Is america really a nation of immigrants?

Who counts as "real" americans? Is there an american ethnicity?

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Yes. White Christian men and women, conquerors.

>Is there an american ethnicity?
Not anymore. Not since the government opened our doors to the third world back in the 1960s.

Northwest European mutts descended from arrivals from before the second world war.

America is the land of settlers, who built everything you see from nothing. Immigrants are lazy cunts too boring to try and make their own country into a place worth living. So they fall into the big corporation's pockets and become cheap service workers, who then solely benefit big business while crippling wages for legal citizens. It's first grade, Spongebob.

Northwestern European immigrants

Most white americans come from 19th and 20th century immigrants though.

I disagree, my great grandfather came here in 1880 from the middle east. We're American.

Could you describe what institutions your ethnic group developed or what land they settled? Did they settle some county/state in the midwest and develop a judicial system or even develop their own university?

Go back

America is an empire
Americans don't exist
and everyone is an American

there was an American ethnicity in the 1840s, but mass migration from Europe and the following governmental reaction to said unwashed masses destroyed any of that
the closest thing you're gonna get to an "American" ethnicity would be a White southerner
everyone else is just larping how the government told them to and they've been running on autopilot since the 60s
hence the disturbing lack of yankee folk music when compared to the southerner's country or bluegrass

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All Americans are children of Homeless immigrant.

My ancestors came here under his majesty King George... and and have always lived in the North

>Who counts as "real" Americans?
People born here, speak our language and have similar customs to an extent.
> Is there an american ethnicity?
As nice as that would be. No not really.

Example growing up I had neighbors that where brown, I don't know from where. But the whole family, spoke English and nothing else. They bbqed, dad worked in a factory, drank beer, mowed his lawn, and had a Bush Chaney sign in his yard. As well as amican flag of his front porch, that would be removed at night or before rain. They are Americans, It would be weird to call them something else.
I do construction now days. Most of those fucks, don't know a word of English. I have nothing in comment with them. Theyll roast tortillas over a trash fire sooner than picking up a hotdog from a food cart. Constantly have diarrhea, and don't flush toilet paper. No one in this industry would ever call them American immigrants. They are reffered to as Mexicans, wetbacks, boarder hoppers, or foreigners.

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>Who counts as "real" americans?

There is no magic dirt.

>Is there an american ethnicity?

Protestant Englishmen who wanted their own country without the British royal family.

That's bullshit pushed by Jews. Even the poem on the Statue of Liberty was written by a bleeding heart Jew.

This makes no sense. I'm genetically largely british, does that make me more british, than a nafri, or slav who has lived in britain for generations has the accent and customs and shit?

(((Our government)))

america was founded by anglos with a great spirit of freedom from tyranny
america was bult by these people and other europeans that arrived and tamed the land, many dying in the process, irish workers paid a pittance and some chinese built the railroads
eventually the land was tamed and cities appeared, still those european men worked the land as farmers and ranchers and some worked as traders in the cities and industrialists and oil men.
In 1966 the floodgates opened and aerica slowly became a complete shithole with endless racial stress and tensions and kept it;s prominence mostly through military posturing and intelligence agency fuckery and puppeting of states

yanks can correct me if I'm wrong here but that's the way I see it

If you moved to India, learned Hindi or some other pajeet language, and spent thrity years there? Are you an Indian? Absolutely fucking not. You never will be. But if you are a pajeet and you move to America, pay taxes, learn English, invest in the American economy and do your part, you will be called an American. Only place on Earth you can do that shit.

My ancestors came here under his majesty King Charles II... and have always lived in the south

actually the land was worked by niggers.

America is full of mutts. Good looking and smart mutts breed and take over the nation's major industries and political offices (half blacks, mixed Jews, etc). Lesser mutts vote for mutts and often just die or go to jail before breeding.
Our "blacks" are so mixed it's hilarious.

it is now.
specifically south american immigrants.


If I lived in india my entire life, spoke there language and had their customs, then yes I would be considered indian. Unlike pasty white nordfags and coal black congoids, us humans are racially ambiguous to a large degree.

I didn't realise the american settlers ate cotton

There is no American ethnicity, the closest thing would be us white Southerners of English/Scots-Irish stock. The Yankees up north are almost all some Irish Italian mongrel mix

>Our "blacks" are so mixed it's hilarious.
almost 19% white boy alone

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cash is made of cotton, and they wore it, and sold it on the commodities market, as well as tobacco and other agricultural products, nog labor created americas agricultural and thus arguably economic base, this is a fact.

No youre not, by 1880 southern veterans had lost their right to vote, your grand pappy snuck in unwelcomed

absolutely retarded
niggers picked cotton for some rich kikes and southerners but somehow that made cattle and grain spring up and be harvested, roads and railways get laid and water pumped out of the ground

>actually the land was worked by niggers.
To be completely fair: those were American blacks, not niggers. The nigger of today came as the result of the destruction of the black American family, which was (((engineered))) and tested on them, and now (((they))) are destroying the white American family too... remember, it is still in living memory when blacks considered "African-American" to be insulting, slighting their actually being American.

If there is one single group of people who should be shown empathy, it's the US black.

nogs built the eastern railroad. Loving the white race doesn't mean you have to be averse to facts.

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They advanced wealthy aristocrats and nothing more, that wealth did not 'trickle down' nor was it enough to stave off an invasion, the south lost, the negro slave was a failure in long term, not a net positive

And black women warmed our beds. And mind you, they were better at it then our "proper" wives.

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USA was made for free white men. The end

white women were seething.

The absolution was the greatest modern tragedy to fall upon the black woman.

It is revolting what the pityful male negro does to black women - not only they get beat savagely but they are also always left alone with nigger spawn to fend for themselves while baby daddy Jamal assfucks rising hiphop star Tyrone raw in prison. When Jamal gets out of the pen Jamal infects Aquafina with the poz resulting in an endless cycle of AIDS.

Black women used to have it great pre-abolition - regular deep dickings from massa, if Jamal dared to raise hand against WHITE MANS PROPERTY he would be whipped and castrated. Massa would even grace negress with a beautiful white baby of her own so she could also be a wetnurse to white mans l child with his "proper" wife.

The kikes ruined our symbiotic relationship with black women and the black wombs are crying for the protection and love of the white massa again.

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what are you talking about
you're talking bollocks about how some wealthy kikes got rich off of slave labour and somehow that means niggers worked the land that american ranchers and farmers did
irish and chinese built railways too, but the niggers contribution is always exaggerated massively

Blacks had very little to do with the railroad. It was almost entirely irish and chinese laborers.

steam power

But pajeets would never look at you or treat you as one of their own. Privately you would be talked about as some American pretender. You would always be an outsider.

as if (((southerners))) wouldn't welcome people from (((the holy land))) with open arms haha