Why are white people much more degenerate than other races? What's is it about white people that pushes them into cuckoldry, self sterilization, trannyism,etc?
Why are white people much more degenerate than other races...
we have the jews on our backs wanting to destroy us, the other races don't
>Why are white people much more degenerate than other races?
Luxury and shelter has made us seek new forms of entertainment and thrillseeking
What happens when you don't allow kids to play football or basketball at school? They immediately go for rough play and bloodsports, same applies here as masculinity has all but been curtailed
>believing in sociology
Imagine being this much of a stupid goy
Psychopathic genes. When laws are enacted that don’t allow white monkeys to take out their psychopathic rage on other people, they self harm and cause destruction to their surroundings making others miserable too.
There’s a reason psychopaths are generally avoided and so are whites by other non white people
normal people aren’t supposed to be this or do this.
Some groups of whites live in bubbles and fall easily for propaganda.
I have been surrounded by niggers and spics all my life and I know how dangerous they are
t.basketball american
them japs though
Every day is white history month
who invented refridgerators or aeroplanes?
So you’re going to ignore European high culture listen to Raid of Valkyries and come back then
Literally nothing to do with the thread
Blacks have more antisocial traits they have a lack of empathy towards others and they are more narcissistic than other races
It's weird. MGTOW and hysterectomies.. it's mostly whites doing it. Do they just fall prey to the propaganda more easily? Is it because of a coddled childhood or racial guilt complex that they feel the need to harm themselves in solidarity/support of the Other? Nobody holds a gun to their head and tells them to sterilize themselves with HRT, tube tying, vasectomies or retarded 'movements' but they do it anyway to their detriment.
Could be due to isolation... Thinking that everyone will be altruistic and charitable so you prevent yourself from having kids as to not contribute to overpopulation, assuming others will follow suit... Then 800k migrant families invade and shit out a billion babies forced to be raised in poverty on your dime.
they're not though. the media just encourages certain behaviors to destroy whites.
>Raid of Valkyries
Fuck off spic. Haven't you got a toilet to clean?
White people were the least degenerate a few hundred years ago hogh morals high culture advancing economy and scientific progress that is not degenerate
Stfu baguette you should visit Berlin before Berlin comes to (YOU)#
Angelo's aren't white so don't be offended
>pushes them into cuckoldry
Im married, i didnt have a choice
They are the most civilized people on the planet, this allowed for their weakest to foster like no other else, so you end up with white trash in all socioeconomic brackets, just look at Miraflores here in Perú.
Whites are long-term planners. This is both our blessing and our curse. We don’t have kids because we’re too worried about the costs financially and with our time. Meanwhile, Tyrone and Paco just do what feels good in the moment. They’ll fuck without a condom and worry about the consequences later. Whites don’t think like that at all, which keeps us out of a lot of trouble but isn’t conducive to propagating our race.
>much more degenerate
Whites arent more degenerate just being attacked more to become degenerate and young women like this become victims.
Is that bitch a "celebrity". She always looks familiar to me.
I hate to say this but that woman looks like a natural child bearer but if there's no future in a country having children is not going to work.
Women usually wants to have children when they feel safe and have good prospects of the future, this is a sign of a degenerate country not a sign of degenerate women.
Loomer is so fucking hideous it's insane
This too, many non whites don't understand there is a cliff and we are heading to it, so they have kids like bunnies, and enjoy their lives as bunnies, meanwhile the rest are trying a different pletora of strategies to survive the future hard times.
Why do assfuck mutants like OP asked fake loaded questions? Why does OP eat the shit he finds in the street? How can OP rationalize fucking captive Pandas and Koalas? Why is OP obsessed with jacking off to pictures of bald headed pigmy niggers? What is up OPs cavernous smelly ass at this very moment?
As is over population was a priblem here.
This place if fucking empty.
Hell, in South America the "whitest" cou try has more populatiin the indian one
Kikes pumping propaganda for decades
Do we really want retard degenerates like this woman having children? Let their gene line become extinct
better than abortion desu.
She reminds me of my wife
I'm sorry mr bong
They aren't. Niggers are the worst. Rape and murder everywhere.