I used to be left leaning but now I'm right leaning
Is there anyone that used to be right leaning but is now left leaning?
I used to be left leaning but now I'm right leaning
Is there anyone that used to be right leaning but is now left leaning?
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is this a rhetorical question?
Peпopт зa щитпocт и oффтoп
I’m left leaning in theory but I’d never vote anything but republican.
But that’s only choosing the lesser evil in my eye.
I voted for Trump and have been so disappointed, not because he isn't conservative enough, but because he acts like a literal nigger. But after seeing the Dem debate and seeing how the Dems were doubling down on immigration, pretty sure I'll be voting for Trump again
Yes ppl suffer from brain damage and dementia all the time
Not on Jow Forums. You find these people on Twitter. I call them "I hate my republican dad" democrats. They grew up listening to gay shit like Glenn beck and fox news and their dads didn't do anything except be a degenerate and watch football, drunk as a skunk. These people grow up Christian and end up becoming commie junkies because their parents are retarded
I used to be a socialist civ-nat but now I'm an overall anti-liberal and more race conscious. It's logical.
Progressives went too far and the hegemonic free market logic is inherently tied to mass immigration. Removal of borders for both capital and individuals.
>Is there anyone that used to be right leaning but is now left leaning?
They like to pretend that it can happen though.
When I look at the issues now, I see that
I want an affordable college education.
I want affordable health care.
I don't really care if women get abortions or not.
Bad businesses need regulation.
Private schools are invariably scams.
I want more medical advances based on stem cells.
I couldn't care less where my energy comes from. But if Middle East arabs are involved, then I prefer whatever the other sources are.
The Earth is warming. The seas are rising. If we can do anything to slow that down, we probably should.
If you want religion and government mixed, move to some other fucking country like Somalia or Libya where they have Sharia.
I honestly do not give the first fuck who gets married to whom.
I think too many shooters are getting off the hook for crimes because our gun laws are too extreme in protecting them
If I don't trust the government to anything else, then I don't trust the government with the Death Penalty, either.
We are spending half a $trillion a year on debt service alone. Time to reign in the military industrial complex.
Our taxes will be lower when the economy works for everybody, not just the rich.
I was hard left, and ever since the constant Trump screeching started in 2016 I've gone hard right
It just kinda sucks because I'm not sure where to find friends now since I've cleaned up, I kept my chilled out centrist friends but had to distance myself from my hardcore leftist friends entirely, too much drama and constant political obsession
They don't have a single original thought aside from what they hear and see online and on TV and I'm just so tired of it
No fellow slav,you cant get out of rabbit hole
Immigration: Some fatasses just want to judge immigrants from their fatass couch.
If the most ambitious and hardest working people in the world are willing swim treacherous rivers, climb mountains, cross deserts and scale walls to become Americans, then they are exactly the kind of people that would make good Americans. They'll learn another language, keep their heads down and work their asses off in shit jobs to stay here. We shouldn't just be giving them a path to citizenship, we should reward them for their amazing effort and sacrifice.
Yes, I voted for trump now I’m team tulsi now.
Mommy gibe milkie
Lots of common sense points here
>Is there anyone that used to be right leaning but is now left leaning?
Yeah, they’re called adults
Kill yourself asap
I used to listen to my parents and was a larval neocon, now I'm a far-right hippie.
I’m temperamentally left but have become a mix of right and left depending on the issues. Probably more right leaning like OP. But then I see all thes hard right retards on Jow Forums and I realize how left I still am.
Explain being a far right hippie, sir
>serve your nation and your people, don't let it die out and it comes before all others
>purge your society of the people who seek to harm it for their own gain
>idealize the strong and healthy, encourage the weak, sick, and obese to improve
>demonize public displays of degenerate behavior, offering no tolerance
>venerate and reward hard work
>only those who prove worth in society should make its decisions
>demonize all war that's not an absolute necessity
>profit for profit's sake is immoral
>remember to make time for yourself
>help those in need when you can
>seek love that has meaning
or something like that
only via lobotomy or severe injury
If I could add to this already good list, I think we better financial protections. My credit score was in the low 700s when we bought our first home. Two mortgage lenders tried to steer me into ARM and Interest-only sub-prime mortgages. They're always trying to screw us over.
My credit union not only got me a better rate on a prime loan, but my credit score just topped 800. Fuck you Wells Fargo.
>serve your nation and your people, don't let it die out
I never fell for that ((( muh white genocide ))) propaganda. I think America is doing really well right now.
>purge your society of the people who seek to harm it for their own gain
Lots of far-right shooters harming society, senpai
>demonize public displays of degenerate behavior, offering no tolerance
Degenerate according to the ancient Hebrews? Don't make me laugh. Rather have freedoms than your Islamic law.
>venerate and reward hard work
Then let's stop rewarding billionaires with taxpayer welfare. Let's put them in jail when they commit crimes.
>only those who prove worth in society should make its decisions
You're def a muslim.
>demonize all war that's not an absolute necessity
Isn't war supposed to be the last resort?
>profit for profit's sake is immoral
Capitalism is a moral hazard that only takes care of capital owners. We need to take care of society too.
I thought this was a pretty good post
>You're def a muslim.
i really wish i could get back into religion.
i consider proving your worth to be simply paying a poll tax: you finance keeping the process honest and efficient while demonstrating you have your shit together enough to have a modest sum of money to spend, and it deters anybody who's not really that enthused in the first place from showing up and doing something as harmful as straight-ticket voting. anyone who advocates for that is an infuriating imbecile.
and war's a last resort to everybody but Raytheon and Lockheed. they gotta keep selling missiles and fighters.
>i consider proving your worth to be simply paying a poll tax
I think we elect too many celebrities in a popularity contest. Money is NOT a political voice so corporations and organizations and their dirty money campaigns are removed from the entire election process. Lobbying outlawed.
Our one obligation in the Constitution is to be the informed electorate. So we go to the polls and vote the issues only. Nameless philosopher kings (administrators) behind the scenes elected based on the issues votes are tasked with just making everything work well. Plato thought it could be done.
>Raytheon and Lockheed. they gotta keep selling missiles and fighters.
>Is there anyone that used to be right leaning but is now left leaning?
David Brock
Young people are immature and usually lean left and as they grow older they wisen up and begin to lean right
I used to be a nazi then I got a brain and am now a communist.
I'm one.
Is this the Russian hero known as krokodil?
It never goes that way. It's entropy.
not true faggot
Maybe, but only in the case of mental illness or being 14 and thinking you had a political opinion and now at 18 or 19 thinking it changed.
No man over 30 is a liberal if he has ever had to fend for himself and work a real job.
Liberals are all teachers and artists and shit like that, or they are exploiting cheap labor or involved in politics.
Identity politics and sexuality isn't a right/left issue. The fact that the left pushed those policies is dirty tribalism initiated by a dying school of thought.
Right and left don't exist anymore, it's literally "pretend world" vs. "Common sense"
Left leaning in hs (socialist, anarchist, commie sympathies)
Found Jow Forums in college (libertarian, monarchist, fascist sympathies)
Still would call myself preferably "revolutionary leftist" or third position, most people assume I'm socialist/anarchist, but would be called far-right probably if I just said "I strongly sympathize with NS"
Anyway, doesn't matter what label you use, only matters whose side you're on when the chips are down. US is kinda a fucked case with its racial problems, and both sides are filed with dumb identitarian shit I don't care about