Let’s do a quick survey of Jow Forums‘s understanding of leftist politics

Let’s do a quick survey of Jow Forums‘s understanding of leftist politics.

What is socialism? Define it.

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Muh dick

Who cares? This is now a mustache thread.

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The idea of redistribution of wealth for the eventual abolishment of the state, and the abolishment of capitalistic society and class, race, and gender differences.

>What is socialism?
A good way to diet

Socialism is:
Fucking gay.
Just for losers and faggots.
From each faggot according to his Ability to fuck, to each faggot according to his ability to receive a fat gov smelling dick.

Set fire to everything humanity built and ignore any principles of nature in favor of a reduction to nodes on an economic landscape. And also socialism is immune corruption.

*Our dick
Jk the dictator owns every dick in the country

socialism is when the government does stuff

socialism is someone else getting to decide which mustache you wear.

An Utopia.

The idea that everyone is such a wonderful and special human being and that we are all equal.
It is also a way to set the world on fire and go against natural order.

>What is socialism? Define it.
A Jewish an anti-White system designed to destroy the White race.

All races benefit equally under socialism.

>All races benefit equally under socialism.
Equality is a myth.

You want Whites sacrificing themselves to prop up inferior races that have no right or reason to reside in White nations.

Communism is Jewish and that's why it's unnatural and cannot work.

State extended beyond its regalian premises (such as military, currency, etc) ?

collective ownership of means of production and of social beneficiary programs such as the post office or healthcare. some gay shit about how the workers need to democratize the workplace instead of having a top down structure where the most involved make all the decisions. profit sharing goes to workers so that wage and benefits isnt the only method of pay for workers and they benefit from increased production to incentivize work.
god socialism is lame

Interesting "hidden hand" pose on the picture. What could it mean...

Theft and slavery.

Fuck you nigger.

>da joos


>Marx, Lenin and Trotsky were all Jews. Bolshevik Revolution was Jewish. First Soviet government was mostly Jewish. Stalin's Jewish relationship. Stalin surrounded by Jews. Stalin making antisemitism a crime punishable by death. Mao surrounded by Jews.
>Communism isn't Jewish.
Pick one.

>da joos cause all my problems, o me o my

Yes, the Jews are responsible for virtually everything bad being done to the White race.

Thats communism.

This is true soicalism.

the evil that ganged up with capitalism to fuck the white race in the ass

Socialism is the ideology which advocates for abolishing private ownership and establishing public control of the means production.

The idea being that it's unfair that a person who simply owns the resources (i.e. a mine, a factory, a farm, etc.) to reap all of the benefits while doing nothing, while the people who bust their ass and actually perform all the labor get scraps.

So, for example, a factory would no longer be owned by a single person or an oligarchy who have total control over it and the people who work in it. Instead, that factory would be owned by the workers who actually perform the labor, and each would get a fair share of that labor, rather than whatever scraps a capitalist owner would see fit to give them.

Socialism is literally the process of laying the foundation for a switch to communism you dumb cunt

Prestage of communism.


a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

In general, the worker's ownership of the fruits (not necessarily the means) of production.

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There is no such thing as communism outside of fiction nigger.
Life is fundamentally and endless war.

free shit for brown people

Daily reminder: leftist politics have nothing to do with socialism.

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The evil Jew Marx said it was the abolition of all private property

socialism is excessive government intervention to correct some perceived "injustice".

with incentive to succeed curbed by an overbearing gov't society stagnates, nothing gets done.

essentially it becomes "Initech" from Office Space, you have 8 bosses over you and you do just enough to get by and not be "re-educated".

2/10 would not recommend.

A system of production in wich the workers own the means of production, also the alocation of goods would be done by a central totalitarian government.

This is different from communism, in wich there is no central government and no hierarchy in general.

Needless to say both ideas suck and idiots that defend them should be either reeducated or eliminated from the gene pool.

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>What is socialism?

Yes, because everything miraculously collapses before perfection is achieved. Cant imagine why

That's social democracy, not socialism. It's a centrist ideology that's only possible within a capitalist economic system.

I am using Marx's conception of socialism, in his idea it would be an intermediate necessary step towards communism. Casually used "socialism" is generally used as synonym of bigger government and welfare statism. That's the use that u see berniefags and boomers using day-to-day.

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socialism encourages idleness and mediocrity.

It doesnt work, and neither does its followers.

free gibs for brownos

marx was against immigration-marx was against immigration-marx was against immigration.nowadays left promotes specific interests,kalergi plan(lgbt,feminism included in that),islamic invasion.

Some gay shit for fags and retards.

anal sex with kikes

To answer the question, socialism is the idea that the same people who posess greed under capitalism will magically stop trying to get ahead in a society where ownership of production is shared

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of
the means of production and workers' self-management, as well as the political theories and
movements associated with them. Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative
ownership, or citizen ownership of equity. There are many varieties of socialism and there is
no single definition encapsulating all of them, with social ownership being
the common element shared by its various forms.

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If public ownership does not work then why is all of your military equipment and every other critical component of your society owned by the public? Checkmate.

rich man bad gib me communism
Prove me wrong

Again, that's social democracy, not socialism. Social democracy is anti-socialist because it operates only within capitalist systems, and serves to strengthen support of capitalism by patching up its flaws. For example, not even being able to afford food despite having a job. Well, they can just get food stamps on public money instead of paying our workers more! (see: Walmart).

>abolishing private ownership and establishing public control of the means production.
correct. You as an individual have private ownership over yourself. You are the production. So by giving up right of private ownership you give up the right of yourself and handing it over to the state to use you and to take care of you.
In capitalism you give up your private ownership and are getting remunerated fr it, but you have to take of yourself.

Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.

This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....”

Source: Michael Bakunin, 1871, Personliche Beziehungen zu Marx. In: Gesammelte Werke. Band 3. Berlin 1924. P. 204-216

>What is socialism?
members of congress' healthcare

bankers in England invented Marx to prevent the American system from taking hold in Europe

private ownership =/= personal property
You right-wing retards gets this wrong every fucking time


>owned by the public
Absolutely missing the point. I'll assume English isnt your first language. Come to America and check out government workers. Ask them what they do. Hint it's not much. And they still suck at it. All this public ownership you speak of isnt really public ownership. And even still, the taxpayer funded roads wouldn't be possible without widespread use of automobiles thanks to the efficiency of Henry Ford.

And that's really it: the taxpayer. This guy works in private enterprise, owns his home, keeps his family, maintains property, and gives a small share of his earnings and wealth to the government for use of the general public. Cant do that without economy, someone has to make money to pay taxes. Put simply
>"the problem with socialism is sooner or later you run out of other peoples money"

subsidised by the productive component of society

Put your money where your mouth is and buy some of the corporate stock. There is nothing precluding you from investing in the business you work for. If the company does well, it's stock will go up and you'll turn a profit. If it doesnt, you'll lose money. Problem solved.

That is the simplest, straight to the point description of socialism I've ever seen. Screenshot. Thanks bong bro

Explain the difference

in socialism industries are owned by the government. The vast majority of taxpaying "entrepreneurs" make their money doing things that could be owned by the government like an oil company or a movie studio. very dumb argument

Taxes and regulations.

The holocaust never happened.

The government is not innovative. Government is not efficient. Government does not have to turn a profit, it just has to take taxes. The government is subsidized by taxpayers to manage large scale ops in order to protect property, like the military. This is why the government outsources EVERYTHING to private organizations as opposed to doing it themselves.

The idea of redistribution of wealth through the only way that is possible, which is force (genocide) and to eventually abolish the state which is now run by the 0.0001% that collected all the wealth; meaning they would have to give up their wealth for free. And the abolishment of a free market without a state, which would be mob lynching of those that try to profit more than others. A country where class, race and gender differences are not real, which is biologically false so there would be an endless chase to improve things by discrimination, ending up in a far worse that than you started.

Socialism takes many forms. It's implemented by both the left (Marxism) and the right (national socialism). National Socialism aims to give only those who complete military service government assistance, rewarding those who serve the country with benefits to start a family after the war, with a nationalistic state to help them find jobs. Marxism aims to reward everyone, the unhealthy, the fat, the mentally disabled, everyone. Sending them to Indoctrination camps and giving them free gibs with an aims to create a soulless utopia in which the elite rule over a country of peasants who receive money for doing nothing, content with their life of non-existent challenge because the government doesn't allow them to face any. Thus, the definition of Socialism is elaborate, and is not an absolute, it is merely a means to an end. National Socialism revers the Nation as a biological entity, where as Marxism revers the nation as a soulless melting pot without an ounce of credibility.

Socialism is when you take other people's money and then become a faggot.

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Its gay

>what is socialism
Essentially abolishing capitalism

Anything else?

>Government does not have to turn a profit, it just has to take taxes.
good. The purpose of government should be to defend and improve society and the people's interests/welfare. Private industry is effective at increasing profit, but it is not effective at all at running a society. in fact the goals of a private company are often completely opposite to society and government.

No matter how inefficient it may seem, in the long run a government is always going to be better at representing the people than a private profit-driven enterprise. The very nature of capitalism is that it demands profit over morality and authoritarianism is the most effective way to do that. that is a fact.

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Marxism as i understand it is that u maximise production and dont tolerate worms who wants to leech of the system. If you dont work you dont eat. Im very mixed between "True marxism" and capitalism. I hate ppl who hasnt worked a single day and payed taxes and just get free shit but at the same time i love capitalism that gives you the consumer the best posible product!

That's literally not Marxism at all, like at all. Where did you get your definition? That's National Socialism. Read here ->

This is why you faggots suck. The government has so much money, and retains the ability to literally steal it from people. Yet they squander it doing stupid shit like feeding genetic dead ends and other dysgenic nonsense like ensuring old people have a comfortable life because they were to much of a fuckwit to plan their own retirement. Embrace state capitalism, where the state owns enterprise for the purpose of profit.

Ur got to be fucking retarded.

Not like the Soviet Union had persecuted Jews and killed millions of them with the Doctors Plot being a bold example with nearly all of the doctors being Jewish. The Soviet Union was fucking antisemetic but didn't want to call themselves that because that would be equated to being Nazis. Do your fucking research faggot

Have you even read the fucking communist manifesto? What do you fucking mean? What you said literally wasn't Marxism at all you god damn goat fucking muslim cum guzzling faggot.

Private enterprise must give the people what they want, or they cease to exist because nobody buys what they're selling.
>government should take care of people
NO! Theres your first problem. Government is there to protect property and enforce laws. You are responsible for your own well being. The bureaucrats, soldiers, and politicians are not, and will not be responsible for your well being. Which leads to your second flaw
>government will be better at representing the people than a private enterprise
If you ever go to criminal court, I hope you stand by your principles and take the state appointed defense attorney rather than the private law firm. Most private enterprises exist solely because they SERVE THE PEOPLE. If people hated McDonalds, it would die because nobody would give them money. The exceptions are when government gets involved. I can think of a few companies that only exist because they win the lowest bid on government contracts, and are very wealthy doing shit jobs.
>very nature of capitalism demands profit over morality
No. Capitalism is private ownership, it's not an ideology. If you are convinced when people are free they make immoral decisions, then your problem is with people not capitalism. I, for one, would rather have people free than try to control their thoughts and decisions all the time.
>authoritarianism is the most effective way to enforce morality
Taxes are not charity.

>ensuring old people have a comfortable life
yeah wow what a terrible thing to do

a jewish ploy just how capitalism is.
its baffling how cucks here will defend it to death here while simultaneously think that our current modern world is absolute hellish shit.
"bro dude its just economic exchange between two parties bro capitalism is never wrong.

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Yes i fucking have and by the looks of it you dont know waht u talking about u cocksucking niggerlover

This is where our lines get crossed.
>taking care of old people is good
I agree 100%. Take care of YOUR parents in old age, maybe your friends too if you can.
>make the state forcibly give your money to total strangers who may or may not have earned their keep in life, and the younger adults are now discouraged from producing enough wealth for their own or their parents old age
This is the problem.

Private property is property (real estate, equipment, a business entity) that is used in the pursuit of a business that extracts value out of its employees and uses it to enrich its owners.

Personal property is the things you own as an individual.

>No. Capitalism is private ownership, it's not an ideology.
if you are this weak-minded that you cannot even accept that your political views are opinions and not objective facts it is impossible for the discussion to go any further. I can give reasons for a belief but if you truly believe private ownership is "the natural order of thing" and not your own opinion then there is no way i could rationally disprove it with facts. It's like arguing with a christian who relies on faith.

now that their ideology has prospered none dare call it ideology

Makes no sense. You're saying anything that I can use to make money is private enterprise, but consumer products are personal property?

socialism is the doctrine by which the purpose of one's life is to serve the community which he happens to be born in.
a doctrine of slaves, by slaves, for slaves.

Sucks being boomers who kicked their children out of the house early and treated them like shit. I guess they need someone to step up and take care of them now. Who better than big daddy government. It's also fucking dumb. Taking money from the hard working young people and giving it to the old. For what purpose. And they complain about how nobody is having children. Maybe they can't afford them anymore? So they invite shitskins into the country in a half assed attempt at maintaining the population growth and economic growth required to maintain their social program schemes, and nothing is wrong with this because everybody is equal and they will become hard working citizens just like the whites.

> An economic system whereby the means of production are owned and/or controlled by the state.
quoted from memory, 7th grade history class

Look at any government and ask yourself: are the people in power more concerned with the general welfare, or with profit? Socialism, if this meme-tier shit died 150 years ago it was too late in coming

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If you function as a capitalist (you extract profit from the labor of employees) then the property you use toward that end is private property.

Socialism is the transitional phase between capitalism and progressive heaven (communism) where a dictatorship of the proletariat nationalizes private property (aka the "means of production") via a command economy headed by councils of workers. The state is then suppose to "wither away" once the people own no property and get their needs filled equally by a non-hierarchical stateless fantasy.

The USSR achieved everything yet never progressed to the stateless fantasy phase, because Marxism is a secular religion that isn't grounded in reality.

All "communist" countries were actually examples of socialism, not communism. The leaders were communists though, they just never reached communism. The sick fucks who dug up and desecrated long dead nuns during the Spanish civil war probably got the closest to communism. Franco thankfully liquidated them though.

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Enjoy being the rape capital of the developed world sven

Since brushing my teeth and not having my teeth fall out adds to my productivity as a worker, does that make my tooth brush part of "the means of production"?

Jewish tricks


>profit over morality
That's not true. People who understand business know that the most profit they'll make by building long lasting relationships.
Providing value first is the norm. Companies that disregard this usually stagnate and have a much shorter lifespan.
This is different however for big corporations who collude with the government to channel taxpayer money like through wars or financial criseses.
The big corporations usually gain so much power (like Google) that they become monopolies and have no incentive to engage in competition.
At this point the Government needs to take action to make sure competitors can enter the market and aren't too disadvantaged and aren't excluded from App Stores just because one company owns it and doesn't want another to participate in (like Google).