Based Chinese diplomat calls out DC slums only to get smacked down by Obama’s National Security Advisor!
Susan Rice calls for his deportation as Persona Non-Grata but he’s in Pakistan currently and hasn’t been stationed in DC in years!
Are the Chinese Alt-Right?
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Will based China kill political correctness with logic and facts?
The alt-right doesn't exist and his views are completely normal and rational for everyone except for cosmopolitan westerners
More balls than everyone in the USA except Trump.
Undet Xi they are Social Nationalists. Similar to National Socialists. They have no pathological altruism for foreigners that the West seems to have. They don't have to say 'China First' because any other position would be unthinkable. The Left wing of their party died with Mao and has been laid to rest by Xi.
The chinks in the west are fully fledged democrats like all the other Asians
They know there next in the firing line with there Asian privalage.
He's right though. We would never go to SW DC or cross the anacostia into nigger land for too long. Even the college niggers near Howard are problems too. My friend who runs the north face store in Georgetown has been told they are closing the store because to make niggers come in an rob the whole place during the day, sometimes armed. Security does nothing. DC really sucks in a lot of places. Sadly the gay area is actually safe to be there all night, generally.
Oh an your safe near the capitol, literal police everywhere. Even if you can’t see them, they see you. Spooky shit. Want to have some fun? Go to dc and take photos of the fbi building and other important buildings at an odd hour of the night, you see how fast a black suv pulls up to question you.
Horry shet
Everyone, including the chinese, use niggers as a means to manipulate white countries and buy up their land.
China strong, the age of USA is over. Commies made a next spin and turned on technocrats. Enjoy your bronze age merchant rules.
Absolutely based
Extremely high power level, this midget Chink got me shook
holy shit, based and redpilled response
susan rice needs to hang for treason for her election meddling in 2016 btw
is based Zhao /ouroriental/???
Based Chinaman.
Daddy was on the board of the Fed and she’s on the board of Netflix. Manipulation runs deep.
they do anything to appeal to dumbasses like you so they can move in and control everything. the left lets them get away with it, so they have to try to appeal to you instead to be welcomed in and steal everything
What is png??
I work with Asian people and they have no shame in their racism against blacks
>Susan Rice calls for his deportation
lol and I guess she's attacking trump for his deportations of Mexicans as well.
They are all so disingenuous.
Do you remember why (((Susan Rice))) became an ambassador? Of course she only got hired in the first place because of diversity points (she's a Wamyn o' Colors) but the Osama regime paraded her around in front of the media to lie about Benghazi. Indeed, the regime KNEW the things they had her say were lies, and they later were forced to admit it. But she lied, and she lied again in testimony about her first lies before congress, and for being the good little soldier and doing what she was told, they gave her a cushy do-nothing job that lets her pretend to have been important once.
Give examples of said racism please.
I prefer the chinese over leftist whites and niggers like Susan. Hope they have more success and last longer at the top than we did.
Had a Vietnamese gf
She said that blacks have a particular odor which makes blacks stink like burned skin.
Her family warned her that she should never have anything to do with pajeets and never eat at their restaurants because they are dirty smelly scumfucks.
She was unable to hide her power level because in Asia they don't have to, which led to telling my bluepilled liberal mother that blacks look and act like wild monkeys.
Why has she still got a job?. Calling facts racist is something retards do.
Never mind someone who gets paid to get on with their biggest trading partner.
china + heritage americans will cut the grass one day. only a matter of time!
> Social Nationalists. Similar to
> National Socialists
er, um, mind comparing and contrasting a bit for the rest of us, user?
Was that the one that was robbed, recently, by a flashmob? Or was that in a different city?
Came here to post this. Based Chinaman.
Only the Chinks can save us from clownworld
I'm glad she is shining the spotlight on his tweet, otherwise nobody would have known about it.
It literally took a soulless chink bugman to say it out loud and the leftists are toothless against them. Good luck trying to doxxx the goverment of Chyna.
Lawnmowers are a symbol of facism.
Southwest DC is nice, what is that chink talking about.
Fuck off Khazar kike
Based and ledpirred
Of course we are. We will save Canada.
Legalize IT
Neither do non-black Latinos
No, you’ll kill it, along with your race, but they will not repeat the same mistake.
This unnatural Empathy for lesser beings seems to be a white trait, as long as whites exist so will political correctness in one way or another
WTF I love Huawei 5G NOW
He meant SE. E and W are one of the same when the letter is spun 90*. Maybe dyslexic maybe just memory. He hasn’t been stationed in DC in 10 years.
wow, he called her out with the truth!
i wonder what the stat are in china, gotta be far worse
One of my best friends in college was a chinese roommate of mine. He hated blacks, and said they were "the monkey people". He said that in China, there was a rumor that blacks grew tails at midnight. He also thought South Asians (Thais, Viets, etc) were related to orangutans, Japanese were arrogant perverts, and Koreans were drunken idiots who stole their culture from everyone around them. He also called American born asians "bananas", because they're yellow on the outside and white underneath. Absolutely based, 10/10 would live with again.
His dick might be 4in, but his balls weigh more than everyones in this thread put together. Mad respect
Based and banana pilled
Testicular diameter counts as towards total dick length when testicular diameter exceeds nominal dick length.
My roommate is Chinese. He openly refers to blacks as "niggers", hip hop as "nigger music" and once he mentioned how blacks have the lowest IQ (he did this in a group setting).
Chinks really don't give a fuck. They haven't been brainwashed with non-stop Jewish anti-racism propaganda from the moment of birth.
Great. Now the only one left to tell the truth in America is a Chinaman located in Pakistan.
HO LEE PHUK this guy finna boutta cause an diplomatic incident
>Are the Chinese Alt-Right?
No, they are not faggots.
By modern standards they would be considered extreme far-right.
>extreme far-right
So Alt-Right then?
Insects are at least smart enough to know niggers ruin everything.
This is just your threadly reminder that all chinks are racially self-serving insects that will do everything in their power to subvert your country and loot it for the chink motherland:
>Chinese immigrant and Naval officer was arrested for spying on the US for China.
>Chinese immigrants are systematically spying on western companies that employ them.
>Chinese corporate espionage costs the US hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
>Chinese are buying up massive amounts of US real estate and subtly colonizing the US.
>Chinese Born New Zealand Minister found to have studied and trained Chinese spies at Chinese spy school.
Kill them all or drive them out of your countries before it's too late, all Chinese immigrants are the vanguard of further Chinese colonization. The only good chink is a dead one.
Diplomatic incidents are like women catfighting on social media. There’s no bite. Let me know when the bullets fly. All else is hype.