Fuck it. I can’t deal with the racism anymore. It’s not ironic. It’s not satire. It’s not “just memes”...

Fuck it. I can’t deal with the racism anymore. It’s not ironic. It’s not satire. It’s not “just memes”. Innocent lives have died: the Christchurch killer, the San Diego synogauges shooter, and the Pittsburgh shooter, all in the name of white nationalism/white supremacy.

Hating brown people is stupid when there are real problems facing our country that the democrats want to solve: income inequality, rising student debt, healthcare, and climate change.

Trump has no solutions only scapegoating

Attached: 39DC4137-D763-4AC9-BDB8-3F9F93D8FAEE.jpg (1200x675, 200K)

Other urls found in this thread:


go away tranny spray shoo buzz

shut up nigger

Brown people hate you

How about all the brown and black people who have killed whites, just based on white skin color?

So fuck you and your brown people bullshit. The white race is about to go extinct, and you're worried about the billions of subhumans? Fuck off, traitor.

dont fail for this bait frens

Makes ya thonk. Don't it?
yoop yep

See this is your brain on Jow Forums that leads to killers like Dylan roof: paranoid, delusional, schizophrenic

Take your crazy pills retard.

Attached: 747171F7-0750-4AFC-AF43-AE22DC6E9483.jpg (2048x1516, 509K)

repeated fake shill thread
>repeated fake shill thread
repeated fake shill thread
>repeated fake shill thread
repeated fake shill thread
>repeated fake shill thread
repeated fake shill thread
>repeated fake shill thread
repeated fake shill thread
>repeated fake shill thread
repeated fake shill thread
>repeated fake shill thread
repeated fake shill thread
>repeated fake shill thread
repeated fake shill thread
>repeated fake shill thread
repeated fake shill thread
>repeated fake shill thread
repeated fake shill thread
>repeated fake shill thread

this is how you fags try to spread your politics? Disgusting.

Teehee. Nice fart xer

cry more nigger

Hats funny because the rise of faggots like pic related have caused me to come back to this board. Unfortunately the discord tranny raids make it a bit resident at times. Oh and by the way more and more people are becoming far right and it’s beautiful.

What a nigger

Posting this transexual fag is the easiest way to get even normies to filter your shill threads.

Normal people are disgusted in a primal level by fags. Pass that on to your superiors.

You guys really give yourselves away with the tranny posting.

Attached: 1563154175891.jpg (658x466, 23K)

kys faggot

Attached: Honkler American History X.png (858x553, 236K)

Nigger nigger nigger
Better run away
nigger run nigger run nigger got to get away

Fuck niggers, trannies, Jews and OP.

>Hating brown people is stupid
No it isn't. They are literally the root of 80% of problems in every single country they touch. Wake the fuck up you moron, or perish under a stampede of negroes.

Daily reminder that red states:

1) make up pretty much all of the bottom half of low-HDI shitholes
2) have the highest rates of every degenerate statistic known to man (STD/HIV prevalence, divorce, infant mortality, abortion, obesity, diabetes, etc)
3) rake in as much as 50% more cash than they give back, the definition of SOCIALISM

meanwhile blue states
1) make up virtually every single one of the top 10 highest HDI states
2) have the lowest rates of every above mentioned metric
3) make up 2/3 of american GDP

as well known right-wing queerboy ben shapiro would say, "facts dont care about your feelings"



come home to africa, we have no racism here

What exactly is delusional about the fact that white countries are flooded with useless immigrants from South of Italy and the people who bring them are human traffickers who operate with Jewish money?
What is delusional about the fact that Hollywood and media is almost entirely under Jewish control,
who push their degenerate agenda 24/7 giving the idea to teenage girls that it's ok to let a dozen
HIV ridden niggers fuck every hole of theirs on camera?
What is delusional about the fact that black neighborhoods have nothing but crime?

Attached: Refugees-Budapest-009.jpg (1920x1152, 439K)

wtf I love globohomo now
thanks for helping me see the light sœyshill.

We need to start a race war between the spics and nigs asap.

[One post by this user]

Show flag mossad nigger

cry more moralfag

Attached: blackrace41.png (738x1244, 1.21M)

Nice copypasta faggot

>Hating brown people is stupid
why is it ok to hate white people though?

Attached: thought crime.png (640x640, 820K)


kys tranny

Nill all kiggers

Another eceleb thread...


Mass shootings are all fake news. They hire crisis actors.