>it’s racist to call me antisemitic!

What the fuck is even happening anymore; kek

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Trump and The Squad are gonna make sure the BDS bill doesn't pass.

nobody cares about the middle east but you faggy moslems.

clown world

Everything is racist

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State something that is factual and they don't like and they'll throw the "r" word around. They think it is an argument winner and you'll run away crying.

Leftist utopia is falling apart. The race card is losing its power.

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This. If it's racist to call me antisemitic than Jews are a different race and Jews are racist against all non Jews.

Jews are a race again? Noice!

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“The mad dog, after eating the child, began eating itself”

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Mmmmmm those big juicy lips


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Ship that nigger back to Africa

I really like her

Maybe this is the time to turn the redpill on race back into a blue one, for instance:

It doesn't matter that people are different! Himalayans can breathe thinner air, Kenyans run faster, whites drink milk and so on, but we're still all human!

And when they accept that, slide down that slippery slope.

White people aren't in power anymore so the jew's pooch is attempting to bite the jew for more gibs.
I.e if that shit keeps up jews will flee.

Shields are at 20% power captain we need to bring them back up for this counterattack.

Cleared to raise shields. Tell them they are racist for calling you antisemetic.

We said this years ago.
As soon as they remove the "oppressors" they were going to eat themselves.
The left is fueled by hate and united through hate and when they have nothing to fight for they are just going to fight eachother.

The "fuck Trump" rhetoric was artificial and created solely to prolong their unity to ensure a 2020 election win.
That failed hard and now we have leftist crazies fighting eachother on one side and literally everyone else on the other side.

The average person is closer to the kkk in their ideals than they are to open borders socialists and the only reason anyone even cares about them is the 24/7 in depth media coverage.

She is pretty antisemitic, though.
And what she doesn't yet know and has yet to experience:
In America, Jews >> niggers.

This is clown world, enjoy the show.

She must be very good at sucking dick.

She needs to be sent packing back to africa

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