Is this it, Jow Forums? Has the CIVIL WAR officially begun?? This little episode feels different, I have to say. The stakes are so much higher now. I feel like things are finally coming to a head, and could not be happier...
Of course they would spin it as racist.
He really is a fucking moron
Based. But he probably didn't really say anything like that.
Hello kike
fuck colored people.
selling advertisement space
>Omar spends her entire life trying to migrate to America
>Omar then spends the rest of her life becoming a politician
>Omar then says she hates America
Anyone who believes a single word out of her mouth is a gullible moron.
Projection, the post
It’s not that they should leave. It’s that they should never have been allowed to enter and they should never be allowed to ever enter again
Fuck Drumpf
Fuck Drumpf
Fuck Drumpf
Fuck Drumpf
Fuck Drumpf
Fuck Drumpf
Love Trumps Hate.
This is the part where the liberal bubble fools discover that they are massively outnumbered.
>Has the CIVIL WAR officially begun??
>whites accounting still for 55% of the population?
still have to wait a bit bruh but we're getting there
So this happened over the weekend in Colorado:
>Protesters take down American flag and raise Mexican flag at ICE detention center in Colorado
>During the course of the protest the Mexican flag was raised and the American flag was taken down as well as flown upside-down
I do feel bad for Omar having her clit chopped off with a rock. She's pretty cute and probably would look good on the receiving end of a big white cock.
>tfw perfect foil to trump because you have no pussy to grab
Plz die u gay nigger fag kike fedora bitch dipshit
trump is correct.
they could go back from whence they came.
we all could.
none of our ancestry goes all the way back to when this land was created.
even the natives came from asia originally.
e.g.,i could go back to europe even though my parents, grandparents... back to the 1700s were all born here.
>Civil War
Between who? Most Americans like immigrants, just not illegal ones. How does his statement make any sense? You're not allowed to criticize the American government unless your family has American heritage? Well literally everyone except Natives aren't allowed to complain.
He did, he said it a dozen times if he said it once. He also said nobody would care if they did.
There wont be a civil war. Jews, pedos and traitors on both sides will be killed
Alarming lack of muscle tone in this image
This is just common sense. If you hate your country then leave. That's not racist wtf
My ancestry goes back to before and when the USA was created so fuck off with "we are all immigrants." The was no sovereign nation with a functioning government when my ancestors got here, just a bunch of fighting savage tribes.
But they should also leave
I’m an american indian and agree with Trump 100%
There is no civil war, you fucking prick. This is America and we do things patriotically. If you want to be a third world Somalian cunt like this bitches, you can leave. Personally, i'm not for girls having their throats cut out, schools being shot up and the same with mosques etc. I'm for making real change, not lashing out like the faggot a lot of people on here are.
There are a lot more colored people that agree with Trump than you think, I've met some of them.
Nice. This would trigger lefties to no end.
how do you deal with the fact that you're considered "inferior" by the whitey, that you'll never fuck his daughters, and that the assertive superiority displayed by whites like trump today is the same than the one that exterminated your ancestors?
Of course, they're the ones that are actually hurt. White people, in the vast majority, are not hurt by immigration.
Nothing you just said made any sense. And you're a bong. Wtf?
Trump laid the fucking smackdown big time.
If only he could implement policy the way be implements tweets.
I must say, as a Brit watching all this with my metaphorical American popcorn, it does seem like you guys have crossed some kind of a line. I absolutely love it when your president takes two minutes sitting on the bog to tweet something off the top of his head that compels the Left to seethe for days like a lake of piranhas thrown a dead mule, but literally telling Dem Fem POCs to go home is like the Apollo moonshot of Trump tweets. Awesome. When I read it I was literally open mouthed. God bless America.
Listen, mate, I have freedom of speech, so i'll say whatever I damn well please. What I meant to say is that we do things democratically in this country. Which means that we fast march through every motherfucking institution and we change things to the way we want. We don't need to sneak and we don't need to use violence like some impotent little incelated bitch.
they can leave.
thank you.
thanks everybody
doesn't concern me
thank you.
thanks everybody.
thank you.
thanks everybody.
doesn't concern me.
thank you.
thanks everybody.
thank you.
thanks everybody.
post feather or gtfo.
>gradually shrivels into a neocon
>gets fucking butthurt when millennials begin taking the House and they remind boomers that their precious Israeli masters aren't the top concern of the next generations
>1 post by this ID
>Democrats in-fighting dominates media as the less insane Dems fight the totally insane Dems
>Trump tweets
>All Democrats now in lock step as totally insane
Seems like a win to me.
They usually don’t like it
You’re also a fucking moron.
My father was european descent and I sleep with very attractive white women when I want to.
I never understood the "Love Trumps hate" thing. Are you loving Trump's hate? And if you're using it as a pun then you're still using his name in a glorifying way.
I’m wearing a jacket and tie you moron
But he's right.
I swear this clown world...
Dicked the new cool girls and roasted Nancy at the same time. Didn't think this level of trolling was possible.
moron just keeps digging deeper telling elected american citizens to leave.
you really have to be a special kinda stupid to do that, even worse to defend it
>whites accounting still for 55% of the population
Not true. Last study said whites are 49% in USA. Google it if interested.
Whoever said you didn't have freedom of speech? I'm just wondering why someone with a Brit flag keeps saying "this country," lol. If you actually did live here, you'd know how fucking perilous our situation is with these anti-white commie filth. They're trying to destroy this country. So yeah a civil war might not be the worst thing.
>Congresswomen of color
He's campaining you idiot
He is turning the jews against the democrats (pic related) and painting them as anti semitic
The average joe doesn't care about the media saying Trump is a racist, because he has been doing it since day one
But they do care about democrats going full damage control and defending the 4 far left lunatics who hate Murica
Fuck off mudslime
Depends on the age group. As a whole, no, whites are more than 49%.
He's right though, if you don't like your own country then you're free to leave it.
It's afraid
Pure alpha male flexing - many panties were wet today
Try 68% you turk
Based Rajesh
Ram mandir wahi banega
Ok,...from that speech it sounds as though Trump loves his country and you don't which makes me believe you're a kike. You also posted with a meme flag.
>racist attacks on US congresswomen of color
You really are a cheese faced penis fish.
First gen fucks telling third+ gen Americans how they are supposed to live and run their government is pretty arrogant and retarded. It has nothing to do with race. It's about immigrants failing to assimilate then subverting American culture with whatever crap they ran away from. You can identify immigrants from every gender race nationality etc that are acting like this, so drop the sexist racist verbal diarrhea already.
Is this what passes for wit at your glory hole?
Things have been feeling more and more excited and heated up but still nothing in the streets
If these sand niggers don't like our overwhelmingly jewish representation then they can gtfo. This is our problem and their input is neither welcome nor helpful.
>cargo pants
>cargo shorts
>no trigger discipline
>rifle pointed at own face
>chicano with AK
wtf is wrong with america?
GOP wins Minnesota in 2020 thanks to Omar.
Why is Trump saying the US is a horrible shithole under his leadership?
Ilhan is the only one that has dual citizenship, right?
She should be in prison for faking a marriage to help someone emigrate to the US
hello iran shill
YES YES YES civil war. finally my life can have meaning.
The super hero pol needs, Autismoman!
Well, it's the truth people have been saying for years. America isn't a melting pot, you come here and you're supposed to assimilate to the country's laws, not the opposite. If they don't like it, immigration is a revolving door and they are free to go right back out.
Civil War for Liberals:
The first time one of the mentally-ill leftists sees actual dead kindergartners, their own mutilated grandma hanging from a tree, thier innocent younger brother or sister raped time and time again before them, you know, all the things that happen in ACTUAL CIVIL WARS, they will abandon their lunatic cause and accept utter defeat.
Today's liberals literally have no fucking clue how horrible this will all ACTUALLY play out in reality. They have been pumped so full of "Marvel" and "Star Wars" and other feminist/soi bullshit, they think "War" and "Revolutions" are like they are in movies and TV, and it will be this fun thing that happens over 2 seasons of episodes.
In reality, "Civil Wars" are the single most brutal wars of all, and have death and destruction that are unimaginable to todays TV/Jew rotted brains.
IT will utterly collapse their psyche, on DAY-1 of their little civil war, they will have all surrendered after 1 night of crying themself to sleep knowing that they got goaded into fighting a war against "donald trump", "white-men" and all it did was get their family butchered, their life ruined and all the things it turns out they actually loved in life (Capitalist products) are vanished, traded for a life of indescribable suffering.
Also, when the little lefty-Civil war starts AOC, Bernie, Hillary, every single last Jew, And the entire Democrat party will be on the first planes out of the country, to watch the shit on tv. All the agitators will get off scott free. They will literally laugh at the tranny/open border idiots as their endtrails are pulled from their body by Diesel trucks.
This is your lefty civil war
The world truly is a vampire. The love that will win is not the love that you know and speak of.
You'll die like every other leftie
When it actually sinks in they started a 'real war' and they cant kick, scream, or call for help from the Jew media (which will have abandoned them or will be irrelevant), and the sight of human beings absolutely mangled by IED's, rifle-fire, shot guns, shrapnel, will overload them, causing them to implode into quivering shells of former people. You cant 'just go home and sleep it off in your own comfy bed with your jammies on and protest again tomorrow after you catch up on game of thrones'.
you are talking about the softest most coddled generation in the history of the human race, ALL of them born in 1980 or forward, who have known NOTHING but toys, video games, 'sports', rap-music, central-air and heat, nice cars, clean comfy beds and bed sheets, snuggies, cute cartoons, date-night, netflix and chill and on and on and on and on, and that the Pharonic luxury of American Capitalist life has been traded in for grinding your neighbors eyes sockets out with a saw because he Voted "Trump" or thought the USA should have a real border. People who can't change a fucking tire thinking they can wage war. and 'win'
Now the lefty must tend his own wounds, the hospitals are all full at 11x or 13x capacity with war casualties, humans torn into shapes previously found only fake 'horror movies', but he must soldier on. His vans and his Nikes are ruined, but no more vans or air jordans are being made. thats over with. Those conservatards shouldnt HAVE EVER DETAINED Those ASYLUM SEEKERS.
is it settling in yet what "civil war" actually means?
I'm not an immigrant. We've been here for hundreds of years. No more faggot shit from you.
Trump is edging on the dual citizen question. It doesn't matter who I work for so long as I'm bumping this topic.
God I hope there's a Civil War.
There won't be, of course, but I can hope.
Lmao you think this shit flies on Jow Forums? Are you lost nigger?
No, on one's contrary, he's finally getting a bit of sense to him. You on the other hand, are a massive fucking faggot.
Yes you are
Leave already
I don't want it, but I am finally, truly ready for this cold civil war to go hot. Enough is enough. The left has declared themselves to be domestic enemies of the constitution. We are justified now. Standing ready.
She will be, just give it time. This is the show. Enjoy it.
Kys antifa
My thoughts exactly, user. I'm ready as well. WHO ELSE IS READY???
I just don't get why everyone's saying "women" when this can only be directed at one of them- the one that isn't from here.
how soon does war start
I'm guessing in the next year.