>not due to heat or overusage
>no damage to any components of the grid
>no fire as initially reported
I smell something fishy. What caused it?
>not due to heat or overusage
>no damage to any components of the grid
>no fire as initially reported
I smell something fishy. What caused it?
Other urls found in this thread:
There have been report's of white supremacists targeting infrastructure, give them time to blame it on neo-nazi terrorists.
State agents using the NSA-designed backdoors in all our computer CPUs to hack into the grid and shut it down. There is no real defense. This happened to Argentina not too long ago in a first major test (remember?), and now they are becoming bolder, preparing to move against the entire USA. They don't want to admit it publiccly because it will cause a panic.
Obviously hacked
Based and redpilled
Im sad it wasnt a thermonuckular bomb disintegrating the entirety of jew york shitty
jew york city is just a mysterious place guy
ayylmaos have been manipulating power grids just to prove they can
we're losing ground in the negotiations
they went to gather something and they were visibly really successful
1337 haxx0r5
so it just magically fixed itself?
>I smell something fishy
Are you trying to say my vagina caused the black out?
And here goes another time when I thought that reading about what happened isn't important because the official response sounds very probable.
So seriously if it wasn't any of these things what are they now peddling as the "official" cause?
Bruh they broke thru the stranger things gate with the russian cannon we hp lovecraft nao
They tried to kill Epstein that’s why the power went out
According to this report, and as the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) detailed in their report yesterday, the use by elite FBI commandos belonging to their Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG) of a “CHAMP” EMP device to evade the formidable electronic defenses surrounding the Clinton Foundation offices in New York City was to fully expected as President Trump has plotted his “Clinton-Epstein Takedown” for years—most particularly because Trump knew of child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s having videos and photos of former President Bill Clinton having sex with minor girl children—and was part of Epstein’s vast child sex blackmail scheme of Democrat Party leftist elites best described by experts who’ve noted:
Epstein offered the post puberty teenyboppers he seduced and/or bribed to the rich people he knew.
He invited lots of interesting people - artists, scientists, politicians, rich businessman - to his exclusive parties.
There were always these young girls around. There was always a free bedroom. There were also cameras in place.
When one of the rich guys messed with a girl Epstein would blackmail him.
But instead of taking cash he asked them for investments in his offshore hedge fund.
For someone who owns billions it is peanuts to put a few dozen millions into a fund.
It is legal. The money isn't gone. It will even bear interests.
>What caused it?
When in doubt, you know where to look. Every time.
Sick vape bro
This was a "dry run." We can only speculate how and when it will be used.
It was reported by a jewish site before it happened. They said evil wypipo would do it.
LOL, what a huge pile of bullshit.
>There is no real defense
Except for the fact that almost no PLC industrial controllers can be 'hacked' from the internet dipshit. You need physical access to pull off a stuxnet
Russian 4 chans
did they search for radiation?
>did they search for radiation?
I would imagine, but all the glow-in-the-dark niggers around most likely fucked up the readings
Pretty sure Epstein is being held where the blackout occurred
Why do you think so?
Weren't they going to do ice raids at the same time this occurred?
The fucking leafs caused it
They were trying to kill Epstein.
At this point, only the shills are the ones pretending not to believe in Q.
>blows an emp knocking out the grid
>no evidence goy
>What caused it?
So seriously now, where is he being held?
They're filming the final season of Mr. Robot.
>The fucking leafs caused it
Last time there was a major power outage it was idiot burgers fault. Some dumb fuck didn't trim some trees and it set off a cascade fault that downed the entire east coast + ontario and Quebec for days.
I’d guess it was an eyewink for those cocksucking masons who pulled the same shit exactly 42 years ago to the day. Just like that power outage on that Super Bowl for exactly 33 minutes, they think they are so incredibly clever and can’t help but sniff their own farts with their low rent understanding of the occult.
3.6 Roentgen. I've seen worse.
Metropolitan Correctional Center in lower Manhattan. His cell is 3 doors down from El Chapo’s
Please they turned it off because gematria.
epstein's lackeys covering shit up
>user a few days ago warning of Mossad false flags on infrastructure
>Blackout in New York two days later
>Scarily close to Epstein's mansion
>Perfect exit strategy
No security cameras unless they're on a battery backup. Exit through central park in plain clothes. Chaos of lights going out perfect cover to blend in with locals.
Not so sloppy job, Mossad.
No you dont you leaflet.
Most plc's today are wirelessly capable and have local servers they connect to for updates and programming. A lot of techs who install these systems don't disable that shit because it makes life easier for them. Why should a tech worry about having some poo in india stick a usb drive to update thier factory process and potentially fuck it up, when a tech can update it in his comfy air conditioned office here in the states.
I'm an instrumentation tech. Process controls and automation is my job. I lock my shit down though.
they also think it’s a tribute to god. Same thing with sports scores.
Retard here. Can you explain pleese?
Isn't it strange an article was released stating that the sun is going to be releasing a lot more energy in the next few years and may cause issues with our electronics.
>Process controls and automation is my job. I lock my shit down though
And I'm a controls eng that writes SW for embedded (real-time) OS's. It would take a fucking miracle for a random faggot to get access to (and be able to) fuck up a power plant over the net.
>A lot of techs who install these systems don't disable that shit because it makes life easier for them
It doesn't matter, just because some fag leaves the admin password as admin/password doesn't mean you can do shit through that interface. Either your an idiot or just trying to create hype where there is none. Find me one example where a power plant output or an industrial facility capacity has been compromised do to outside (non-hands on) influence. You can't, because it is damn near impossible despite what faggot articles you read on wired and popsci.com
was a failed hit on Epstein
That's real though. Grand solar minimum. Look up cold weather crop loss. Food will be expensive around December.
Nyc user here with the truth. Niggers. I see a lot of niggers driving around in ConEd vans. The reason for the blackout wasn’t some cool, high-tech Russian hacking, or some secret infrastructure sabatoge. It’s fucking niggers. As the years go by, more and more niggers are tasked with looking after our infrastructure. As this %nog increases, so does the rate of failure. Consider your post office, police force, and other arenas subject to diversity hires. Niggers will eventually destroy the world.
underrated post
Intel ME has an Israeli/US backdoors and now the Russians have cracked it, follow Positive Technologies.
Nothing modern is safe and these backdoors exist in IBM Power, AMD, and many ARM cpus too. About the only things which are safe are pre-2006 CPUs, and certain lower powered embedded boards.
Blackhat, god bit
Epstein still draws breath in his court proceedings, so some operators must have got bagged from a compromised op.
>About the only things which are safe are pre-2006 CPUs, and certain lower powered embedded boards
UltraSparc64 IV and V are non-jewed, I do a lot of work with old sun servers (probably because I could be one of the last guys on earth that know the instruction set) and workstations. It's a shame that Oracle completely ruined that platform and java as well.
I think I have an answer
Shitty Pajeet engineers and Woman
Russian hacking. Shit started to get weird after the New York Times revealed a US operation to hack the Russian power grid. Most likely answer is that this shit, along with the Dutch phone lines going down a few weeks ago, and the Soviet submarine fire, is that this shit is tit for tat.
Think penthouse. Think Epstein.
This is by far the most likely explanation
Honest question, I’ve seen many examples of older PLC controllers that are being integrated with newer, more modern interfaces, which typically now include Ethernet connections for SCADA monitoring. I’m by no means an expert, but could it be possible to access at least some portions of a PLC that has an internet connection to report telemetry? Again, I could be way off base. Just curious.
>Niggers. I see a lot of niggers driving around in ConEd vans
Well just hope they don't go full-on Kenyan
>pic related
Some spic janitor tripped over the cable
>Niggers will eventually destroy the world.
>could it be possible to access at least some portions of a PLC that has an internet connection to report telemetry
The best you could hope for (if you are looking to sabotage, is cause a buffer overflow by sending a huge string, in which case you would most likely end-up freezing up the win-xp of even win 2k or NT server (yeah they are still everywhere). If your string of malformed commands actually made it to a control processor, it would most likely regect it, or at the very worse auto reboot. A reboot could cause problems but 99% of the time on critical systems (read shit where a lot of money can be lost) there is a duplicate that will kick in for redundancy.
Think kys
there was a similar manhole fire/blackout in Philly around the same time
just a helicopter. go back to bed
>negotiating with aliens
What do we have to bargain with?
Leaf’s job is to shill and lie. Hint, it’s not a leaf at all, but a FVEY nanny with strong Israeli connections.
>UltraSparc64 IV and V are non-jewe
Impossible to prove.
there's nothing to explain it's once again a schizo making connections that don't exist
Thanks. I know that in many cases, *whatever* the PLC is controlling often has at least a rudimentary set of operating parameters/conditions that it can fail over to in the event the main PLC is lost. The fun times were back in the day when there was a serial link between the PLC and whatever it was controlling, that would shut down the entire system if something faulted the serial link. PLC controlling 3 pumps on VFDs, pump 2 VFD faults, serial link is interrupted and the PLC stops everything. Nothing is invulnerable, but industrial security can be quite robust these days, and sometimes the tech is so old and cost prohibitive that you can’t even access it remotely.
Outsourcing critical infrastructure development to code monkeys to save a few shekels. Poos killed hundreds with their low IQ Boeing MCAS solution. Far more likelya scenario than DEWs or squatters.
>Impossible to prove
If you write drivers for them you know they don't have the x86 back doors via that insidious co-processor. Anyone who knows the chip architecture and the instruction set can tell you that with confidence. The same as anyone such as myself can also tell you the NSA build back doors into intel and AMD chips, jew conspiracy or not it's there.
it would appear there is a collection of elites who are quite literally criminals. like hillary selling off information of who our spies were in china for cash under the table or the isrealis working with us to develop a new jet, then selling their information to china. to even the head of the fbi helping launder money for the clinton foundation.
or even letting israel run counter insurgency operations against american citizens who criticize israel. or how about jp morgan and intelligence officers smuggling drugs and human trafficking. we clearly have powerful people who are full blown criminals.
it's all so tiring, and your lambasted and ruined for trying to help. truly god is dead, and now we are turning inward to finish off ourselves. maybe whatever civilization comes after us can learn from our mistake, the machine is not the paragon of human development.
Wannacry Virus 2.0
You seriously presume our laws are their laws? LOL!
Narcissistic psychopaths
most of the time, and if things are goin right they are, as the governments main role on an almost anthropological role in authority that upholds a collections laws. but as Quigley puts it a telltale sign of civilizations declining is when instruments become institutions, and then therefore assume their own motivations and goals separate from that of societies.
this is really looking like it's the end. but it also looks like it's the tal end of the oldgaurd that has become corrupt to the point of have an inability to maintain their societal status. and the people who are capable of possibly replacing them at a higher echelon in society can smell that and theres a fight right now between who can replace them. but overall shits so fucked that even having a new movement of traditional elite cannot turn back the clock that makes society reject their own traditions.
the schizo vs psychopath meme is looking less and less like a joke.
The government is just preparing for another false flag and testing public reaction.
n May 2006, Palm Beach police filed a probable cause affidavit saying that Epstein should be charged with four counts of unlawful sex with minors and one molestation count.[26][30]
Epstein's team of defense lawyers included Roy Black, who defended William Kennedy Smith, celebrity (i.e. Russell Crowe) and financial crimes specialist,[31] Gerald Lefcourt, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, and in 2007, the Special Prosecutor of Bill Clinton, Ken Starr
>Ken Starr
Defended Jeffrey Epstein
Helped impeach Bill Clinton
Monica Lewinsky was a set up
and a plant by Epstein