Who would you choose?

who would you choose?

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is this even a question?


The white one

Is the white one actually good at her job or is she just eye candy

Natalya obviously. She is breathtaking.

Mutt virgins will say left, Aryans chads say right



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Mommy, of course

She’s is amazing. A bitch on wheels, great breasts, and smart.

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They're both ugly polenigger

post more mommy ya cunts

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The New Yorker of course.


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how gay are you, my memeflag son?

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She looks like a tranny in many pics.

one looks like a bug
the other I want to fug

Isn't the slavic race below the aryans tho?

AOC just gives "i'm stupid" vibes.

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mummy of course, mummy has cute feet. dirty spics have gross feet yucky.

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The beautiful white woman.

Lurk more summerfag. user should know not to disparage Mommy.

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Left. Ill choose the wife that wont be forgotten after the election cycle. Plus she acts as a shield against the angry mobs once the coloreds begin their uprising.

AOC. I bet she's better in the sack.

is this satire? is this a joke? that marxist spic rat?

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Is there no leaf in your pic because they can't even pretend to be white?

The human one

Aoc looks like a good lay but she'll probably bite your sick off

Why is this even up for debate?

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I bet AOC just lays there like a dead fish while you pound her gape.

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Pitty fuck AOC while telling here what a dirty filthy subhuman she is

Tenderly love and embrace Natalia

In America, both are considered white.

You just know she has a cavernous vagina

AOC looks like the girl Gremlin with make up and all

Aww poor girl just needs a carrot

In AOCs case I won't have to raise my wife's daughter. The choice is obvious.

the choice is clear

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Russian queen. queen slay. yasss

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AOC no question, and I don’t agree with her politically or anything. But she’s objectively very cute.
The Russian looks like the mildly attractive but thinlipped and humorless teacher we’ve all had, that hasn’t had sex in ten years and will have sex again maybe never.
I think most people acting like AOC is some hideous goblina and posting the wide-eyed Manson meme are Charlie Kirktier souls who can’t see past ideology.

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Do you think AOC is mad because she's not white? She seems pretty upset that she looks like the help.

Nah dude, we just don't like ghetto trash. No matter what AOC does, she will always be ghetto trash.

Thanks Charlie, cool to know you get notifications when namedropped.

Who the fuck was ever afflicted with this dilemma? One is a goddess and the other a bucktooth goblina with a gummy smile.

AOC has big soft tiddies
Natalia is a chestlet
stay mad, europoors

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Why does my preference in women upset you?


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Threadly reminder that arguing over whiteness is nothing but Jewish subversion, now promptly self-delete ys kike

Because you didn’t make it about “preference in women”, you made it about class in such a way that I could scry your salmon polo.

>has kids
>manages b cup at best
>no kids.... yet
>soft body and plump milkers
stay mad

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Really? I mean is the other girl even more of a retard than aoc?

At least Natalia has kids to pass on to the next generation. Aoc will just have a bunch of cats

Maybe north of the Mason-dixon, traitor.

Every time I see a picture of AOC I can't help thinking about how badly I want to take her out to Buffalo Wild Wings, get drunk, then fuck her in the parking lot where I dump a thick hot load in her.

I don't call her again and in a month I get a text from her saying she is pregnant.

Then I change my phone number.

Like 10 years later I see her at the grocery store from a distance with a little mestizo boy who has my eyes.

Probably my number one fantasy right now

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easiest question ever

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Goddess vs goblin.

AOC will have 7 children

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OP you dumb nigger where do you get off comparing the angel with that raving lunatic who thinks losing on 25k jobs is incredible and $ 3Billion dollars in tax cuts are lying around.

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The choice is easy if you think about the offspring they will give you. AOC will birth another 56% mutts, Mommy will give birth to HUWHITE babies. Come on, pol.

idk i just asked a question and so far people are responding not as i expected, so i'm not really sorry about my question.

How can one womyn be so hot when her mouth is closed, and so fucking ugly when it's even a little bit open. It's like showing her teeth is a dirichlet function of ugly.


She is a fucking goddess, pure,perfection.
She has been shown the countless anime pictures of her, she's well aware of the people who adore her. And what does she say? "I just want to do my job and be taken seriously as an attorney"

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The left because I'm not racist.

How is this even a question? Natalya is the ideal of feminine beauty and grace. AOC looks and acts like a goblin. There is no comparison.

7 cats check digits

My preference in women includes class. Again, why does this upset you?

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Pick 1


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She looks like obamas half retarded Mexican abortion


the one that is not a coalburning russian slut

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That's like asking would I rather rub shit all over my face or sniff a rose.

No get


Seriously rusky?
Gas yourself

As if someone would unironically choose that ugly taco goblin on the left

POOland is the coalburning capital of the world.

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This. Ghetto trash will always be ghetto trash. The fact that someone so disgusting and classless as AOC can become so popular says less about her and more about how far society has fallen.

Remember the French Revolution? We need to do the opposite of that for a while. Kill all the gutter rats. It's the only way to fix the east and west coast cities that are plagued with druggies and crime.

B-but russians not white.


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very based thread





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>No milk for baby. Mommy needs to feed black man :)

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AOC fucks white men exclusively. And I guess thats something. But Natalia is from Crimea. She would be hanged for coal burning. And she'd deserve it