likely be literally torn down in the tumult of African American celebrationz.
It's going to be marvelous.

Licensed to Ill


They've been slowly introducing niggreses in 007dince the late 60's goes to tell how far ahead these agendas are thought out, hell, in the second to last James bond film we found out money penny was black all along ....

What will 007's new signature drink be? Malt liquor?

The names Boon. She Boon.
