The time has come. We must face the truth. The first amendment MUST be repealed. Freedom of speech allows for anti-semitism and is UNAMERICAN. Hating Israel = anti-American. Anything allowing these horrible anti-semitic Democrats to go on spreading their hatred towards God's chosen should be dealt with.
We're voting trump 2020 and there's nothing you shills can do about it.
Xavier Long
You're telling Jow Forums to stop being anti semitic. Next I suppose you'll tell niggers to quit eating watermelon? Or mudslimes to quit being terrorists? Or Jow Forums to quit being autistic?
Brandon Nguyen
get in here and listen to this shit
Jackson Green
>We're voting for four more years of record illegal immigration and giving money to Israel
Angel Stewart
>Jow Forums is anti-semitic Sorry this is a non-liberal pro-Israel board. Only Democrats are anti-semitic. Us white people LOVE the Jewish people.
This. Fuck off pedophile prophet followers. Allah can suck my dick she's a hoe
Angel Jackson
Liam Perez
Nigger liar. Democrats literally are blocking any attempt to remove kebab and illegals. And you faggot shills want us to vote for your nigger islamist slaves.
I don't care. Whoever kills muslims or removes them from the public. And whoever evicts illegals or discourages them from coming here is who I will support. Since there is no option that meets that exactly Ill go with the closest one. Trump. Every other option supports invaders, muslims, taking our guns, and eliminating free speech/1st Amendment. Thats the last (you) you get from me faggot. Take your kike obsession to Palestine and fight your own kike war. And yes, fuck iran and israel both. They don't matter to me as much as the issues I just put forward. Trump just told you to leave the country, you should listen. Sage
Austin Collins
Donald Trump - always thinking about Israel first.
Asher Sanders
>OP isn't a faggot Glad to see you here
Easton Brooks
I'm sure I can get a couple more (you)s
Jose Howard
>s-s-stop bullying my fellow Somalian Fuck off, Ahmed
Sebastian Young
4D chess: 1. He is distracting democrats from ICE raids. 2. He is making Israel and sionists a target for democrats.