Oh yeah, that's what I thought. Kek

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I am also curious
how many did they round up?

A grand total of: 0

Great! So the left can stop bitching that he’s Hitler, right?

>potato drumpf
>ignoring that it’s an operation and not a single day move
Gonna have to tell these fellas that sage goes in options

Nope, he's still orange Hitler. Always will be in their eyes.

>how many did they round up?
Given how quiet things are, probably less than a dozen.

so what was all the hype about?

ya, noticed how quiet the MAGA /ptg/ people were.


Every President has been about their own interests.
Bush is an oil man and his buddy Cheney is a construction/private security man. That needs no further explanation.
Obama was a community organizer. An organizer needs disorder.
Trump is a realtor. What realtor needs less buyers?

>ya, noticed how quiet the MAGA /ptg/ people were.
Now they're trying to hype-up Trumps "foreign-born senators ought to go back" tweet -- as if he ever does anything OTHER than tweet.

Wake me up when he finally tells the military to do its job.

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No mass deportation was ever scheduled. It was less people than illegally enter the country on any given day. Everyone knew this in advance.

Holding a summit combating Antisemitism!
The real problem in America

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anti-semitism is a timie honored tradition in America and you're a commie faggot jew for thinking otherwise

so he is basically an orange obama

>so he is basically an orange obama
He's a politician.

Yawn. Gone since Syria 2017. Call me when the Russians free us from International Judaism.


How do I make a pic like this with AOC?

No shit, Sherlock? They're all the same.

isn't democracy great?


>shiny mental spastics
imagine having to cope like this

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Yeah. Because they’re all hiding in other people’s fucking homes and too afraid to go outside. This isn’t a win for them.

sure beats evil hillary, weak rand and fake romeny.

wow, a trump white knight

Seriously, proof?

I am an undocumented dreamer literally strapped to a masterbation machine about to die. Thanks to all you nazis voting Hitler into power!

thread theme

>anounce raids every few weeks
>after 6 or 7 false alarms pablo sez"nothing ever happens"
>do real ice raid

>isn't democracy great?
Fuck yeah. Every time I vote for one dipshit I hate less than the next, hoping he won't fuck things up too bad... I must enjoy fighting back the gag reflex as every fucking politician slides his dick down my throat while another has his up my ass with his hands in my wallet.

The important thing is to scare people from coming.

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Surely today Trump will pause MIGA tweeting to deliver something for his voters.

Daily reminder: The people pushing the trump-is-tied-to-jews narrative are the sand nigger muzzies.

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SEETHING--I love it. No one cares about you nigger.

He is tied to Jews, though. His daughter's legal name is Yael Kushner.

Oh yea totally forgot, did it actually happen?

This is an on-going effort, it's not as if they stopped.

>Has connections
That doesn't mean they tell him what to do. The sand niggers think trump is following the jew agenda because they are fucking retards that think the 4 BN annually the US gives Israel is a big deal compared to the 700BN the us spends on defense.

Only a sand nigger is dumb enough and hates jews enough to push this narrative.

$4billion is nothing. We should give $4billion to Palestine annually and keep it equal, and then maybe these spendthrifts will stfu.

4BN isn't enough to justify the claim that Israel has sway in US policy retard. We pay more to Iraq in perspective.

The point wasn't that it's a good expense--the point is that 4bn is a pittance given to a country who's job it is to keep the muzzies off balance.

I'm not arguing with you. I agree and want to expand upon your logic. $4billion is a nothingburger and if we gave $4billion to both sides of the argument, then nobody could complain anymore.

even obama deported millions

6 million

This website is like high doses of radiation for your brain, why do people come here?

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Nobody really knows.

Thank goodness president cuckawhitz is here

>That doesn't mean they tell him what to do
They don't tell him what to do, he does it on his own.