how does this makes you feel?
How does this makes you feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
I feel nothing desu
russians are oogaa booga tier subhumans and your webm just confirms it.
That’s fucked up.
Good. Even dead wh*Toids must be btfoed
The Soviet BULL BTFO's the Germanic cuckbois
Like scrolling through a nigger hate thread. They are funny in their own way.
>I hate Germans for characterizing my people as subhumans!
Also Russians:
makes me want to kill all your friends and family
This is basically the epitome of all Russians have ever been able to accomplish. Knock down everyone else's stuff and leave behind a trail of shit
Not suprised, Russians are just white niggers
Nigger behaviour, link is honorable behaviour.
Weak ass faggot cant destroy a piece of wood
It makes me feel laughter knowing that heathen is being burnt right this very instant
no honor
Sergei takes pride in his webm.
>how does this makes you feel?
Like I'm in the movie Groundhog Day ... could you at least do some variation on the OP once in a while?!
I can understand hating the living, but this kind of an act towards the dead is sad. If it ever comes to war between our nations, I will honour your dead even though I guess you will not honour ours. Desecrating graves dishonours more the desecrater, than the dead.
they're dead, what does it matter. reality is you're some gopnik from a third world country
Because it's clear he despises the Germans for what they did and he thinks they don't deserve to be buried in Russia
Just sad all around
Doesn't really make me feel anything, but it makes me THINK that communists and russians in particular have no dignity or honour. If they didn't have an officer pointing a pistol towards their back head, they probably wouldn't even had put up a fight.
pissed off. you don't do that.
only niggers defile graves
>private kolya was killed while advancing in a human wave in Kursk later that year
>his final standings are:
>0 confirmed kills
>0 unconfirmed kills
>2 vodka crates looted from ukranian villages
>6 desecrated graves
>how does this makes you feel?
Nice svt
I know for a fact hat you're not a russian. You're the one posting anti-russian threads every day. Just fuck off, already. All the russians I've met have far more respect for my forefathers than any other nationality ever had.
Fuck you Soviets
Fuck you USA
Fuck you all western allies
Fought and won this war so our countries can be corrupted, degenerate, our blood polluted and our people replaced
Trully Great job
Also lovely free world do we have you pseudo-freedom fighters
It seems summer is a low season at the FSB propaganda agency.
Exactly, fight your enemy but respect the dead.
In a war, that involved millions of men fighting millions of men, acts like this don’t matter when entire armies are being destroyed on the battlefield.
Absolute nigger-tier behavior, but one wouldn't expect much else from the attack dogs of the kikes
based af
Fuck Germans.
Fuck every German during every time period.
Fuck Germany trying to take over the world every fucking 100 years or so.
Fuck Germany flooding the EU with Muslims.
Fuck Germany making heretical sects of Christianity against the pope's wishes.
Germany deserves every single Russian rape baby they ever birthed.
When World War 3 striked between the Muslims and Christians, you can bet that the Muslim Caliphate of Germanistan will be fighting for the goat-fucker side.
Pussy ass German ghosts are too busy burning in Hell to haunt those fine Russian soldiers.
The best post in this thread
Nothing else matters
So basically Eastern Europe today. Makes sense.
The logic is that US fags are HIV filled
So that means the reason for russki HIV is fags?
based, fuck krauts
Truly, a based post my friend.
He's just taking revenge for Stalingrad, neither Russians nor Germans were morally superior.
this. Even if the grave of a nigger, commie or Jew. I wouldn't disrespect their burial. Not even the final resting place of an animal. It's just not right
desecrating the enemy's resting dead is a great demoralization tactic.
Commie faggots here in the states did it with a few Confederate monuments; made everyone REEEE.
Good times. I support it. Love and war, etc...
Is that Finland?
Typical russian behaviour!
These subhumans defiled and destroyed all of our monuments and war cemeteries.
i think he feels pretty bad ass destroying wooden efigys, good on him
germany was based before importing rapefugees
It makes me feel happy that your empire fell and has become a run down third world country ran by oligarchs with the highest rate of sexual diseases in europe, and poverty.
Disgusted. Disrespecting the dead is a bitch move.
What pAntifa chapter is that?
>That jew nose....
You are under materialist delusion. There is nothing to respect because the soul has already left the body
>jew face
>hates crosses
>Fuck Germany making heretical sects of Christianity against the pope's wishes.
The assholes also created a heretical sect of Judaism: Reform Judaism.
All that commie bullshit that Jews get blamed for is pushed by the "Reform Jews." Real Jews (i.e. Orthodox) do not support commie nonsense. They're G-d fearing, support strong community values, against abortion, against faggotry, and all that other leftist nonsense.
who are you? let me guess, pic related
or dis won?
>t. benji shapiro
Orthodox jews are jew first regardless of the situation. You have to go back to Israel.
or are you slavic subhuman betrayer migrant living in cuck denmark?
>struggles to destroy makeshift stick crosses
yep, cut Ivan some slack, I think we actually have a jew here
>posting video to proof that you and all your ancestors are subhuman scum
der ewige Russe.
>the virgin gun-butter
>the Chad unstoppable cross
lmao how many hits does it take to destroy a .5" thick wood cross?
>tranny strikes back
Well, then I guess you wouldn't mind if I destroyed and shat on your family members graves?
good goy
Thats not very nice
Are Russians subhuman? I mean certainly under the whole communism ordeal.
A soldier is a soldier.
Shameful behaviour
>Germany invades USSR slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians putting women and children in mass graves
>Russian knocks over some posts with the butt of his rifle
>nooooo those disgusting subhumans cant do this its immoral :'(((((
it doesn't
>Are Russians subhuman?
They've just been lied to even more than most westerners about ww2. They still think it was the good war.
Disrespect from a Godless commie, what of it?
It reminds me of why I don't feel bad for addicting half of their country to crystal meth.
That russians are niggers like everyone said
I was thinking the same, I remember stories from the elderly telling about something like this.
this commie fag probably died in the war soon after lol
BBC did a report suggesting the majority of russians see stalin in a favorable light.
Keeping it mind it was the bbc.
History is whatever anyone says it is then. All the more reason to sympathise with the poor bastards that died.
Mixed feelings. I don't like the desecration of graves, but I understand why the Russkie feels that way.
>>Germany invades USSR slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians putting women and children in mass graves
never happened
Good ZOGbot
How would you feel about graves of people who came to burn your village rape your sister and kill your family?
pic related
That made them stronger according to the Trudeau philosophy. Shows too.
Day of the rake.
>tries to knock over the first grave post
>doesnt work, after multiple blows, just knocks off the cross piece
>tries it all over again
Ha ha üntermensch
Very unchristian like
> Desecrating christian graves
> Claim to be christian
Big yikes
Orthodoxy is not christian
Germans killed 27 mln of us, incl civilians and treatment of POWs and crushing their graves is the best our ancestors could did, that is what really sad
There were no Christians or Orthodox in USSR, you silly
(((and here is why)))
Is this what grows when you plant a potato and water it with vodka?
Only a bitch desecrates graves and that's evidenced by his bitch way of doing it. Back in my minecraft days I didn't hit mailboxes with my pickaxe I grabbed them and ripped them off.
>File name
Envious of Russia