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Why do uneducated working class whites vote against their own economic interests?
Zachary Mitchell
Jaxon Butler
it's in your economic interest to mug an old lady. Why don't you do that?
Dominic Hall
It's called having principles.
Aiden Price
They all think it might be them someday, because of ThE AmErIcAn dReAm, not realizing most wealth is generational. Brainwashed idiot meme country.
Eli Young
>There are people who actually make less than 40k a year.
Grayson Sanders
because communism will only pay $40 a year.
Hudson Gomez
because they wont give it to whites
Kayden White
>taxing the rich more, even though they already pay the lion's share of all tax
>rich people say "fuck this" and move their money somewhere else
>no more tax revenue from the rich
how about instead of imposing more tax, we fix our spending problem?
Anthony Harris
Because all the tax money they collect is going to be used against them.
Aaron White
>why don't you blame successful people for all your problems
>why don't you support taking money from people at gunpoint
>why don't you support anti-white and anti-american socialists and communists
Jordan Murphy
(((Economic interests)))
Evan Powell
Because I wanna be making ten million a year one day and I don't want the government jew to use more of my money to fund welfare for niggers.
Isaiah Jones
Because taxation is theft whether you're making a billion or 40 thousand
Jordan Collins
Because when you tax the rich they either a) find a loophole around it, or b) fuck off to a different country, taking assets, business and spending power with them.
Liam Jenkins
that money will go to niggers thats why
Wyatt Sanchez
This is all easier than messing with entitlements. Seriously, Democrats and Republicans would rather let everything totally fall apart rather than be adults.
Also that “voting in their worst interest” is bullshit. That’s retard thinking, third worlder shit where they crack open bald guy heads looking for gold.
Luke Parker
daily reminder that if you're not from a country west of Germany you're not a person
Adam Gutierrez
>deliberately conflating "uneducated" with "non-college graduate"
It's not in the best social or economic interests to vote for the third world party funded by F.A.G.A (Facebook Amazon Google Apple)
Christopher Murphy
>people making 10 million a year most likely employ those that make 40k
Stupid argument, tired of seeing it.
Camden Rodriguez
There is no possible way to get out the "debt" we are in...NOT POSSIBLE. At least not in the system it is in. Get rid of that system, and we get rid of the debt, untill its all a slow boil and we are the frogs.
Christian Gutierrez
Fat families disgust me
Robert Scott
That's never what people on the left want, though. They want to tax everyone more.
Chase Campbell
because the people making 40k a year mostly depend on those making over 10m a year
Alexander Brooks
Because they only get to pick from the options on offer?
Josiah Robinson
>1 post by this ID
Jacob Fisher
Funny thing about shithead comments like this is, as a person who makes plenty, I know what it takes to work your way up. I don't know very many wealthy people who don't know what it's like to make 40k. Most of them have made far less in even shittier jobs.
Sounds like you're a spoiled little brat who can look forward to a rude awakening.
Luke Long
>But wait there's more!
>we also want to import 100 million immigrants
>state enforced homosexuality!
>put your son on tranny drugs
Yeah, it's all about the taxes
Evan Powell
Joseph White
A jobless basement dweller knows what's in my best economic interests? Fuck off, tranny
Benjamin Flores
You won't. Basically, everybody believes they can become a Goldman managing director, but only .001% of the population ever achieves that level of wealth. But this is the fantasy America relies upon to keep poor people voting against their own interest.
Chase Brooks
People vote largely on cultural grounds. White working class voters hate Globohomo and nigger worship and utopian open border shit, which the DNC promotes.
Juan Howard
because this scenario described in your pic never happens, I've been alive for 56 years and every time they say things like that everyone's taxes go up. They are liars.
Christian Thompson
Removing the debt is a simple task. The cronies in our elected offices will lie to you and say it is impossible! Do not listen to them, for they are deceitful liars! The debt is lining their pockets, lining the pockets of their investors, and lining the pockets of foreign countries. The American way has all been but forgotten!
Here we lie in a miserable time, where the power of communication has now been harnessed by those full of greed. They abuse this new found technology to their advantage - and only make themselves richer.
So, we must fix this! We must rise against our officials! We must all make sacrifices to stop doing what we are supposedly forced to do by law! We must throw these corrupt men out of their homes and keep them in the streets where they belong! They are no less a criminal than any street gang member!
Angel Moore
They claim to be for the working man, they claim to be for the poor, they claim to be for the pure of heart - but they are only in it for themselves! I ask you, how many people working a good job should even have to think of the need for welfare? That answer is None! Corporate interests, mixed with open officials pockets, and globalization is a recipe for corruption! They want us to be poor, so we can be reliant on their system! So we cannot help ourselves, and in turn help others, and become a great nation with great people... They want us to be enslaved, they want to feed us, diet us, tell us what to think and what to feel! Do not listen to them! Don't give yourself into these men!
After we remove them, we can remove our welfare system - the main source for their income. Then move on to removing any social benefits programs from there. We must ultimately rebuild from the ground up, and keep our constitution in our minds. We need new checks and balances. We need a people to remind our government that we will not be taken advantage of, will not be your slaves - your sheep! We have control over you because we elected you... and by the almighty grace of God we will overcome you and take you down!
Joseph Johnson
> vote against their own interests
Libs are always shocked when people vote based on morality and principle rather than their own greed
Luke Price
Hey, I bought government bonds fair and square. If you Try and pull some commie default shit the bond holders will be the ones taking up arms.
Real, average folks own government debt
Carter Sanders
Firstly, principles. However, lefty 'tards don't understand these so I'll explain the economics.
1. If you increase taxes capital will flee. As capital flees you lose the revenue from them.
2. Rich people don't just sit on their money. They put it in the bank where it increases supply of money allowing enterprise of others through cheaper lending.
3. The market is always more efficient than government which should only exist in cases of market failure.
Noah Hughes
because they are retarded.
they literally think that someday they will make 10$ million a year.
Zachary Carter
I don't care about the economy at this point and the price of college education is inflated at 3000% of its actual value.